How much is the franchise fee for seven cups of tea and milk tea

2024-05-17 11:03:54 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 0 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

Several cost factors to consider before opening a store include: 1 Store rent: choosing a superior store location is the key to success, and the rent depends on the different cities and regions. 2. Equipment costs: The equipment costs required for opening stores vary according to different regions and store sizes. 3. Decoration cost:

  • Brand name: Seven cup tea milk tea
  • Industry: Restaurant > drink
  • Number of stores: 700
  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan

Several cost factors to consider before opening a store include:

1. Store rent: choosing a superior store location is the key to success, and the rent depends on the different cities and regions.

2. Equipment costs: The equipment costs required for opening stores vary according to different regions and store sizes.

3. Decoration cost: The decoration of the store should be distinctive to attract more customers, and the decoration cost should be determined according to the specific situation.

4. Water and electricity fees: The water and electricity fees of the store vary depending on the store area and passenger flow.

5. Staff salary: The number of staff required and labor costs will vary according to the size of the store and the city where it is located.

6. Working capital: set aside a certain amount of working capital to deal with unexpected situations that may occur in the process of opening a store.

If you join the seven cups of tea, you will get the strict requirements of the company in terms of store decoration and raw material supply. We hope that each franchise store can enjoy the support of the company and form a consistent characteristic service. To provide customers with a more comfortable consumption environment is the direction we have been working hard.

Before we know about the franchise cost of seven cups of tea, we need to know that the franchise cost is about 50000 yuan to 100000 yuan. In addition, the franchisee also needs to prepare certain funds to deal with various expenses that may be encountered during the franchise process, such as decoration, personnel wages and equipment. The specific amount of fees is closely related to the scale selected by the franchisee. The larger the scale is, the higher the franchise fees will be.

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