How much does it cost to join in Jinguangyuan Salted Duck

2024-02-12 16:24:18 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 0 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

First of all, the franchise fee for joining Jinguangyuan Salted Salted Duck should be between RMB120000 and RMB10000. This part of the cost is paid to the brand side to obtain services such as brand use rights and business guidance. In addition, a deposit of RMB 10000 to 50000 should be paid. The amount of the deposit depends on the level and size of the franchise store

  • Brand name: Jinguangyuan Salted Duck
  • Industry: Restaurant > Cooked Food
  • Number of stores: 330
  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan

Detailed explanation of franchise expenses

First of all, the joining fee for joining Jinguangyuan Salted Salted Duck is between RMB120000 and RMB10000. This part of the cost is paid to the brand side to obtain services such as brand use rights and business guidance. In addition, there is a need to pay a deposit of RMB 10000 to 50000, which varies according to the level and size of the franchise store.

Store opening cost

The cost of opening the store includes the purchase of kitchen equipment, tableware, and the initial input of food materials, which is expected to be 30000 to 50000 yuan. These are the basic costs of entrepreneurship, which need to be reasonably budgeted and allocated according to the actual area and business scale of the store.

other expenses

In addition to the initial joining, there are other costs to consider, such as rent, decoration costs, staff salaries, utilities, etc., which are about 50000 to 100000 yuan. Add all these franchises together, and you will get the total cost of opening a franchise store of Jinguangyuan Salted Salted Duck.

Franchise mode selection

Jinguangyuan Salted Salted Duck provides a variety of franchise modes, including entrepreneurship stores, standard stores and image stores. Each mode has different cost standards according to the size and decoration standards of the store. Entrepreneurs can choose their own joining mode according to their actual situation and joining ability.


To sum up, joining Jinguangyuan Salted Salted Duck is a good entrepreneurial choice, but entrepreneurs should understand the costs in detail, develop a detailed business plan, and fully communicate with the brand before deciding to join. In combination with your own financial situation and market research, joining in the appropriate store size and joining mode can make your joining more stable and get twice the result with half the effort.

Through reasonable budget and careful operation, the franchise store of Jinguangyuan Salted Salted Duck can stand out in the market, attract the majority of consumers, and achieve a win-win situation of savings and brand.

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Hope to join

2024-06-04 15:04:45 Zhejiang Wenzhou [Telecom] 60.180.172*

If I am interested, please contact me; It is estimated to be about 200000 yuan.

2024-06-03 15:37:33 Nanhu District, Jiaxing, Zhejiang 60.190.137*

If I am interested, please contact me; 5000-8000 yuan.

2024-05-30 22:17:08 58.40.25, Huangpu District, Shanghai*

Strongly willing to join

2024-05-30 19:02:23 Zhucheng, Shandong 39.90.232*

How much does it cost to join

2024-05-29 15:55:59 Hefei, Anhui 60.168.130*
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