What procedures are needed to open a pet hospital

2022-09-15 15:00:24 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 0 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

Pets are good partners in people's life. People can choose small animals according to their own preferences. However, in life, these small animals will also have symptoms of illness or discomfort. Pet hospitals can solve these problems. What's the procedure for opening a pet hospital? What regulations should be paid attention to?

  • Brand name: Pet Hospital
  • Industry: service > Pet Care
  • Number of stores: 423
  • Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan

Pets are good partners in people's life. People can choose small animals according to their own preferences. However, in life, these small animals will also have symptoms of illness or discomfort. Pet hospitals can solve these problems. What's the procedure for opening a pet hospital? What regulations should be paid attention to?

What procedures are needed to open a pet hospital

1. Animal diagnosis and treatment permit

The operation of a pet hospital needs to apply for an animal diagnosis and treatment license. The applicant should submit the application materials to the relevant departments, including the identity certificate, the orientation map and indoor map of the animal diagnosis and treatment institution, as well as the qualifications and relevant certificates of professional veterinarians. Generally, the whole process can be completed in about three weeks.

2. Animal Epidemic Prevention Certificate

The operator also needs to fill in the Application Form for Animal Epidemic Prevention Certificate, and the relevant department will review the applicant's store within 30 working days after receiving the application, and the Animal Epidemic Prevention Certificate will be issued only after it is qualified.

3. Other formalities

Of course, operating a pet hospital should also have the certificates that general operators need to handle, such as business license, tax registration certificate, and opening an account in a bank. These are necessary certificates for normal operation. However, the business license can only be handled after obtaining the animal diagnosis and treatment permit from the relevant department.

Relevant regulations for opening a pet hospital

Running a pet hospital is different from the general business premises, and must comply with certain regulations. For example, the hospital should be divided into eight departments, including consulting room, disposal room, operating room, ward and laboratory; In addition, the opening location of animal hospitals should also comply with relevant regulations. They should be far away from government offices, large enterprises and institutions, schools, shopping malls and other densely populated areas. The entrance and exit of the stores should also be set up along the street, not toward office buildings or residential buildings.

What procedures do you need to open a pet hospital? The relevant procedures should be consulted with the local authorities concerned and handled after receiving an accurate answer, so as to save time and effort and avoid detours. Of course, there are many details of the operation of animal hospitals that need attention. We should do enough homework to avoid trouble in future operation.

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