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Onion children's clothes
  • Franchise industry:

    Clothing>Children's Wear

  • Suitable for:

    Free Entrepreneurship On the job Investment Online Shop

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Agency franchise cooperation

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Onion children's clothes Introduction to joining
 Joined in by onion children's wear
Over the years, the progressive brand of onion has established a huge channel network, and has established close strategic cooperation with major fashion clothing manufacturers in Hong Kong, Tokyo, Seoul and other major Asian fashion brands, especially Korean children's wear enterprises, which are the key cooperation points of many companies over the years. It has captured all Korean style children's wear with "dynamic, cute, and personalized", and relied on capital Relationships, buyer ability and other diversified skills, strictly control retail prices, and finally achieved amazing results!
The children's clothes of onion are drunk, fast and tasteful
With the rapid economic development, everything becomes "fast"! People's peaceful heart becomes impetuous; Fast food derived the concept of "junk food"; The education of children tends to "pull out the seedlings and encourage"; The expectation of business is always that the faster the recovery is, the better... It has become the reason why the economy is not refined, rough, and has no foundation. But "onion" is different! "Onion" vows to be the best product in children's fast fashion! Deduct with facts: fast, but also very tasteful!
Onion children's clothing is fast fashion, slow design, full of childlike innocence
How can an impetuous big heart make the spotless little onions happy? "Onion" slowed down its design speed, traveled around the world's fashionable places, accumulated countless street photos of world trendy children, and listened to the deep preferences of hundreds of millions of children. And research the world's five major clothing conferences, so as to insinuate the trend of children's clothing. With a long history, we began to design exclusive fashion clothes for children. Korean version is the appearance, and taste is the intrinsic characteristic of "onion"!
Onion children's clothing is now the world, new and retro, exciting
The onion children's clothing under Hanyun Clothing has given more retro and world elements to children's clothing. Breaking away from adult imitation, boys' clothing design focuses on the use of tough military camouflage and lively and natural camping elements, and sets up a healthy and positive outlook on life for boys since childhood; While girls' clothes highlight the "fairyland atmosphere", with naive patterns to reflect imaginative stories and create princess dreams. At the same time, it complies with children's psychological preferences, and introduces the leisure and fashionable appearance and color world of Gilaj into the product system. The non colored black, white, grey and neutral colors are the excellent basic colors. The deep orange red and brick red bring different impacts. The splash color and silver decoration on the printing emphasize the elegant and personalized Gilaj style. Gilaj is a return for adults, and a cool trend for children!
Onion children's clothes Franchise advantages
 Joined in by onion children's wear
1. Market support
Intensive cultivation of the market and special personnel in different regions of the national market major operate, ensure The arrival rate of the operation manager store, and constantly improve the management and market operation ability of the franchise store. Follow up the whole process from site selection, model determination, opening and daily operation of the store, and work with you to shape a successful business model.
2. Unify and standardize the store image
The national unified brand image (VI, SI) system of onion children's wear has become a standard component and an important form of expression of the original design of the onion brand, greatly improving the brand's recognition and awareness, and making consumers feel the design charm of the onion brand.
3. Promotion support
National large-scale promotional activities are planned by the company's brand development department. Before the event, organize an explanation meeting for the implementation of promotion activities in the region, ensure Franchisees master the core points of activities.
The marketing manager of onion children's wear company came to the store to do direct training for store staff and assist in terminal promotion activities, ensure Sense of activity.
Sample activities and success models around the company are released in the form of videos and internal journals to help you replicate success and create a win-win situation.
Standardize forms and create major Atmosphere; Provide various picture albums, product manuals, price manuals and other materials to lock interested customers.
Onion children's clothes Franchise conditions
1. An individual who has reached the age of 18 and has full civil capacity.
2. Agree with the business philosophy of onion and follow the management system of onion Children's Wear Headquarters.
3. Be familiar with the local industry market and have certain economic strength.
4. It has a fixed business location and is located in a prosperous business circle, which is conducive to the growth of customer resources.
5. Willing to engage in the operation and management of the card business industry, and willing to take onion children's clothing as a smart choice for career and operate with heart.
6. Have entrepreneurial spirit and strong desire to succeed, and have the ability to manage finance.
7. Have entrepreneurial spirit and a qualified learning attitude.
Onion children's clothes Franchise process
1. Consultation and investigation Franchisees come to the headquarters or offices of the company for consultation and understanding (if the journey is long, you can communicate by phone or log on the company website)
2. The business personnel of the appraisal project have comprehensive and in-depth discussions with the franchisee, and evaluate the situation of the franchisee Project wisdom Feasibility.
3. Fill in the application form of onion children's clothing franchise in detail according to the actual situation, so that the company can better serve you.
4. Sign a contract Sign a formal cooperation contract and perform its terms at the agreed time.
5. The type and quantity of the first batch of selected goods shall be determined under the agreement of the company's customer card specialist. The company will deliver within the specified time
6. The business guidance company appoints specialists to guide the onion children's clothing franchisees to select sites and decorate according to their standards and requirements, and provide business training guidance to their employees.

Onion children's clothes Joining dynamics


Onion children's clothes Related questions and answers


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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the children's clothes of onion! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-12 02:59:41 From Hunan Province  42.49.54*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 200000 offline stores.

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the children's clothes of onion! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 08:12:52 From Henan Province  42.234.63*
  • I want to join, please contact me as soon as possible.

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the children's clothes of onion! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 01:21:42 From Duyun City, Qiannan Prefecture, Guizhou Province  61.189.222*
  • How to join and how much is the joining fee? We are in Yuyao, Ningbo

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the children's clothes of onion! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 23:34:02 From Gansu Province  42.90.218*
  • Hello? You used to want my shop, but now it's free. Shunjing Garden, Longgang Central City

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the children's clothes of onion! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-31 04:08:20 From Fuzhou, Fujian Province  59.56.89*
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