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Shangdai dehumidifier
  • Franchise industry:

    Home Appliances>Small Appliances

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:


  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Shangdai dehumidifier Introduction to joining
 Shangdai dehumidifier joining
Shangdai dehumidifier is a kind of dehumidifier, which can be generally divided into household dehumidifier and industrial dehumidifier. Huoshi not only provides high-quality and efficient dehumidification equipment, but also provides better dehumidification process design, suitable equipment selection scheme and control mode according to different customer requirements to meet different customer requirements.
The advantage of Shangdai dehumidifier lies in the optimization and integration of dehumidification system, not only in the strict control of humidity, but also in the control of temperature to meet the needs of customers. Shangdai dehumidifier, with its complete and high-quality series of equipment, a team of experienced technical engineers, and a full and fast after-sales service network, serves many fields such as medicine, electronics, aerospace, military, shipbuilding, food, bridges, storage, treasury, etc.
Honesty is an invaluable virtue, a golden principle of Shangdai dehumidifier, and an important part of the intangible assets of Shangdai dehumidifier. Shangdai dehumidifier sells products after integrity. Quality is the life of the product. Integrity is the soul, life, and the eternal power for the survival and development of Shangdai dehumidifier. Without integrity, Shangdai dehumidifier will surely die. Marketing is not "sell" but "buy". It is the link of selling products to establish product reputation and "buy" to the loyalty of users.
Since its establishment, the company has been adhering to the corporate philosophy of "creation, quality and service", and has embarked on a path of sustainable development of enterprises that constantly create, constantly break through and adhere to quality. The R&D department of the company has been actively established, and has applied for several inventions, which are practical and new patent With dozens of projects, such as continuous technology and process creation, the use of new materials, and continuous improvement of product quality, we have always been at the forefront of the industry, and won the favor and consent of merchants all over the country.
Shangdai dehumidifier Franchise advantages
 Shangdai dehumidifier joining
1. Brand image advantages: standardized corporate image of "Shangdai Dehumidifier" and unified brand publicity.
2. Output advantages of the whole store: suggestions on store selection, assistance in store expansion, opening preparation planning, sharing information exchange, and providing you with a series of franchise advantages.
3. Advantages of free training: regular training for store service personnel, operators and managers at all levels, and irregular management education courses to improve management level.
4. Logistics distribution advantages: In order to improve/increase the normal operation of franchisee stores, the products of "Shangdai Dehumidifier" are sent by domestic logistics companies, so that the purchase can be supported.
5. Media advertising advantages: Headquartered in national media such as television, the Internet, newspapers and magazines, the company has made extensive publicity with huge funds, making the brand of "Shangdai Dehumidifier" widely known and popular.
6. Market operation advantage: when the franchise store opens, the company specialized The planning department of the company will make targeted marketing plans suitable for the region according to the regional characteristics, consumption habits, purchasing power and other factors of the local consumer groups. At the same time, the company also plans 1-2 large-scale promotion plans every year.
Shangdai dehumidifier Franchise conditions
1. Legal person companies, self-employed enterprises with legal business qualifications, or legal citizens with civil rights granted by law.
2. Recognize the company's corporate culture and be willing to grow and develop with the company.
3. Can independently join in all costs, and can bear a certain amount of franchise operation.
4. The store address shall be evaluated and approved by the headquarters, and the store decoration and purchase of goods shall meet the requirements of the headquarters.
5. Obey the unified management of the headquarters, and have certain pursuit for the quality of franchise stores.
6. Franchisees should have certain business experience and have some knowledge of the local market.
Shangdai dehumidifier Franchise process
1. Preliminary negotiation
Contact Shangdai Dehumidifier Company by hotline or email for preliminary negotiation.
2. Understand the feasibility of joining
Investigate the local market to understand the feasibility of joining.
3. Submit the joining intention
Explain your intention and submit it to the franchise headquarters, which will examine and approve the franchise qualification.
4. Sign a contract
After preliminary review, if the franchise conditions are met, a franchise contract can be formally signed with the headquarters to prepare to start the project.
5. Assist in site selection
The headquarters assists franchisees in selecting sites, ensure Franchise stores can get a large flow of people.
6. Shop decoration design
According to the actual situation of the store, the headquarters will design the shop head renderings and interior layout plans for you, and you will be responsible for the decoration construction.
7. Franchise training
In order to make the franchise store operate better, it is critical to master the necessary knowledge, so you need to send relevant personnel to the headquarters for training.
8. Trial operation
After finishing the decoration of the store, you can start planning the opening of the store.

Shangdai dehumidifier Joining dynamics


Shangdai dehumidifier Related questions and answers


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  • Want to know

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Shangdai dehumidifier! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-17 16:14:11 From Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, China  42.102.233*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 100000 yuan. Urge contact.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Shangdai dehumidifier! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-15 14:11:08 From China  39.187.228*
  • I am interested in this industry

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Shangdai dehumidifier! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-12 09:17:17 From Jiangsu [Telecom]  49.94.66*
  • Please call me

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Shangdai dehumidifier! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 03:06:44 From Heilongjiang Province  42.100.239*
  • Approximate investment

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Shangdai dehumidifier! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 13:10:16 From Foshan, Guangdong  43.250.201*
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