How much is the franchise fee of Huisen Express

2024-05-21 14:33:09 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 0 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

In their spare time, people often buy what they need on the online e-commerce platform, which also promotes the development of the express logistics industry. Different express stores can be seen everywhere in the market, bringing convenient distribution services to people and business opportunities to entrepreneurs.

In their spare time, people often buy what they need on the online e-commerce platform, which also promotes the development of the express logistics industry. Different express stores can be seen everywhere in the market, bringing convenient distribution services to people and business opportunities to entrepreneurs. Huisen Express is an influential brand in the industry. Its headquarter is located in Guangdong Province. With convenient, fast and high-quality distribution services, Huisen Express has won the recognition of people from all walks of life and become a brand that franchisees pay attention to. How much is the franchise fee of Huisen Express?

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How much is the franchise fee of Huisen Express?

The franchise fee charged by the brand is about 30000 to 50000 yuan, the brand use fee is about 10000 to 20000 yuan, and the trademark use fee is about 10000 to 30000 yuan. The economic level of different cities is different, and the cooperation fees needed to be paid will be different. The specific fees need to be analyzed in combination with the actual situation. Huisen Express was founded in 2020. With its professional operation team, it has established more than 300 cooperative stores across the country. The brand has always taken "small goods, large items, one network access" as its business orientation. The goods transported are mainly 3 kg to 3000 kg, which can accurately meet the needs of customers and provide users with fast and stable logistics business solutions, The services provided include clothing, shoes and hats, electronic products, cosmetics and hardware accessories, etc.

 Huisen Express

What are the advantages of Huisen Express?

1、 Business district protection and support

In order to avoid vicious competition with brands, the headquarters only set up one cooperative store in each region. Entrepreneurs need not worry about vicious competition between brands. The headquarters supports franchisees to open branches in the protected areas, so as to obtain more cash receipts.

2、 Advertising support

The headquarters has established long-term cooperation with many media platforms, will continue to promote in many media channels such as TV stations and short video platforms, and will also print promotional color pages to enhance the brand's influence in the market.

How much is the franchise fee of Huisen Express? In order to make it easy for partners to join in, the joining conditions set up by the headquarters are very simple. Entrepreneurs need to have a fixed store business site in the local market and be able to devote themselves to the daily operation of stores. After meeting the relevant conditions, they can apply for cooperation.

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