Franchise expenses of Xinliangji food materials

2024-05-15 11:32:07 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 0 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

People can't resist hotpot all the year round, especially it is very convenient to make hotpot, and there are a lot of ingredients to choose from.

People can't resist hotpot all the year round, especially it is very convenient to make hotpot, and there are a lot of ingredients to choose from. In order to facilitate shopping, there are also many hotpot food supermarkets in the market that can meet the one-stop purchase of various ingredients needed for hotpot barbecue. Xinliangji Food Materials can purchase and prepare food materials according to people's needs for food. As an entrepreneur, if you are willing to join, you should be prepared.

 Joined by Xinliangji Food Materials

Xinliangji Food Materials can combine western food and Chinese food culture according to the requirements of consumers for nutritious food and people's requirements for scientific eating methods, adhere to the hot pot food supermarket as its own business standard, meet everyone's requirements for various food materials. The store has a wide range of products, including various sets of meals, dipping materials, condiments, various side dishes required for making hot pot Fashion drinks, leisure food and various catering equipment. If everyone prepares the food supermarket to buy equipment, do a good job in decoration, store preparation, purchase and operation of working capital, these comprehensive costs will also be about 200000 yuan.

The company can have its own business cooperation team and supply fresh food every day. The company also has a semi-finished product processing and production base, which can clean, sort and package all kinds of food materials needed for hot pot and barbecue, and deliver fresh food materials to the store every day in a timely manner, so as to make customers more satisfied with their purchase. Bring customers all kinds of ingredients for health preservation and delicious food.

 Xinliangji Food Materials

The store is very flexible in operation, with a variety of hotpot bottoms to choose from, as well as rich ingredients for fresh meat and vegetables, which can be purchased by customers or supplied directly to the hotpot store. The store operation is also very simple and easy to manage. Customers can choose their own way of settlement, which is quite convenient. All dishes are priced uniformly, and entrepreneurs can easily understand the operation of the store by using the system settlement management.

As for the joining expenses of Xinliangji food ingredients, the funds for opening the store need to be prepared, and the reasonable planning and store preparation should be done well. The company can also give systematic and scientific guidance on marketing strategies and operation management methods according to the needs of the stores, so that the business of the stores can be better, the sales volume can be greatly increased, and the sales and distribution of various food materials can be well done.

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2024-06-12 12:39:06 Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China 42.236.211*

If I am interested, please contact me; It is estimated to be 200000 yuan.

2024-06-10 01:50:28 Xinjiang 49.114.83*

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2024-06-06 16:38:48 Jiujiang, Jiangxi 59.54.46*

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2024-06-05 02:28:40 Heilongjiang Province 42.102.201*

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2024-05-30 07:24:57 Hebi City, Henan Province 42.230.21*
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