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Omilia Mermaid Ice Cream
  • Franchise industry:

    Catering>Ice Cream

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 10000~50000


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Omilia Mermaid Ice Cream Introduction to joining
 Omilia Mermaid Ice Cream Joined
Introduction to Omilia Mermaid Ice Cream Project:
Omilia Mermaid Ice Cream has launched a wide range of products for different consumer tastes. More creation, more characteristics, everything is unprecedented, with different pride, a feast of senses and taste buds. Join us to completely eliminate the fake products with unique shapes, and let the real European style food storm sweep the market.
In addition to ice cream, Omilia Mermaid Ice Cream has introduced more special delicacies, and the consumer market is hot. Imagine the golden Gina after deep frying, with ice cream, chocolate juice or jam, the heat of deep frying, the ice degree of ice cream, the flavor of chocolate, and the fusion of ice and fire. It's unforgettable to eat it in your mouth.
Omilia Mermaid Ice Cream is a diversified delicacy, which is very popular in the catering market. The dreamy and fresh mermaid ice cream has attracted many people's attention since its launch. It is a favorite delicacy of food. It has launched a rich product series, which fully meets the needs of consumers. Join in and open a small store to attract more customers.
The unique delicacy of Omilia Mermaid Ice Cream has attracted more consumers. Bringing more shocking and attractive creative food from two families -- Spanish CHURROS (pronunciation: Joels), which means Gina and Mermaid ice cream family, into the market.
Omilia Mermaid Ice Cream is derived from authentic ice cream delicacies in Europe, which has won the favor of many consumers and has a large consumer market. Joining the club inherits all kinds of European customs, which is very good like a work of art, with sexy curves and incomparable taste. Those who watch cannot take their eyes off, and those who eat cannot put down their hands.
Omilia Mermaid Ice Cream Franchise advantages
 Omilia Mermaid Ice Cream Joined
1. Omilia Mermaid Ice Cream Company will send professional evaluators to objectively evaluate the franchised entrepreneurs, and put forward constructive suggestions to the franchised entrepreneurs according to the specific location, flow of people, surrounding environment and development prospects of the franchise store. Objectively analyze the feasibility of the franchise scheme of the franchisee, and ensure that each franchisee gets a high franchise operation rate. Our logistics distribution system can comprehensively improve the accuracy of goods distribution. Omilia Mermaid Ice Cream brings convenient goods distribution to each franchise store and improves its market competitiveness.
2. Omilia Mermaid Ice Cream Company has a group of high-quality professionals in R&D, design and production, and has established a strong R&D, design and production system synchronized with international trend information. At the same time, we have a large production base and advanced production management to improve/increase the excellent quality and production efficiency of goods and improve/increase sufficient supply of goods. Omilia Mermaid Ice Cream creates a brand and personalized brand, which will provide a broad market space for each franchisee.
3. Omilia Mermaid Ice Cream Company has a clear operation process of franchise stores and provides a complete set of business operation models. It includes providing various professional training guidance and terminal management, providing franchisees with various services and scientific guidance from site selection and opening of stores to terminal display and sales services, and conducting regular professional training and irregular on-site management training for franchisees and their employees. The qualified brand reputation of Omilia Mermaid Ice Cream originates from our focus on the cultivation of brand emotional connotation culture and humanistic care for consumers.
Each franchisee can fully enjoy the intangible asset advantages of the brand. The company provides timely and targeted national and regional promotion programs. With the launch of new products every quarter or important holidays, the company has a large number of promotional materials (such as KT boards, POPs Posters, various exquisite promotional products, etc.) are sent to each store to improve the seasonal adaptability of clothing in a timely manner. Yanlaihong provides comprehensive promotion guidance or the market supervisor provides on-site guidance in person. To a large extent.
Omilia Mermaid Ice Cream Franchise conditions
Franchise requirements
1. Have certain financial strength, qualified business reputation, franchise awareness, and awareness
2. Units and individuals with certain business expression and management ability, self-confidence, self-improvement, qualified reputation, experience and strength are preferred
3. Have the ability of regional market chain planning and development, and complete the number of stores opened and sales performance
4. Pay corresponding agency fees according to the city category specified by the headquarters
5. Consciously accept the management of the headquarters and not operate across regions
6. Highly identify with the business management concept, and have the awareness and ability to support the growth of franchise stores.
7. The general storefront needs more than 30 square meters, and the area of the store counter needs more than 25 square meters.
Omilia Mermaid Ice Cream Franchise process
For the decoration and ordering of franchised stores, the headquarters will provide free assistance and guidance for franchisees in site selection, decoration, public relations and promotional activities planning, training, management, poster design and other aspects;
Three days before the opening of the store, the headquarters will send a special person to review the decoration of the store and provide comprehensive training for the store staff on information skills, sales skills, service speeches, reception behavior, etc;
When the store is open, the personnel dispatched by the headquarters return.

Omilia Mermaid Ice Cream Joining dynamics


Omilia Mermaid Ice Cream Related questions and answers


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  • Want to join to know the details

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to Omilia Mermaid Ice Cream! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-17 03:27:08 From Xinjiang  49.114.8*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 100 square meters.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Omilia Mermaid Ice Cream! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-15 19:55:13 From Changzhou, Jiangsu Province  49.80.109*
  • If I'm interested, please contact me (with WeChat)

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Omilia Mermaid Ice Cream! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 19:45:22 From Changchun, Jilin Province  59.109.211*
  • Please contact before 12:00 noon, thank you

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Omilia Mermaid Ice Cream! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 23:17:35 From Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province [Telecom]  58.62.92*
  • Preliminary understanding of the franchise fee in Suqian Suyu District, Jiangsu Province

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Omilia Mermaid Ice Cream! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 11:49:03 From Gansu Province  42.90.118*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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