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Nanquan Laoma Kungfu Rice Balls
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchised cooperation free chain

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 10000~50000


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Nanquan Laoma Kungfu Rice Balls Introduction to joining

 Nanquan mom kungfu rice ball joined

Nanquan Laoma Kung Fu Food Technology Development Center in Guangling District, Yangzhou City is a development agency that focuses on western food technology development, traditional food culture, modern food science and nutrition research, and shoulders the responsibility of carrying forward the traditional food culture. It has a perfect project development system and is truly an agency that provides entrepreneurs with stage development potential. The founders of the company themselves are laid-off entrepreneurs. They know the difficulties of entrepreneurs and always think for entrepreneurs. After hundreds of market surveys, dedicated research, learning from modern food culture, adhering to the essence of traditional food, learning from each other's strengths, Nanquan Laoma Kung Fu Cifan (Rice Balls) was launched. As soon as the product came out, there was a good scene of competing to buy everywhere. It has achieved great success in opening ten stores, and has been reported by many coal companies. It is a paradise for real entrepreneurs
"Glutinous Rice "As a traditional snack in Yangzhou, it has a history of decades, but it has always been in the stage of scattered sand. Through unremitting efforts, our R&D technicians have independently developed their own processes for different tastes in the mainland, so that the rice culture can be fully developed here. From the perspective of nutrition, we pay attention to the nutritional structure, reasonable collocation, exquisite selection of materials and nutrition Rich varieties of fragrant rice and grain grains white glutinous rice, black fragrant rice, Thai fragrant rice, fragrant snow glutinous rice, corn kernel, japonica rice, etc. After selection, they are prepared by their own technology in proportion, and steamed in wooden barrels according to traditional technology, so that the rice balls are rich in a variety of nutrients necessary for human body. At the same time, the wood flavor is mellow, the taste is good, and the taste is strong and smooth.
The price ranges from 2-5 yuan (the average cashier is about 50% - 60%), which is easy to be accepted.
Kung Fu Glutinous Rice is mainly about the cooking of food materials. The whole production process is carried out in front of the guests. It is made and sold now, so that all customers can buy qualified and eat happily.
"Kung Fu Cifan (Rice Balls)" is easy to learn. No matter whether you have experience or not, you can go on duty and do business after 2-3 days of training.
The whole process of making rice balls does not need fire. All ingredients are healthy and self made. They are truly oil-free and do not disturb people. They are not subject to environmental restrictions. The food made can make people feel full of color, fragrance and drooling.

Nanquan Laoma Kungfu Rice Balls Franchise advantages

 Nanquan mom kungfu rice ball joined

1. The image of the terminal (exclusive store, store in store) store is designed by the company's engineering department free of charge, and the project supervisor is assigned to provide on-site guidance. The terminal publicity image is uniformly produced by the company's design department, and the display supervisor is on-site to guide the layout of the store, so as to ensure a unified image standard.
2. In view of the years of successful market operation experience of the headquarters, the headquarters implements the strategy of "whole store output nanny support", and completely copies the brand culture, brand image, products, equipment, service management, operation management, etc. to entrepreneurs in a "bundling" way, so that entrepreneurs can enjoy their success.
3. The company provides a full set of mature and sound professional knowledge, management experience, business skills, service skills and other training.
4. The headquarters provides sound financial system and professional equipment, clothing for shop assistants, publicity materials and other supplies.
5. The company's preparation supervisor and support supervisor shall coordinate with each other to guide the opening marketing publicity, formulate the Implementation Plan for Opening Publicity and Promotion Activities and assist in its implementation.
6. Brand planning organization - professional team provides planning support for a series of lines, such as store opening planning, publicity planning, promotion planning, media advertising planning, etc., to help franchisees quickly open up the situation.
7. The headquarters provides tracking services from each link in the early, middle and late stages of opening to help franchisees build stores easily and quickly.
8. Nanquan Laoma Kung Fu Restaurant Headquarters will assist franchisees in selecting favorable locations, and will also provide franchisees with a unified decoration plan, decoration design drawings, and a unified store image to reduce the decoration consumption of franchisees. At the same time, the headquarters will give certain rewards to franchise stores with outstanding decoration.
9. Strict regional management system, each store has a careful business circle setting, and will never open a second store in the same area to maintain normal business order.
10. The company will organize a set of communication skills for franchisees according to different consumer groups, and support franchisees to communicate with different consumers without obstacles.

Nanquan Laoma Kungfu Rice Balls Franchise conditions
1. At least 18 years old, with legal franchise qualification.
2. I agree with the business philosophy and am willing to implement it.
3. Can independently join in all costs, and can bear a certain amount of business.
4. It has a fixed business store and meets the requirements of the company.
5. Operate in accordance with the business model of the headquarters and recognize the management system of the headquarters.
6. Have qualified business reputation and the ability to communicate and lead.
7. Willing to devote all his time and energy to daily operation.
Nanquan Laoma Kungfu Rice Balls Franchise process
1. Franchise consultation
Interested franchisees leave messages online to inquire about the details of joining.
2. Investigation and negotiation
Those who want to join can visit Nanquan Laoma Kung Fu Rice Group Company to further understand the strength of the company.
3. Determine intention
Fully understand and agree with the operation and management mode of Nanquan Laoma Kungfu Rice Balls, determine the intention to join, and apply to the headquarters for joining.
4. Sign the contract
After confirming that there is no doubt about the inspection results, Nanquan Laoma Kung Fu Rice Troupe Franchise Headquarters and the franchisee officially signed a franchise cooperation contract.
5. Store location
The franchisees who have stores, Nanquan Laoma Kung Fu Rice Balls, will be assessed; For franchisees without stores, the headquarters will assist in site selection.
6. Decoration design
The company signs a long-term contract with a professional decoration design company, and will conduct a comprehensive investigation on the site selection of the franchisee, sort out a reasonable design scheme, and then the franchisee can carry out decoration.
7. Headquarters training
Nanquan Laoma Kung Fu Restaurant Headquarters will arrange professional training for franchisees, including product knowledge, management knowledge, business skills, etc.
8. Guide opening
The headquarters formulates the opening plan to help franchise stores open grandly.
9. Official opening
① Do a good job of service and reception on the opening day. ② Specify the support policy given by the headquarters in the later period.

User consultation

  • If I am interested, please contact me; 2-3 hundred thousand.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Nanquan Laoma Kung Fu Rice Balls! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 01:50:53 From Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province, China  58.219.181*
  • How did you join in?

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Nanquan Laoma Kung Fu Rice Balls! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-07 22:21:36 From China  39.182.208*
  • How much is the franchise fee? How to invest? Does Suqian Siyang have this brand? Can I open a shop on Taobao? How much investment is needed? Will your company supply all the time? Is there any management fee

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Nanquan Laoma Kung Fu Rice Balls! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 18:34:52 From Liaoning Province  42.7.145*
  • Please call to learn more, as soon as possible

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Nanquan Laoma Kung Fu Rice Balls! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 19:21:53 From Kaifeng City, Henan Province  61.158.148*
  • How much is the deposit? How to open??

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Nanquan Laoma Kung Fu Rice Balls! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 14:26:57 From Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province  60.7.19*
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