How much is the joining fee for Wenzhou people

2024-05-22 08:07:12 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 0 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

The porridge shop is a kind of food store that many consumers are familiar with. As a traditional staple food in China, porridge has a long food history and cultural heritage. The porridge food in many places is loved by many consumers, and many professional porridge restaurants are loved by everyone.

  • Brand name: Wenzhouren
  • Industry: Restaurant > Fast Food
  • Number of stores: 100
  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan

The porridge shop is a kind of food store that many consumers are familiar with. As a traditional staple food in China, porridge has a long food history and cultural heritage. The porridge food in many places is loved by many consumers, and many professional porridge restaurants are loved by everyone. As an outstanding catering project in the industry, Wenzhouren is a local specialty catering brand from Wenzhou, which has been loved by many consumers with authentic and healthy porridge food. The excellent project development has attracted the attention of many franchisees. How much is the joining fee of Wenzhouren?

 Wenzhouren joined

Wenzhouren is a catering brand mainly engaged in various kinds of healthy porridge, casserole porridge and health porridge. In terms of development, it takes porridge as its orientation and chain fast food as its main business form. It has achieved outstanding development performance in the industry. Then, how much is the joining fee for Wenzhouren? The franchise fee of Wenzhouren brand is about 50000~100000 yuan. The amount of investment required for franchise opening is flexible, and the area of the store can be formulated according to the actual situation of individuals. Wenzhouren mainly adopts two elite ways of dining and taking out. The product mix in the store is standardized, and the decoration design has a unified brand design concept.

Wenzhou people are now very enthusiastic about the development of the project. There have been dozens of brand stores established and developed one after another. With elegant lamps and soft seats, they bring consumers a better indoor dining experience, and have been working hard to create a warm and comfortable dining environment.

 Porridge man

There are also a wide variety of products in the restaurant, which can meet the food needs of many diners. The main food items include more than 100 combinations of single items, such as hand-made dumplings, steamed buns, rice cakes, boiled rice, casserole porridge, etc. Each quarter will have different combinations of single items output, to bring consumers delicious food throughout the year.

Then, how much is the joining fee for Wenzhouren? For many entrepreneurs who want to join in, Wenzhouren is a good choice for joining in. They have made good achievements in brand development, and have established many brand stores in China. They also have rich experience in chain operation.

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