Luodingji snail fans join the headquarters

2024-05-06 18:46:00 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 0 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

In terms of the types of food and beverage that have been loved by many consumers in recent years, I believe many people will think of snail powder. The snail powder has a high popularity in the domestic food and beverage market. Many excellent food brands of snail powder are known and loved by everyone, and Luodingji snail powder is one of the better developed brands in the industry.

  • Brand name: Luodingji snail powder
  • Industry: Restaurant > Cooked Food
  • Number of stores: 50
  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan

In terms of the types of food and beverage that have been loved by many consumers in recent years, I believe many people will think of snail powder. The snail powder has a high popularity in the domestic food and beverage market. Many excellent food brands of snail powder are known and loved by everyone, and Luodingji snail powder is one of the better developed brands in the industry. Luodingji snail powder is an excellent catering brand from Hunan Province of China. It is an enterprise focusing on the development of snail powder category. Over the years, it has made good achievements in cumulative development and received the attention of many franchisees. So, how about Luodingji snail powder joining the headquarters?

 Luodingji Snail Powder

A small store of Luodingji Snail Powder more than ten years ago has developed into a large chain food store today, with more than 700 stores established in the market, which is very significant in brand influence and appeal. So, how about Luodingji's snail fans joining the headquarters? Luodingji snail powder is a very good choice for joining projects. It has outstanding competitiveness in both brand development and product advantages. Moreover, Luodingji snail powder has a high standard in product production, with authentic Liuzhou flavor and special blessing, meeting the needs and choices of the public.

The product of Luodingji snail powder has the characteristics of tender, smooth, elastic and refreshing, especially in the production process of the soup base of the snail powder, which is boiled with more than 20 kinds of ingredients, such as fresh screws, pig bones, and has a strong flavor.

 Snail powder

In addition to being particular about the preparation of the soup bottom, Luodingji snail powder also has a large number of high-quality ingredients added to the taste, including anise, mango, cinnamon and other classic ingredients, as well as rich side dishes, including beancurd, peanuts, agaric, beans, peanuts and so on.

So, how about Luodingji's snail fans joining the headquarters? For many customers who are interested in joining in cooperation, Luodingji Snail Powder is a very good choice for joining in projects. It has many years of experience in brand development, accumulated rich experience, and succeeded in chain operation, which can bring reliable joining services to the franchisees.

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