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Tropical fish children's clothing store
  • Franchise industry:

    Clothing>Children's Wear

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:


  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 200000~500000


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Tropical fish children's clothing store Introduction to joining
 Join tropical fish children's clothing store
Tropical fish children's clothing store officially entered the market smoke In the pervading market, we have always insisted on the super cost-effective fashion children's clothing, based on the small families formed by the post-80s and post-90s generation, and the pursuit of health, fashion and personality. It was quickly accepted by consumers and vigorously developed. Now the national market has been fully spread and constantly updated.
The tropical fish children's clothing store has learned a lot of industry experience in the market and consumption field from its successful cooperation with many brands. Because of our rich experience, keen market sense and active consciousness, we have grasped the trend of children's clothing in the world, captured the lively, frank and open personality of children and their sensitive demand for fashion and color.
We provide fashion ready to wear product series with international fashion elements to meet children's individual needs, representing popular styles and competitive prices. Use modern quality management system to maintain product quality, comfort, health and environmental protection. Due to our strong market sensitivity, we have optimized and upgraded the existing brand image, and have the standards of entering shopping malls and shopping malls.
Educating children with love, awakening their dreams of love, inspiring their purity of love, and cultivating their quality of love can help them grow up healthily. When they become pillars in the future, the whole society will become a better world.
Little love is infinite, big love is boundless. Love starts from childhood! Dream, start from childhood! We firmly believe that with love and dreams, there is a future!
Brand Story:
On an island with beautiful scenery and beautiful flowers, there is a water plant that is uneven and similar. It has a great ambition to become a happy and charming tropical fish. She prayed every day, hoping that the gods could hear her.
One day, the wind spirit, the witch on the island, passed by the sea where the water plants were, and heard the voice: "God, if I can turn me into a beautiful tropical fish, I will give up everything I have and pay for everything I have..." The wind spirit heard her prayer and took out a bottle of blue transparent magic potion, He said to Xiaoshui carefully: "Poor Xiaoshui grass, this magic potion is the tears of the gods. If you drink it, you will become a tropical fish, a beautiful tropical fish in the world... But your life will be shortened to seventy-seven forty-five days. If you are not afraid of death, you can..." Before the words fell, Xiaoshui grass drank this magic potion at one go, It turned into a tropical fish in an instant!
She swims happily every day, blowing bubbles happily~and makes all kinds of friends, but the worrying day is coming - she is about to die... But she is not afraid, because she has got everything she wants. In fact, the witch on the island, the wind spirit, is an envoy beside the god. This island is her foothold in the mortal world. When she went back to see the god, the god saw everything about tropical fish from her eyes. The fearless spirit of tropical fish in pursuit of dreams moved the god, who decided to see the tropical fish in the mortal world.
When they arrived at the seaside, they saw the dying tropical fish. The god said to her, "Your body is so small, but your eyes are so clear. I saw the big dream and hope of the world from here." Then they touched the tropical fish with their hands. This was a great favor from the god, and the tropical fish became the messenger of the god, In charge of the dreams and hopes of all things in the world, to bring hope to those who have dreams!
Tropical fish children's clothing store Franchise advantages
 Join tropical fish children's clothing store
1. Brand advantages:
After the franchisee joins the tropical fish children's clothing store, the tropical fish children's clothing store headquarters provides the franchisee with standard LOGO standard combination and VI image.
2. Market advantages:
The development mode of the whole store output of tropical fish children's clothing store is very novel. This operation mode and the business philosophy of market management greatly reduce the difficulty for laymen to join in the business;
3. Entrepreneurship advantages:
The company has a site selection team with 72 people distributed all over the country. The team specially selects suitable store locations for businesses to support customers' interests in opening tropical fish children's clothing stores.
4. Product advantages:
The tropical fish children's clothing store has strong production capacity and design capacity, and can develop new products in a short time to keep your supply sufficient.
5. Marketing advantages:
The marketing planning and chain operation team of tropical fish children's clothing store create a one-stop operation service system.
6. Training advantages:
The operation trainer team owned by the company will provide and customize effective systematic training for franchisees to improve the comprehensive quality and operation efficiency of franchisees and employees.
7. Service advantages:
After joining the tropical fish children's clothing store, the headquarters will provide comprehensive franchise support, from the preparation of the franchise to the opening of the store to the later operation.
8. Technical advantages:
The tropical fish children's clothing store joined the headquarter and continued to sell good products in the industry.
Tropical fish children's clothing store Franchise conditions
1. Natural persons with independent legal personality or strong economic strength can obtain legal business qualification.
2. Have brand awareness, agree with the business philosophy of tropical fish children's clothing stores, and abide by the management methods and business rules of tropical fish children's clothing stores.
3. Have a certain amount of capital to engage in the operation of tropical fish children's clothing stores.
4. Have a certain sense of responsibility for opening stores.
5. It has legal business premises, fixed hardware and software supporting facilities, and is decorated according to the unique design style and technical requirements of tropical fish children's clothing store.
6. With modern marketing concept and professionalism;
7. Decorate according to the company's VI manual and regulations.
8. Franchisees and their families are healthy and non infectious.
Tropical fish children's clothing store Franchise process
1. Learn about:
Leave a message on the website and make a phone call to preliminarily understand the project information.
2. Project investigation:
Check whether the product is competitive in the entrepreneurial region and whether the successful model can be easily copied. Investigate the operation and profitability of the headquarters' direct stores and their subordinate franchise stores.
3. Franchise application:
If the conditions for joining a tropical fish children's clothing store are met, entrepreneurs can apply to join a tropical fish children's clothing store.
4. Contract signing:
Sign the franchise contract and pay the relevant fees to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties.
5. Location selection:
Provide site selection training for partners, and provide on-site assistance in site selection, survey, decoration and introduction of enterprise VI.
6. Decoration design:
The company designs decoration drawings for free.
7. Franchise training:
Select personnel to receive training in product operation, store service, operation management and marketing activities at the headquarters.
8. New store opening:
Make a detailed opening plan, prepare product posters, plan on-site activities, and select a suitable time for opening.

Tropical fish children's clothing store Joining dynamics


Tropical fish children's clothing store Related questions and answers


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  • If I am interested, please contact me; 30000 to 50000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to tropical fish children's clothing store! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 11:40:44 From Liaoning Province  42.55.27*
  • How to add online products

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to tropical fish children's clothing store! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 09:46:47 From Shuyang County, Suqian City, Jiangsu Province  49.95.211*
  • Is there any franchisee in Liaocheng?

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to tropical fish children's clothing store! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 10:18:47 From Wuhan, Hubei Province  59.172.154*
  • How much is the franchise fee? How long will it take to get back the cost

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to tropical fish children's clothing store! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 14:44:09 From Heilongjiang [Telecom]  42.102.225*
  • Sorry, it's inconvenient to answer the phone, please add WeChat! thank you

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to tropical fish children's clothing store! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 22:23:32 From Beijing  61.148.245*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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