How to join Guanzhong Wa's oily noodles

2024-06-04 15:30:37 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 0 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

Because of regional factors, there are different types of pasta products. However, no matter which region's characteristic pasta is, it can quickly capture the hearts of diners. After all, the eating habits of Chinese people who love pasta are engraved in their bones.

  • Brand name: Guanzhongwa Youpomian
  • Industry: Restaurant > Noodles
  • Number of stores: 120
  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan

Because of regional factors, there are different types of pasta products. However, no matter which region's characteristic pasta is, it can quickly capture the hearts of diners. After all, the eating habits of Chinese people who love pasta are engraved in their bones. Here is a good brand, Guanzhongwa Oily Noodles. So, how does Guan Zhongwa join us?

 Guanzhong Wa's Oil Spicy Noodles Joined

How to join Guanzhong Wa's oily noodles

As long as we take nine steps, we can easily get on the right track. The first is to understand the detailed franchise information, and then go to the headquarters to investigate and submit the franchise application. If you are satisfied and pass the review, you can sign the formal franchise contract. The company arranges special personnel to go down to the store to confirm the business circle and suitable store address, and provides unified decoration support. Before opening, it will also provide unified training assistance. When everything is ready, the opening ceremony can be held. After the official opening, technical support will be provided irregularly.

Guanzhong Wa's Choice of Oil Spicy Noodles

The oily noodles in the franchise store have strong regional characteristics. The purely hand-made pasta highlights the nutritional and healthy attributes and is popular with consumers. In addition, the store also launched a variety of Shaanxi flavor food, including Roujiamo, Babaozhen Cake, Diving Goose Intestine, Shredded Chicken Cold Skin, etc. In particular, the classic saozi noodles are the star products. They use high-quality ingredients to boil the brine, and are matched with saozi noodles with diced meat, eggs, tofu, fungus, garlic sprouts and other side dishes. They are full of color, smell and praise.

 Guanzhong Wa Greasy Noodles

Pricing standard of Guanzhong Wa's noodles

Brands have conducted a comprehensive survey of the current market situation, learned about the economic strength of the general public, and also mastered the pricing standards of other brands in the industry, bringing about the level of public consumption. A bowl of classic pasta varies from a few yuan to a dozen yuan, which can meet the consumption needs of different groups.

How to join Guanzhong Wa Youpomian? The specific joining process is introduced and explained in detail on the company's website. You can directly log on to the website to browse and understand, or consult the online customer service personnel. The franchise work is carried out step by step to create a work efficiency of twice the result with half the effort and greatly reduce the time cost of entrepreneurs.

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