How much does it cost to open a pottery bar

2017-02-20 17:00:22 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 1164 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

Many people have always loved playing with mud since they were young. Playing with mud is what many people grow up with. Many people did not expect that playing with mud would also be able to start a business and bring more business to these people. Some people even promoted playing with mud to playing with art, attracting many consumers and many franchisees. How much does it cost to open a pottery bar? When choosing, entrepreneurs should first understand the pottery bar industry, and how about its operation? What problems will arise in the process of development?

Many people have always loved playing with mud since they were young. Playing with mud is what many people grow up with. Many people did not expect that playing with mud would also be able to start a business and bring more business to these people. Some people even promoted playing with mud to playing with art, attracting many consumers and also attracting many franchisees. How much does it cost to open a pottery bar? When choosing, entrepreneurs should first understand the pottery bar industry, and how about its operation? What problems will arise in the process of development?

 Joined in pottery bar

Before choosing to join this industry, we need to understand the current market. At present, the processing of the ceramic industry should be a very new industry in the current market. Many young people will choose to join this industry. Although it is an emerging industry, many joining projects already have a perfect joining mode. How much does it cost to open a pottery bar? Entrepreneurs can choose some single store joining projects. For example, the franchisee can choose to join Tianwufang Pottery Bar. To join this project, the entrepreneur only needs to invest 20000 yuan.

 Joined in pottery bar

In the process of operation, the overall capital investment is about 200000 yuan, which probably includes the decoration of stores, the lease of early houses, the water and electricity costs of houses, as well as some raw materials for making ceramic articles, and early promotion. Although ceramic art has a long history in China, many ceramic bars also need to promote for a period of time before they officially open their stores, which can gain more recognition from consumers. Now there are many ceramic art franchise projects in China, which have slowly opened up the domestic void.

If some entrepreneurs like pottery, they can choose to join some pottery joining projects. How much does it cost to open a pottery bar? According to the different brands selected by these franchisees, the initial franchise costs will be different, but the overall investment will be between 100000 yuan and 200000 yuan. In the process of operation, these franchise stores are also constantly integrating some better elements and gaining recognition from more franchisees. In the process of operation, the company can also provide a lot of help to the franchisees and help them stabilize faster.

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