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Sanhe Rice Balls
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship On job investment Graduate entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Concessionary cooperation

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 10000~50000


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Sanhe Rice Balls Introduction to joining
 Joined by Sanhe Rice Group
For foodies, what a bleak life without food! Food is the rhythm of the happiness greeting song in the morning, and also a light to illuminate the mood at night. Eating food never underestimates the status of food, but can learn a lot from food. In the world view of food, walnuts do not have a gorgeous appearance but have a full brain. Tofu needs to be touched at a critical moment. Dark chocolate indicates that love, even if sweet, still has a trace of bitterness... Sanhe rice balls know more about the heart of food. Each rice ball is full of flavor, awakens the taste, adds energy, and makes food get a different taste.
Sanhe rice ball is delicious until it explodes in place. Dry catering is good for taste. Only with taste can there be sales, and only with sales can there be success. Sanhe rice balls are especially suitable for novices because they can provide equipment, decoration and training for employees in one step. Sanhe Rice Balls can be opened for 15 square meters. No open fire or platoon is required. Only water supply, drainage and ordinary power supply are available. You don't need to eat in the hall. You can take it and walk away. You can cooperate with big stores and sublet stalls. The store is easy to find and the rent is low!
The Sanhe rice ball is improved on the basis of the traditional fried rice ball. With the addition of Thai purple rice, the color is more attractive, the appetite is better, and the nutrition is more balanced. Learn from the practice of sushi and wrap it with seaweed, which is more exquisite. Absorb the characteristics of sandwiches, you can wrap anything, add steak, chicken, sausage, etc., and the product value is higher. Such projects with mass base and few similar products on the market give Sanhe Rice Flour a strong pricing power and business potential.
Rice is popular in both the north and the south. Sanhe rice ball is mainly made of rice, which is highly accepted in the market. There is almost no place that can not be opened. Consumers can see the whole process of making Sanhe rice balls without any additives. Customers can eat the rice balls with imported Thai Chiang Rai glutinous rice, cooked in ancient ways, rolled manually, and fresh ingredients in front of consumers.
Sanhe Rice Group joins in, distributes core raw materials in a unified way, saves storage, does not hold down goods, and has no worries about opening stores. Unified training, including product operation, personnel management and we media marketing, enables you to become a layman in 10 days. In addition, there are many cooperation modes for the joining of Sanhe Rice Balls, which can be joined in a single store or as a regional agent. It is a good project and a lifelong business.
Sanhe Rice Balls Franchise advantages
 Joined by Sanhe Rice Group
1. Low price and high enjoyment: at the price of ordinary people, they can enjoy novel and unique rice balls with fragrant smell. Consumers are happy to eat without worrying about the price.
2. Service features: secret recipe teaching, unified VI design, distinctive brand positioning help you to easily control, simple wealth creation
3. Flexible operation: "Sanhe rice ball" can be selected and operated in commercial street, pedestrian street, university town or near residential buildings. Clear positioning, delicious without monotony, and there is no off-season throughout the year.
4. Win win in one store: In addition to the main rice balls, there are also desktop featured snacks such as hand rolls and fruit clams. The menu is rich and not monotonous, and diversified businesses can achieve more goals.
5. Fast: Customized equipment and standardized simple production make it faster to get meals, and the vast number of diners do not have to wait in line.
6. Market demand: "Sanhe Rice Balls" combines the demand of the demand market to bring consumers a different food experience. While enjoying delicious food, consumers also feel the customs and characteristics of Wuxi
7. Good marketing: The headquarters will regularly plan the promotion plan for you in advance. The fact shows that every plan will have amazing benefits.
8. The headquarters will send professionals to assist in site selection, provide free decoration design drawings, and guide the whole process of decoration, so as to ensure the smooth opening of the franchise store of Sanhe Rice Group and the image of the store.
9. The store tracking service of the headquarters of Sanhe Rice Group. All core raw materials are uniformly distributed or purchased by the headquarters. The operation is quantified and standardized throughout the whole process. There is no need to hire chefs or large kitchen equipment, which saves a lot of franchise and operating costs.
Sanhe Rice Balls Franchise conditions
1. To join Sanhe Rice Balls, an independent legal person or a natural person with certain economic strength is required.
2. High recognition of the brand and products of Sanhe Rice Balls.
3. Have certain economic strength (including rent, decoration fees, equipment fees and working capital, etc.).
4. Franchisees should prepare stores in advance, either self owned or with rental agreement.
5. Obey the unified management of the headquarters, and have certain pursuit for the quality of franchise stores.
6. They need to receive education and training from the headquarters, and have the courage to face challenges.
7. He has a strong and positive entrepreneurial spirit and devotes himself to the operation of the franchise store of Sanhe Rice Group.
Sanhe Rice Balls Franchise process
1. Brand understanding and consultation: learn about the franchise policy of Sanhe Rice Group on the website, or call the headquarters of Sanhe Rice Group directly for franchise information.
2. Field investigation: Before joining Sanhe Rice Group, the franchisee should have enough knowledge of the brand, so the franchisee should go to the franchise headquarters for field investigation.
3. Qualification review: the headquarters reviews entrepreneurs. Confirm the cooperation qualification of entrepreneurs.
4. Signing a contract: both parties reach an intention and sign an intention agreement to protect the selected area of the franchisee.
5. Store location: the company gives reasonable suggestions on store location according to the regional situation of the franchisee.
6. Decoration design: according to the brand image of Sanhe Rice Group, the company will send a professional design team to design the floor plan and renderings, and the franchisee will refer to the design drawings for decoration.
7. Operation training: The franchisee shall send employees to the franchise headquarters of Sanhe Rice Group for training in all aspects from skills to operation, so as to support the smooth opening of the store.
8. Preparation for opening: The headquarters of Sanhe Rice Group will check and accept the franchise store, and then arrange and plan the opening.
9. Official opening: opening activities will be held according to the planned opening plan, and then the company's headquarters professionals will provide long-term follow-up guidance and marketing assistance.

Sanhe Rice Balls Joining dynamics


Sanhe Rice Balls Related questions and answers


User consultation

  • If I am interested, please contact me; 60-80。

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Sanhe Rice Balls! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-28 23:41:35 From Ordos, Inner Mongolia  58.18.35*
  • If I am interested, please contact me;. 200000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Sanhe Rice Balls! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-27 13:28:20 From Liyang City, Jiangsu Province  49.92.237*
  • How much is the franchise fee.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Sanhe Rice Balls! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-22 21:00:12 From Hengyang City, Hunan Province  42.48.162*
  • Franchise information

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Sanhe Rice Balls! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-15 15:05:47 From Hua County, Anyang City, Henan Province  42.234.216*
  • Have a good understanding

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Sanhe Rice Balls! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 15:54:35 From Henan [Unicom]  61.158.152*
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