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Leather maintenance shop
  • Franchise industry:

    Luggage>leather goods

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 200000~500000


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Leather maintenance shop Introduction to joining
 Joined in a leather maintenance shop
The leather goods maintenance shop only provides care services for leather goods. As the partner of Italy's prestigious leather chemicals supplier, the leather goods maintenance shop has always adhered to the two major concepts of "strict quality control" and "care technology", introduced Italy's advanced leather goods maintenance shop technology, and used Italian leather chemicals, It supports a series of maintenance feelings of leather goods from cleaning and care to repair and handle, and grasps the core technology of the leather goods maintenance shop.
The leather goods maintenance shop gathers many brands in the industry, and combines with domestic leather goods maintenance shops and international leather chemical manufacturing enterprises to integrate technical training and joining of leather goods maintenance shops, processing of leather goods maintenance shops, and sales of leather chemical materials. The value of years' inheritance is more rooted in the heart and sense of quality. All products are also alive. Xiu Leather Maintenance Shop is committed to providing maintenance services, providing maintenance experience and spreading culture for the growing consumer groups and fashion people.
The leather goods maintenance shop has long handled leather goods (Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Chanel, Prada, Kochi, Versace, Ferragamo, etc.), which has won praise from consumers and industry insiders. At the same time, Shanghai, an international metropolis located in the Yangtze River Delta, has set up a brand operation center to test and operate the mainland market. After just a few years of operation, it now has tens of thousands of members in Shanghai and is a one-stop service operator for leather care in Shanghai and China.
The experience accumulated in the leather maintenance shop for nearly ten years and its good R&D ability, together with the constantly introduced leather maintenance shop technology and chemicals, technical talents and further training technicians, have made today's leather maintenance shop a place in the leather care industry. The technical team of the leather goods maintenance shop is led by technicians and expatriates; The technical consultant is the technician of the domestic leather maintenance shop. If the customer has any difficult task to deal with, he can consult or send it back to the factory headquarters for processing.
Leather maintenance shop is an open training organization for leather maintenance shop. Whether you are a leather maintenance shop (company), laundry company, dry cleaning shop (laundry), shoe repair shop, leather monopoly shop, automobile 4S shop, etc. of a franchise brand or self owned brand, we can become a partner to help you solve the business of leather maintenance shop, difficult and miscellaneous diseases, nursing accident handling, etc.
Leather maintenance shop Franchise advantages
 Joined in a leather maintenance shop
1. Teaching resources support: The leather care store headquarters provides leather care teaching system and teaching teachers support for franchisees. When the franchise store opens, the company will send tutors to provide operation guidance and store leading services for the franchisee.
2. Teacher training support: The leather goods maintenance store headquarters provides tutors for each franchisee, training 2-3 employees, and the training time is 10-15 days per session.
3. Operation and management support: The leather goods maintenance store headquarters provides on-site guidance for supervisors, teacher training, and organizes franchisees to exchange experience in terms of operation. And provide operation guidance materials required for operation.
4. Advertising support: The leather goods maintenance shop headquarters publishes a lot of publicity information in national large newspapers, fashion magazines, websites and other media. In addition, the headquarters will mark the name of the franchisee in various external activities and invite the franchisee to participate if necessary.
5. Decoration design support: The leather maintenance store headquarters provides the franchise stores with a unified image system, trademark application, decoration scheme, etc.
6. Brand image support: the positioning and reputation of the brand image of the leather maintenance shop.
7. Site selection and opening support: Provide support and guidance for franchisees in the early opening, including site selection, personnel recruitment and training, opening planning and other aspects.
8. Product distribution support: leather maintenance store headquarters provides quality and service for franchised goods.
9. Regional protection support: implement strict regional protection policies for regional agent partners and unify market supervision to safeguard and support the interests of agent partners!
10. Marketing support: The head office of the leather maintenance shop has a marketing team to guide regional agent partners in marketing, provide strict brand management and services, and improve the reputation of the company's brand!
11. Expense return support: For good cooperative agents who joined in the early stage, the company provides financial support to the agent partners.
12. After sales service support: set up a special line consultation telephone, improve the company's website, and solve the after-sales problems of the agent partner market at any time.
Leather maintenance shop Franchise conditions
1. Citizens or business organizations with legal qualifications.
2. Have corresponding ability.
3. Have certain business experience and management ability.
4. Having suitable business premises.
5. Recognize the business philosophy and management mode of the headquarters, and obey the management of chain headquarters.
Leather maintenance shop Franchise process
1. Consultation: telephone the headquarters to inquire about the joining of the leather maintenance shop, and inquire about the brand.
2. Field investigation: go to the headquarters to investigate the project and have face-to-face communication with the headquarters staff.
3. Franchise application: fill in the application form for joining the leather maintenance shop, and confirm the relevant joining matters.
4. Qualification review: the headquarters will review the materials and capabilities of the franchisees to confirm their business qualifications.
5. Cooperation signing: both parties sign a franchise contract after application.
6. Store decoration: the market specialist conducts field investigation and evaluates the store, provides the store geographical location map, store floor plan and relevant drawings, decoration materials, and designs and decorates the store.
7. Store opening preparation: recruitment and training.
8. Goods distribution: the headquarters uses its own powerful logistics to deliver materials to each franchise store.
9. Trial operation: During the trial operation, do some discount and other preferential activities to attract customers.
10. Official business: the headquarters will guide you through the whole process and come to congratulate you.
11. After sales service: The headquarters will follow up and guide you regularly after your opening.

Leather maintenance shop Joining dynamics


Leather maintenance shop Related questions and answers


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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the leather maintenance shop! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 06:50:49 From Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province  60.222.113*
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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the leather maintenance shop! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-25 19:13:36 From Jinan, Shandong [Unicom]  39.91.80*
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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the leather maintenance shop! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-23 21:29:32 From U.S.A  72.229.35*
  • Add WeChat chat instead of making phone calls, the mobile phone number is WeChat

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the leather maintenance shop! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-23 00:09:55 From Zhangshu City, Jiangxi Province  39.169.164*
  • The number is WeChat

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the leather maintenance shop! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-21 05:27:02 From Hunan Province  42.49.80*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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