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Qunfangze Beauty Health Center
  • Franchise industry:

    Beauty>lose weight

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:


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  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan


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Qunfangze Beauty Health Center Introduction to joining
   Qunfangze Health and Beauty Club, full body health management, modern instruments+TCM theory, star Zhang Heng, The whole country sincerely invites you to join us, and we look forward to your joining!
 Qunfangze Health Care and Beauty Center joined
   Join Qunfangze Health Care and Beauty Club, 5 stores in one store, Qunfangze Health Care and Beauty Club=constitution management+postpartum rehabilitation+scientific skin care+scalp care+meridian health care
   Qunfangze Health Care and Beauty Club, with more than ten years of experience, has invested in small health care and beauty salons, and the headquarters has output the whole store. The whole process of "nanny style" store opening support helps you open easily! Based on the industry for 20 years, hundreds of thousands of members across the country, beauty and skin care, traditional Chinese medicine health care, scalp care, postpartum recovery, posture management!
   Big brand, new model, wide customer source, big market, good reputation, high cash collection!
   Joining in requires no experience, no technical support from the technical headquarters, product support, low difficulty and easy entrepreneurship
   Why did more than 1000 franchisees choose Jiaqun Fangze Health Care Beauty Club?
   1. Free of franchise fees 2. Free of management fees 3. Write in the contract for opening 4. Fail to complete the payment of the headquarters 5. Regular tutors go to the store for training and planning activities
   The whole store outputs the instrument distribution, decoration and return, and the chain operation copies the headquarters with one key to support the expansion of customers!
   Health upsurge, people love beauty, big business opportunities
Qunfangze Beauty Health Center Franchise advantages
 Qunfangze Health Care and Beauty Center joined
   Qunfangze Health Care and Beauty Club - help you manage all aspects of life! Take the lead and grasp the big business opportunity of health industry!
   There are multiple businesses in one store, and the beauty business opportunities are fully covered. There are 5 major businesses in one store, 6 projects, and one-stop customized products with diversified and multi-dimensional revenue!
   Products+instruments are uniformly distributed when opening stores, which saves worry and effort!
   "Modern science and technology+TCM theory", breaking through the traditional beauty concept, intelligent science, creating techniques, strength research and development, relying on!
   Traditional Chinese medicine culture+science and technology skin beauty catch the trend and get customers quickly
   Supported by the millennium Chinese medicine culture, it integrates modern scientific and technological skin beauty concepts and keeps pace with the times.
   Product supplies+intelligent instrument unified distribution operation brief
   Distribution of products, instruments, supplies, lifelong technical upgrading training tracking service, after-sales care.
   Technical training+product development with good reputation
   The headquarters provides lifelong technology upgrading training services, and the R&D team continues to develop new products with strong competitiveness.
   Qunfangze -- the gospel of beauty lovers and the oasis of entrepreneurs!
   Celebrity Zhang Heng is the spokesperson of strength, and chooses Qunfangze, qualified! Stand on the shoulders of giants, join the crowd, feel relieved!
   Join the Fangze Health Care and Beauty Club of Qun, and you don't need to choose a large store for 10000 yuan light joining. The store types are diverse, and the street, supermarket, and community are all popular! Free products upon joining+free instruments+package return+decoration return

   Joining Qunfangze Health Care and Beauty Club is surprisingly easy! Qunfangze Health Care and Beauty Club provides nanny support throughout the process - no experience is required to join now, business is coming! The whole country sincerely invites you to join us, and we look forward to your joining! Please consult!

   1. Entity advantages
   Kaiyu Meiye is an entity company with high-end production equipment. It also processes products for many companies. The quality of its own brands, Qunfangze, Disenchantment, and Wuyuan Fitness, are 30% higher than the market value. At the same time, the company's products are recent, allowing consumers to experience high-quality products while always trying new products.
   2. With elite marketing planning team
   Kaiyu Meiye has an elite planning team. Every year, many successful cases are promoted in the market and are also purchased and emulated by many companies.
   3. Team with qualification certificate
   Kaiyu Meiye firmly refuses to employ the "Shanzhai Edition" health care team, and the company employs Chinese doctors from major Chinese medicine hospitals in Beijing at a high salary to escort the company's health care projects.
   4. Militarization training base
   The spacious classroom, professional training instructors and systematic training courses make your beauty salon no longer have to worry about the lack of beauticians.
   5. Product packaging advantages
   Kaiyu Meiye's health care products are all packed in exquisite wooden boxes. The air permeability and health of the packaging fully conform to the concept of medicinal oil health care. The product packaging reflects professionalism, environmental protection, low-carbon, novel and unique. It is a prerequisite for you to achieve high sales.
   6. High end of product quality
   All health care products use traditional Chinese medicine oil as the basic raw material. Traditional Chinese medicine oil is the standard brand of cosmetics, not the blend of essential oil, so it will be very obvious from the aspect of conditioning the body. Skin care products are made of organic plant extracts and related elements imported from Australia, and the health and practicality of organic plant products are unanimously recognized by consumers.
   7. Seasonal project advantages
   Kaiyu Meiye will launch different projects according to different seasons, such as "Dancing Silk Mask", "New Concept of Naked Dress - BB Cream", "Bian Stone Energy Health" and other projects.
   8. Franchise advantages
   Kaiyu Meiye has all joined the stores with the help of the company. During the opening period, assist the store to expand customers and recover costs. If the product quality and packaging customers do not approve, they can return the goods for free.
   9. Free high-end beauty and health care equipment upon joining

Dancing Mask Instrument, Quantum Detector, Bian Stone Energy Room, Thousand Grass Meridians Guiding Instrument, Bian Stone Energy Tool.

   Qunfangze joined without any experience and fee. It joined a good brand, a new model, free technical training, Qunfangze joined, the headquarters assisted in the whole process, and assisted in site selection, We sincerely invite franchisees all over the country, and look forward to your joining!
Qunfangze Beauty Health Center Franchise conditions
Qunfangze Beauty Health Center Franchise process

Qunfangze Beauty Health Center Joining dynamics


Qunfangze Beauty Health Center Related questions and answers


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  • Interested, want to know more

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Qunfangze Beauty Health Care Center! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 09:18:22 From Shanghai [Telecom]  61.165.214*
  • If you want to inquire about joining, please contact me as soon as possible

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Qunfangze Beauty Health Care Center! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-14 04:25:04 From Liaoyang, Liaoning  42.87.48*
  • Want to join

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Qunfangze Beauty Health Care Center! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 20:18:28 From Henan Province  42.227.190*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 1 million to 1.5 million.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Qunfangze Beauty Health Care Center! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 00:19:52 From Guangzhou, Guangdong [Dr. Peng/SciDev. Net]  42.197.4*
  • Request for information, cost consultation, support policies, and latest developments

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Qunfangze Beauty Health Care Center! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 14:50:57 From Putian, Fujian  59.59.40*
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