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Brand bag chain
  • Franchise industry:

    Luggage>leather goods

  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Brand bag chain Introduction to joining
 Brand package chain alliance
Since entering the market, the brand bag chain has adhered to the principle of "integrity creation, ensure "Win win" business philosophy, establish a major A large comprehensive enterprise engaged in the design, production, sales and service of leather goods.
The brand bag chain has an independent brand operation center and product research and development center, bringing together better talents in various fields of the industry. In the modern production and research and development base with more than 5000 square meters of brand bag chain, there are excellent equipment, raw materials and more than 500 square meters of ultra luxury sample room. The online brand of brand bag chain combines the market characteristics and consumer psychology, integrates the fashion elements extracted from the characteristic music with the essence of European and American avant-garde trends, and designs a series of women's bags, men's bags, trolley cases, wallets, belts and other products full of music flavor and favored by consumers.
The brand bag chain has a set of systematic major With the brand operation system and marketing management system, we will expand the leather goods consumption market with the advanced mode of franchise agent. With its strong strength and strong support from all walks of life, the brand bag chain has achieved good results for many times, and its franchise network has spread all over the country. So far, it has more than 500 franchise stores, becoming a well deserved leader in the industry.
The brand bag chain with sustained and rapid development, relying on integrity, multi win, quality, creation, service and other common combination of hundred classics, rose strongly in the forest of leather brands, swept the mass market with the trend of popularity, and climbed to the top of the industry!
Architecture is fixed music, and bags are jumping notes. At the same time, bags are also a good interpretation of the flexible lines and simplicity of music. Across the fashion world, brand bag chains are making and delivering music culture while making and delivering beauty. The injection of musical temperament also improves the taste of fashion bags.
The brand package chain online provides franchisees with "lump sum" entrepreneurial services, including 12 major "lump sum" entrepreneurial systems, including site selection, package repair, package equipment, package materials, package products, package personnel, package training, package opening, package advertising, package replacement, package marketing, and package experience. Whether in the entrepreneurial stage, the operation stage or the stable development stage, whether the partners are experts or laymen, and whether they are men or women, it is easier to start a business with less worry, effort, time and money.
The brand package chain has rich experience in market operation, and has accumulated perfect terminal sales and management skills. The output of successful experience and skills is an output of intangible assets, and its value is immeasurable.
As the name suggests, the joint-stock chain means that the company and its franchise stores jointly open stores, start businesses together, share interests, share weal and woe, and truly tie the franchise stores and the company together.
At present, the bag decoration market is in the era of changing from product competition to brand competition. As a more advanced business model, chain franchise has appeared in the bag decoration industry in the past two years. However, most of the chain franchise institutions in the true sense, Liao Ruo Chenxing, are connected but not locked up, thus causing damage to the interests of franchisees and slowing down the pace of market regulation. The joint-stock franchise chain promoted by the brand package chain has broken the formalism of the franchise chain, realized the chain from image to product, from operation to management, from entrepreneurship to operation, and greatly supported entrepreneurship.
Brand bag chain Franchise advantages
 Brand package chain alliance
Project advantages
The increasing market demand and stable consumer groups make the packaging industry a potential industry in the next decade, with hundreds of millions of business opportunities waiting Wisdom Chosen Reclamation and excavation of. It is not difficult to open a package decoration shop, which does not need technical support. The after-sales service is quite simple, and is not subject to the constraints of periodicity and seasonality. More importantly, the business of the package decoration industry is stable. The smart choice of business is high, and the business has great potential. It is undoubtedly the best choice for individual entrepreneurs. In addition, the material support of the brand bag chain is very large, the after-sales service is meticulous and considerate, and the supporting support is even more meticulous.
Brand advantages
The franchised brand of the brand bag chain keeps pace with the international fashion. It is famous for its extraordinary musical temperament and elegant style, with profound cultural heritage and fashion flavor. Brand bag chain is well aware of the importance of brand building, has been constantly capturing the pace of the times, and attaches great importance to brand building and reputation building. Successful franchisees can obtain the authorization to use the brand package chain brand, share the brand advantage resources, and easily clone the success model. The brand package chain brand is provided to all franchisees for success.
Product advantages
The products launched by the brand bag chain are integrated with profound oriental culture and the essence of European and American fashion trends in terms of texture, style and modeling, production technology, color matching, etc., and different styles show different styles, ensure The high quality and high taste of the products ensure that those who pursue individuality and fashion will not be left behind. In addition, the brand bag chain products endow them with music elements and cultural connotation, which makes the products reach the height of "temperament".
Management advantages
The brand bag chain has perfect and advanced scale, systematization major It has also accumulated rich practical market experience and formed a distinctive business philosophy. The enterprise implements a unified operation mode, unified brand concept, unified service training, unified store image, unified market price, and brand bag chain is fast and convenient accuracy To manage the market, and provide the franchisee with perfect services and proper management plans and management manuals for customers, products and employees.
Publicity advantages
He has been working in TV Station, Phoenix Satellite TV, Reader, Companion, Family, The Beginning of Man, Youth Digest, Business, Sales and Marketing, People's Daily, Guangming Daily, Business Daily, Youth Daily and other local newspapers and magazines, local TV information channels, local radio and music channels for a long time, Major websites are bombarded with advertisements, and sweeping publicity is carried out around franchise stores.
Service advantages
Package franchisees can enjoy the "one-stop" provided by the brand package chain before, during and after cooperation major The unique guiding service system enables franchisees to enjoy the integrated services from the site selection and decoration, training guidance, opening plan in the early stage to the stable business development, career promotion, access to new information and product distribution in the later stage major We can also use services to realize more value of products.

