How much is the joining fee of Qinwei old bowl noodles in Guanzhong

2024-06-03 18:32:59 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 0 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

Flour food has always been a familiar and favorite food type. Flour food plays an important role in the catering culture in China. Flour food products with local characteristics are found in many regions in China, especially in the northwest.

  • Brand name: Guanzhong Qinwei Laowan Noodles
  • Industry: Restaurant > snack
  • Number of stores: 223
  • Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan

Flour food has always been a familiar and favorite food type. Flour food plays an important role in the catering culture in China. Flour food products with local characteristics are found in many regions in China, especially in the northwest. Guanzhong Qinwei Laowan Noodles is a food brand that many consumers are familiar with. It has made outstanding achievements in the domestic catering market and is a star brand of a powerful domestic catering enterprise. Taking characteristic snacks as the starting point, the project has been launched in the research and development of products in combination with the needs of modern consumers. The project has attracted the attention of many franchisees. How much is the franchise fee for Guanzhong Qinwei Laowan Noodles?

 Guanzhong Qinwei Laowan Noodles

Guanzhong Qinwei Laowanmian has many characteristics in terms of products, including strong, delicious, healthy, flexible, refreshing, rich sauce, etc. In terms of products, consumers' taste is taken as the starting point to meet the taste needs of modern consumers. Then, how much is the joining fee of Qinwei old bowl noodles in Guanzhong? The franchise fee of Guanzhong Qinwei old bowl noodle brand is about 50000~100000 yuan, and the actual amount of franchise investment lies in the construction of stores. For example, there is a large demand for funds in store rent, decoration design, in store equipment, materials, raw materials, manpower, etc., which is about 100000~200000 yuan.

Guanzhong Qinwei Laowanmian has an excellent development and construction in the domestic catering market. It has more than 600 franchisees to choose from, covering more than 100 cities and regions across the country, with more than five brand projects and more than 60 kinds of self-developed products.

 Guanzhong Qinwei Laowan Noodles

Guanzhong Qinwei old bowl noodles have a high standard in the production of products. Fresh big bones and three yellow chickens are selected to boil the soup bottom for more than five hours. The soup bottom is rich, mellow and rich in vitamins. In addition, Guanzhong Qinwei Laowanmian selects organic vegetable ingredients, mainly organic vegetable raw materials without fertilizer and pesticide residues.

Then, how much is the joining fee of Qinwei old bowl noodles in Guanzhong? There are many specialty food products in the Qinwei Laowan Noodle Shop in Guanzhong, which are mainly divided into four categories: the specialty Laowan Noodle series, the delicious Laowan Soup Noodle series, the colorful cold dishes series, and the spicy braised dishes series. Each series has multiple product combinations to meet the needs of many consumers.

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