How much is the joining fee for joining Zhengxin Chicken Chop

2024-04-03 18:59:51 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 0 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

The savings of Zhengxin chicken chops are also remarkable. The market vacancy in the catering industry provides sufficient customers for the brand. It is estimated that the monthly turnover can reach 80000 to 130000 yuan, and the gross operating result is about 60000 to 90000 yuan. After deducting the necessary franchise costs, the monthly net operating results can reach 30000 to 50000 yuan, and the annual operating results

  • Brand name: New Chicken Chop
  • Industry: Restaurant > Chicken Chop
  • Number of stores: 1000
  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan

The savings of Zhengxin chicken chops are also remarkable. The market vacancy in the catering industry provides sufficient customers for the brand. It is estimated that the monthly turnover can reach 80000 to 130000 yuan, and the gross operating result is about 60000 to 90000 yuan. After deducting the necessary franchise costs, the monthly net operating results can reach 30000 to 50000 yuan, and the annual operating results are even more impressive. For stores with large scale and large passenger flow, the space for business achievements will be broader.

The management team of Zhengxin Chicken Chop has rich management experience, and the total number of employees nationwide exceeds 6000. The headquarters has several departments, including the General Manager's Office, the Marketing Department, and the R&D Department. The total number of logistics personnel has reached more than 2000. A complete management system has been established to ensure the steady development of the brand in the market.

In the opening process, Zhengxin Chicken Chop has a mature system to ensure the smooth opening of each new store. The professional training team provides franchisees with various trainings including store management, product production, advertising and marketing. The training period is usually 5 days, during which the design and decoration of the store will be carried out simultaneously to reduce the cost of opening time and ensure that the trained qualified staff can work in time and create value.

The success of Zhengxin Chicken Chop is not only reflected in its delicious products, but also in its comprehensive support for franchisees and professional operation management system. Such brand strength provides a reliable and profitable entrepreneurial platform for franchisees.

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2024-05-29 07:21:14 Urumqi, Xinjiang, China 49.118.173*

If I am interested, please contact me; 500000 yuan.

2024-05-28 07:17:13 Jiangsu Province 49.66.173*

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2024-05-23 07:35:42 Heihe City, Heilongjiang 61.180.220*

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2024-05-21 14:41:30 Kaifeng City, Henan Province 61.158.149*

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2024-05-19 01:36:38 Nanning, Guangxi 58.59.215*
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