Ice cream franchise fee

2024-06-05 16:00:55 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 0 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

Now many beverage and dessert stores have appeared, which can meet the dining selection requirements of most people. In order to attract more customers, many people will choose reliable brands to join.

  • Brand name: ice cream
  • Industry: Restaurant > ice cream
  • Number of stores: 100
  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan

Now many beverage and dessert stores have appeared, which can meet the dining selection requirements of most people. In order to attract more customers, many people will choose reliable brands to join. Many ice cream franchisees also need to make expense planning and preparation in combination with the market and funds in hand when choosing to open stores. In order to meet the needs of more entrepreneurs, we also need to know about the cost of ice cream franchise. The cost standards are for reference only.

 Ice cream franchise

Brand franchise fee

There are many ice cream brands that can be selected in the market, and the market situation of each brand's product characteristics is different, so we should do a good job in selecting brands. After obtaining the brand management right and signing the contract, the company's standard of franchise fee is different, about 30000 to 50000 yuan. After obtaining the authorization, the company can also enjoy the company's resource advantages and technical guidance.

Shop rent

If you want to run a store, you need to prepare the store rent. Most of the rent is based on the operation of stalls. In this way, the rent is relatively less, and you can find places with large traffic to open stores. The annual rent is not fixed, so it needs to be well controlled. Generally, the rental stall stores need to prepare about 20000 to 30000 yuan per year.

Shop decoration fee

The decoration of the ice cream shop is also very simple. You can do a simple decoration according to the decoration design scheme provided by the company. As long as you keep it clean and clean, the design style is beautiful, and the decoration cost of a stall shop is about 10000 yuan.

 ice cream

Store equipment purchase cost

Ice cream shops need to purchase equipment, raw materials, refrigerators, fresh-keeping cabinets, cash registers, air conditioners, etc. needed for making ice cream. About a whole set of equipment needs to be prepared for 3000-30000 yuan.

In addition, if the franchise stores need these fees for store operation, you can probably refer to them. If we operate by mobile cars, we only need one mobile car to meet the demand, which only costs several thousand yuan.

For entrepreneurs, there are many brands to choose from, but they can do a good job of market research in the process of preparing for operation. They can choose brand stores to operate or mobile vehicles to operate according to their desired business methods. The costs are different, which can meet the business needs. Entrepreneurs can investigate and choose according to their own conditions.

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2024-06-28 20:57:35 Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, China 39.181.172*

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2024-06-17 10:54:17 Taizhou, Zhejiang [Mobile] 39.181.214*

What are the company's requirements for franchisees, whether there are requirements for site selection and store size, and how much is the franchise fee

2024-06-17 06:29:23 Suqian City, Jiangsu Province 49.89.99*

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2024-06-14 08:22:50 Xiamen, Fujian 59.57.162*
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