Brand bag chain Franchise conditions
1. Legal person or natural person with civil performance capacity.
2. Recognize and accept the business philosophy and model of "brand package chain", and have the intention to start businesses and join in.
3. Have the corresponding franchise strength, enough to bear all the expenses required for opening the store.
4. The reasonable location of the store will be determined by the company after field investigation.
5. Comply with the price unification policy of the headquarters, and other Management specifications.
6. It has qualified reputation and credit level, and has certain management ability and social resources.
7. Have certain market sensitivity and aggressive spirit.
Brand bag chain Franchise process
1. Understand each other and reach consensus.
2. Fill in the application form for franchise/agency.
3. Both parties fully communicate and negotiate. (Welcome to the company for visit and investigation)
4. Reasonably analyze the profit and loss of wisdom selection.
5. Site and market survey.
6. The conditions for franchise/agency cooperation are implemented.
7. Pay the intention or increase/increase.
8. Sign the franchise agency contract.
9. Start the work of the franchise agent and assist in the implementation of the plan.
10. The first batch of supply equipment.
11. The company does a good job in distribution and jointly solves the difficulties encountered in operation.
12. Formulation of opening promotion and promotion plans.
13. Shop design/decoration/recruitment.
14. Store management training.
15. The headquarters distributed the first batch of goods.
16. Shop acceptance and delivery display.
18. The opening is good.
19. Follow up operation guidance service of the headquarters.

Brand bag chain Joining dynamics


Brand bag chain Related questions and answers


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  • This project is very good

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the brand bag chain! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 13:45:51 From China  39.180.56*
  • How to join?

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the brand bag chain! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-29 03:12:29 From Shandong Province  39.65.100*
  • Want to know how to join

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the brand bag chain! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-23 12:26:14 From Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province  61.177.251*
  • How much is the franchise fee and what is the purchase channel

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the brand bag chain! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-23 07:34:27 From Pingdingshan City, Henan Province  42.233.219*
  • What is the prospect~~~~~~~~~~

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the brand bag chain! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-22 21:10:51 From Hengshui City, Hebei Province  60.9.216*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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