How much does it cost to join Jinbusan Barbecue

2022-08-06 14:30:42 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 0 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

Now is the era of the rise of barbecue. Many people will go out to have a barbecue with their relatives and friends whenever they have leisure time. The atmosphere of barbecue is very good, which is also one of its attractions. Jinbusan barbecue is well made and has a good reputation in the market. So many people are interested in joining. How much does Jinbusan barbecue cost to join? Let's have a look.

  • Brand name: Jinbusan Barbecue
  • Industry: Restaurant > barbecue
  • Number of stores: 1
  • Investment amount: 10000~50000 yuan

Now is the era of the rise of barbecue. Many people will go out to have a barbecue with their relatives and friends whenever they have leisure time. The atmosphere of barbecue is very good, which is also one of its attractions. Jinbusan barbecue is well made and has a good reputation in the market. So many people are interested in joining. How much does Jinbusan barbecue cost to join? Let's have a look.

How much does it cost to join Jinbusan Barbecue

The franchise cost of Jinbusan Barbecue is from 10000 to 20000 yuan at the initial stage of the franchise. In the later stage, the store rental and various equipment purchase are complete, with the cost ranging from 30000 to 80000 yuan. The franchise cost will change with the location and size of the store. If the store area is small, 30000 yuan can be used for the franchise.

The cost of joining Jinbusan Barbecue is not high. In the barbecue industry, Jinbusan Barbecue is a brand with low cost but large promotion space.

Jinbusan Barbecue Brand Features

1. Jinbusan Barbecue integrates the current mainstream self-help barbecue mode, allowing customers to enjoy delicious food while having fun. The barbecue cooked by themselves is as tender and smooth as it tastes, and the thick pyrotechnic gas makes people's fatigue disappear after a busy day.

2. The supply of unique barbecue seasoning, which has been studied by the headquarters for many times, can be sprinkled on the barbecue at the same time, so that the barbecue has an incomparable taste, the temperature is in your own hands, and you can eat any degree of barbecue.

3. Fully automated operation, automatic barbecue, diverse functions, innovation of the original technology, so that customers can relax their hands and enjoy food.

4. Standardized management system, integrated service, rich and colorful dishes, complete barbecue and vegetables, nutritious meal matching, make customers eat comfortably.

The business model of BBQ is very simple. With the self-service model, the BBQ shop will gradually become better. How much does Jinbusan Barbecue cost to join? This article explains that Jinbusan Barbecue brand has a good reputation in the market. It is the main feature of the brand to use a small amount of joining fees to create an advantage, and repeat customers one after another.

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