How much is the joining fee of children's restaurant

2023-07-24 14:30:00 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 0 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

The majority of parents pay more attention to children's diet. People pay more attention to nutrition and quality. They will choose healthy children's restaurants for their children to eat. As time goes by, the development space of this industry will expand rapidly and become a sunrise industry in the catering industry.

  • Brand name: Children's Restaurant
  • Industry: Restaurant > Chinese food
  • Number of stores: 100
  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan

The majority of parents pay more attention to children's diet. People pay more attention to nutrition and quality. They will choose healthy children's restaurants for their children to eat. As time goes by, the development space of this industry will expand rapidly and become a sunrise industry in the catering industry. The children's restaurants everywhere bring convenient dining experience to consumers, meet the food needs of different groups, and the sales performance also shows a sustained growth. It is a promising entrepreneurial project. Next, I will introduce how much the franchise fee of children's restaurants is?

 Children's Restaurant

Xiaodouding Children's Restaurant: as an early established brand in the industry, the company has relatively strong strength in research and development and production. It closely follows the needs of current consumers, carries out comprehensive innovation on the products, adds more than 20 kinds of nutrients and precious Chinese herbs in the product ingredients, improves the taste and nutritional value of each product, and enables consumers to eat healthily Eat with ease. In addition, about ten new products will be launched to the market every quarter, so that people will have a bright feeling every time they come to dinner. The franchise fee is between 150000 yuan and 300000 yuan, including brand franchise fees, advertising fees and so on.

 Children's Restaurant

Xiaomo Family Children's Restaurant: After more than ten years of development, the brand still stands tall in the market, and the scale of operation is gradually expanding. More than 400 franchise stores have been launched to bring healthy and nutritious food to consumers all over the country, which is diversified in variety and meets the food needs of different groups. The cost of joining is between 120000 yuan and 250000 yuan.

JM Pudding Children's Restaurant: The company has a group of experienced product research and development teams, which use different kinds of food materials to introduce nutritious and healthy children's food to the market. Each product has the characteristics of beautiful appearance, nutrition and health, so that consumers will fall in love with this taste once they eat it, and will often come to buy it back. The franchise fee is between 100000 yuan and 200000 yuan.

How much is the joining fee of Children's Restaurant? Entrepreneurs can cooperate with children's restaurants of different brands in terms of the cost of investment. They can choose appropriate brands to cooperate according to market demand and economic ability, so as to raise the sail of entrepreneurship.

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