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Chihiro hair accessories
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship On job investment Graduate entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise cooperation of distribution agency

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    three hundred and eighty

  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan


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Chihiro hair accessories Introduction to joining

 Chihiro hair accessories joined

Qianxun, an advanced brand of beauty decoration and makeup. Based on the market for 12 years, on June 1, 2002, Qianxun Chain (), a brand dedicated to achieving women's beauty from scratch, was born. In September 2003, Chihiro officially started the national franchise plan. There were more than 300 Chihiro hair accessories brand stores nationwide, with a survival rate of 90%, 85%, and created an industry miracle of 130000 yuan of sales per month at Fang's counter. Chihiro's brand new experiential marketing - "one consumption, lifelong free distribution for customers" mode has a continuous service connotation to create the beauty and confidence of women from the beginning, from the inside out.

Qianxun Chain () has joined the investment attraction team based on the national excellent talents, and more than 80% of them are from the industry elites. It has formed a headquarters management team with more than 200 people and a first-line sales team with nearly 4000 people. A complete set of operation support system has been established from site selection, shop decoration design, opening training, performance on-site coaching, holiday promotion, new product development, operation problem solving, and personal upgrading of franchisees, which is of high level in the industry. So far, after 12 years of development and progress, Qianxun Chain () has become a professional female hair accessories franchise chain brand in China and a competitive franchise brand in China!

In 2014, Qianxun "Qiandian Plan" was fully launched. The company plans to develop Qianxun into one of the large-scale jewelry chains in the next three years, and it will also become an excellent female entrepreneurship platform for global women to participate.

In the Warring States Policy, "a scholar who knows his own self will die, and a woman who is happy with her own will". Two thousand years later, this is still the case.

In addition to appearance, ancient women paid attention to hair modification. It is said that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty first saw Wei Zifu, who was attracted by her beautiful hair. "When he saw her beautiful hair, he was happy and accepted it in the palace." Zhang Lihua, the favorite concubine of Empress Chen, is also famous for her beautiful hair. When Empress Ma of the Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty first entered the palace, her beautiful hair made the pink and dark colors of the harem pale. She was the daughter of General Ma Yuan of Fubo. She was not arrogant from being the queen to the empress dowager. She really became a mother in the world, and she enjoyed her life. But the reputation of later generations is not as loud as that of Sister Feiyan, who died violently. Maybe she should answer that sentence! "Since ancient times, beautiful people have the same reputation as generals, and white heads are not allowed to be seen in the world.".

According to ancient documents, women's hairstyles are as vast as the sea. Similarly, hair accessories are an important part of hair beauty. The combed buns should be decorated with flowers and jewel shaped hairpins. This Baodian flower hairpin includes hairpin, Huasheng, Buyao, hairpin and hair mother. The women of the royal palace nobles can use rare materials to make hair ornaments, while ordinary small families can only wear Jingchai. "Qiujing" is a modest word used by ancient men to call their wives to outsiders. All women love beauty, which is the same in ancient and modern times. The hair ornaments that women love can be either the valuable hairpin of Concubine Pan of the Southern Qi Dynasty or the two foot red headband of Sister Xier.

Chihiro hair accessories Franchise advantages

 Chihiro hair accessories joined

1. Brand advantages

We have a strong management team that can provide good planning services for franchisees.

2. Product advantages

We have hundreds of products to meet the needs of different customers and provide consumers with full service.

3. Training advantages

Our perfect curriculum system, where teachers give lectures and hand in hand teaching, provides you with practical opportunities to master technology.

4. Management advantages

We implement a modern enterprise management system, which is standardized and scientific. We unify the image, design, store culture, brand, business philosophy, business model and service across the country!

5. Regional protection advantages

We provide a regional protection system for franchisees. Within the business scope signed by entrepreneurs, the headquarters will increase/increase the number of franchisees without setting up franchisees to support your business. The headquarters will develop a complete set of marketing plans.

6. Service advantages

Our systematic service system, site selection and opening, operation and management, provides perfect after-sales service for franchisees.

Chihiro hair accessories Franchise conditions

 Chihiro hair accessories joined

On the premise of meeting Qianxun's regional protection policy, be familiar with the local market environment and consumption demand, and agree with Qianxun

Xundi's business philosophy, recognition of Qianxun's products, voluntary application for joining and acceptance of Guangzhou Qianxun's brand management

The limited company (hereinafter referred to as the company) shall be under unified management and cooperate with the company's market and commercial operation;

A natural or legal person with full civil capacity who has reached the age of 18 or above;

Legal business premises with intention to operate Qianxun products;

Have certain business background and experience;

Have certain economic and franchise strength (the initial franchise capital of a single store is not less than 30000 yuan);

Having qualified business reputation and business ethics;

Strong interpersonal communication ability and certain financial management ability;

Chihiro hair accessories Franchise process

 Chihiro hair accessories joined

1. Consultation on joining matters: learn about joining matters from the marketing department of the company headquarters by telephone or online.

2. Submit the application for joining: submit the application for joining by telephone, fax, online or directly to the company.

3. Provide identity statement: by telephone, fax or directly present the legal documents of the People's Republic of China, such as ID card, passport, etc.

4. Advance payment of franchise deposit: advance payment of franchise deposit, and apply for the regional quota approved by the headquarters.

5. Assessment and approval of regional protection quota by the headquarters: the headquarters will review and assess whether there are franchise stores in the region, or whether the stores to be opened are within the regional protection scope of the opened stores.

6. Signing the franchise agreement and paying the franchise fee: the headquarters reviews and approves the franchise, the two parties sign a formal franchise contract, and the franchisee pays the franchise fee to the headquarters.

7. Issuing franchise certificate for filing: the headquarters issues franchise certificate to franchisees and files it in the company.

8. Instruct the decoration design: the specialized designer of the headquarters designs the store in person and provides a full set of decoration design drawings.

9. Dispatch the opening manager to stay for opening: before the franchisee decorates and is about to open, the headquarters will provide all the equipment and products needed for opening, and special guidance will be provided to assist in opening.

10. Opening: After careful preparation in the early stage, the franchise store opened in an orderly manner.

User consultation

  • If I am interested, please contact me; 1 bay. 10000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Chihiro hair accessories! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 07:30:54 From Haikou, Hainan Province, China  59.50.53*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 100000 to 200000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Chihiro hair accessories! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-07 14:25:11 From China  39.160.208*
  • What conditions do I need to join? How much is the franchise fee?

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Chihiro hair accessories! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 14:24:55 From Xinjiang  49.114.178*
  • How can you join in, including recycling

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Chihiro hair accessories! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 22:24:48 From Guangyuan City, Sichuan Province  42.90.60*
  • Not bad, this project is very good

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Chihiro hair accessories! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 14:29:53 From Jingjiang City, Jiangsu Province  49.71.197*
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