Is it true that Guangxin Express Logistics has joined in?

2016-09-05 09:20:00 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 858 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

With the rise of e-commerce, the express industry has developed rapidly. When it comes to express delivery, many people may think of old express companies such as Shentong, Yuantong, EMS, etc. Guangxin Express, as a member of the emerging express delivery force, has obtained the "Domestic Express Business License" issued by the post office, and is also a member of the board of directors of the Domestic Express Association. Is it true that Guangxin Express Logistics has joined in?

With the rise of e-commerce, the express industry has developed rapidly. When it comes to express delivery, many people may think of old express companies such as Shentong, Yuantong, EMS, etc. Guangxin Express, as a member of the emerging express delivery force, has obtained the "Domestic Express Business License" issued by the post office, and is also a member of the board of directors of the Domestic Express Association. Is it true that Guangxin Express Logistics has joined in?

The answer is self-evident. Relying on Shandong Guangxin Fengtong Co., Ltd., Guangxin Express has a strong financial strength and industry background, and also has a competitive power in the face of the complicated express brands in the market. Maybe someone will ask, since Guangxin Express is so powerful, why do we need franchisees?

First of all, as a new company, Guangxin Express has basically established a nationwide express network in the past four years, but it is not comprehensive. It still needs the assistance of franchisees to improve the nationwide network to improve the company's popularity; Secondly, Guangxin Express has strong ambitions. Now that the company has been established for four years, it needs to develop a broader market, so it needs franchisees to strengthen the company's strength and promote its continuous development.

Is it true that Guangxin Express Logistics has joined in? There is no doubt that the company has clear regulations on the joining of Guangxin Express. The company has a series of clear regulations on joining. The regions that franchisees can join are divided into seven categories: provincial-level, municipalities directly under the Central Government, first tier outlets (provincial capitals), second tier outlets (provincial cities), third tier outlets (prefecture level cities), counties, districts and township streets. For regional franchisees, there is no franchise fee, just pay a certain amount of increase/increase money. As long as franchisees operate in good faith, jointly maintain the company's image, and abide by the contract, Then this increase/increase will be returned to the franchisee.

Is it true that Guangxin Express Logistics has joined in? Is it doubtful now? Joining a strong express brand is tantamount to mastering the secret of becoming rich in the new era. At present, Guangxin Express is recruiting franchisees nationwide. If you want to achieve your own career, don't doubt, become a member of Guangxin Express!

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