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Shenzhen Beauty
  • Franchise industry:

    Beauty>lose weight

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 10000~50000


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Shenzhen Beauty Introduction to joining
 Shenzhen Beauty Franchise
Shenzhen Beauty Salon, as a beauty parlor, is located in the bustling Huaqiang North Business Center, with a total floor area of 6000 square meters. The hospital has set up a series of professional departments, including cosmetic surgery, cosmetic dermatology, non-invasive beauty, vitality dentistry, Chinese medicine beauty, medical laboratory, anesthesia, etc., to provide customers with plastic surgery, skin beauty, injection beauty, Chinese medicine beauty, oral beauty and other core relief beauty services. Shenzhen Beauty has won the reputation of customers with its sincere care, meticulous and cordial consultation, humanistic and rational scheme design, satisfactory surgical effect, and care and maintenance of customers' value-added services.
Shenzhen Beauty Training Institute, a modern education center integrating fashion, professionalism and avant-garde, was successfully completed. A good team of trainers in Shenzhen beauty will teach each student the international cutting-edge beauty concepts and practical skills. After the closed and multifaceted theoretical and practical training, the graduates will be fully qualified as international outstanding beauticians, and will be recommended to the Shenzhen Beauty Ambassador Team. At the same time, the training institutions of Shenzhen Beauty also provide professional services such as image design, beauty, body building, etc. for many well-known women in the society, helping many women realize their beauty dreams.
Full service and fast store opening support
Free decoration design, supervision of the store to assist in opening, to ensure rapid success.
Full distribution support
Set up a Shenzhen beauty salon with equipment and instruments, and fully distribute the operation materials to support you to open a shop easily.
Fee return support
The dealer's first payment for goods, decoration expenses, and increase/increase fees can be fully refunded according to the established standards, which will save more franchise.
Professional training support
Shenzhen Beauty regularly conducts training and guidance on product knowledge, sales skills, customer management and other aspects.
Shenzhen Beauty Franchise advantages
 Advantages of Shenzhen Beauty Franchise
Cooperation mode: conduct professional business circle analysis and local consumption capacity assessment on the store site, and select appropriate business mode for entrepreneurs.
Franchise budget: provide local actual franchise budget analysis, and provide break even evaluation to reduce franchise.
Product portfolio: provide standards, comprehensively consider different habits in different regions, propose scientific product portfolio plans, and discover sales potential.
Store image: provide store design style and professional decoration to show the brand image.
Personnel training: provide professional technical training and management training free of charge, and train professional brand management teams for partners.
Business guidance: provide professional business management consultation, guidance and rectification, and if necessary, provide on-site business to help stabilize business.
Marketing guidance, help portfolio, design and plan marketing programs and organize the implementation of plans.
Advertising: strong advertising support and market promotion make every franchise store and operating agent profit.
Product update: provide a series of professional services such as lifelong recovery support, follow-up support, interruption of material distribution, technology and product update and upgrading.
Shenzhen Beauty Franchise conditions
1. Love the cause, have long-term entrepreneurial enthusiasm, dedication, dedication and progress.
2. Have certain business background or experience, be familiar with the local economic situation, and have basic concepts of enterprise management.
3. There are certain economic entities and financial strength, and no personal bad business reputation records.
4. Agree with the business philosophy and product structure of the headquarters, obey the unified management and training of the headquarters, strictly perform the franchise contract, and maintain the unified brand image.
5. With independent legal personality (over 18 years old), can provide real and legal second-generation resident identity card.
6. Provide relevant approval documents and licenses required for store location and operation by itself. Accept the detailed evaluation of the headquarters, and carry out the decoration and purchase of the store in a unified way.
7. In franchise stores, they shall not engage in activities that violate laws or corrupt social morality.
8. Voluntarily pay the increase/increase fund for joining, and actively safeguard the cooperation interests of both parties.
Shenzhen Beauty Franchise process
1 After comprehensively evaluating the conditions and qualifications of the franchisees in all aspects, the company invited the franchisees to the head office to learn about the company's situation, corporate culture and products, visited the head office of the chain store to learn about the chain store's operation and management mode, and conducted detailed interviews on relevant cooperation details.
2 After the cooperation intention is confirmed through bilateral discussions, the head office will formulate the Specific Franchise Cooperation Support Plan according to the needs of the franchisee and the local market situation, and submit it to the franchisee within three working days.
3 Authorization assessment
After both parties determine the details of cooperation, both parties will negotiate the contract to specify the rights, obligations and scope of authorization of both parties
4 Sign the contract
After negotiation, both parties decided to sign a chain franchise contract, establish the cooperation relationship between both parties, and both parties should handle the chain franchise procedures as soon as possible.
5. Stock up
After the franchise formalities are completed, the franchisee shall pay the performance bond, and the headquarters shall start to stock up according to the franchise agreement sheet.

Shenzhen Beauty Joining dynamics


Shenzhen Beauty Related questions and answers


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  • Consultation on how to join

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Shenzhen Beauty! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 02:38:00 From Dongying, Shandong  60.214.193*
  • Consultation on joining matters

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Shenzhen Beauty! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 03:13:26 From Jiangsu Huai'an [Telecom]  49.82.117*
  • Call back if you want to join

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Shenzhen Beauty! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-07 21:33:25 From Xinji City, Hebei Province  60.1.111*
  • I'm interested, please contact me to send materials on the same WeChat account

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Shenzhen Beauty! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-07 01:45:00 From Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province  58.254.60*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 500 square meters.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Shenzhen Beauty! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 17:57:01 From Futian District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province  61.141.87*
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