Franchise fee of Pancake

2024-05-23 11:13:24 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 0 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

Grains and cereals are good for people's health. Now people need to eat all kinds of food every day. Grains and cereals pancakes are also a favorite food for many people. They can be eaten for dinner, lunch, and midnight snack. The price is affordable and the quantity is sufficient. There are abundant food materials to choose from.

  • Brand name: Pancake Record
  • Industry: Restaurant > snack
  • Number of stores: 1
  • Investment amount: 10000~50000 yuan

Grains and cereals are good for people's health. Now people need to eat all kinds of food every day. Grains and cereals pancakes are also a favorite food for many people. They can be eaten for dinner, lunch, and midnight snack. The price is affordable and the quantity is sufficient. There are abundant food materials to choose from. Now there are many special snack stores on the market, among which Pancake Story is a special food brand. There are many chain stores in China, and the hot sale of pancakes in the stores attracts many consumers. Many netizens want to know how much is the cost of pancake franchise?

 Pancake franchise

Franchise fee of Pancake

Pancake Story is a brand of food snacks originating from Changsha. The store is mainly composed of coarse grain pancakes, cereal health porridge, and cereal soymilk. It provides consumers with high cost performance flavor snacks. The store has a thriving business and high popularity. Many netizens want to know that the franchise fee of Pancake Story includes two parts, one is the franchise fee, and the other is the startup fund of the store. Franchise fees include deposit, royalties, and franchise fees, which are generally around 10000 to 30000 yuan; Then there is the infrastructure construction fund of the store, including the lease fee and decoration fee of the store, as well as the equipment purchase fee and water and electricity fees of the store, which are generally about 50000 yuan to 100000 yuan. If the rent of the store is high, the fund needed to be invested will be higher, and the specific cost should be subject to the actual situation.

 Pancake Record

Is pancake special

The store of Pancake Record has launched a variety of pancake tastes, including black rice pancakes, corn and cereal pancakes, and white flour pancakes. The area of pancakes is large, and one pancake is enough to satisfy adults. The ingredients of pancakes can be matched at will, including vegetables, kelp, sausages, tenderloin, pickles, lettuce, etc. A good combination of various ingredients and rich nutrition can meet the food needs of different consumers.

The above introduction of pancake franchise costs, pancake market, I believe you have some understanding. The price of pancakes is affordable. A few yuan or ten yuan for each pancake. The size of pancakes is large. A cup of freshly squeezed soymilk from grain can satisfy a sumptuous meal, which is loved by many white-collar workers and office workers. The popularity of the store is high and the business is booming. It has also become a favorite food brand.

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2024-06-26 22:27:35 Liaoning Shenyang [Unicom] 61.189.41*

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2024-06-20 01:42:32 Sanmenxia City, Henan Province 61.158.147*

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2024-06-17 01:11:03 Dingxi City, Gansu Province 42.93.101*

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