Franchise price of milk tea chain stores

2024-04-27 15:10:36 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 0 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

Opening a milk tea shop is the idea of many joining entrepreneurs. The domestic tea market has a huge development scale, and many excellent tea brands are known and loved by everyone. Moreover, many excellent tea brands carry out project development in many ways, such as chaining and cooperative operation, which brings development opportunities to many joining entrepreneurs.

  • Brand name: Milk tea chain store
  • Industry: Restaurant > drink
  • Number of stores: 0
  • Investment amount: 200000~500000 yuan

Opening a milk tea shop is the idea of many joining entrepreneurs. The domestic tea market has a huge development scale. Many excellent tea brands are known and loved by everyone. Moreover, many excellent tea brands carry out project development in many ways, such as chaining and cooperative operation, which brings development opportunities to many joining entrepreneurs. Choosing a better milk tea chain store to join can have a better opportunity for development, but many franchisees are unfamiliar with the joining fees and joining conditions of some brands, especially the scope of joining investment is relatively vague, so what is the joining price of milk tea chain stores?

 Joined in milk tea chain stores

Crosspoint milk tea is a newly developed chain tea brand in China in recent years, which has attracted the attention of young customers in the development of the brand. It appears in the market as a brand image with a high degree of recognition, and uses blue as the background color, with cross LOGO for embellishment, which is very consistent with the current trend and fashion brand image standards. In terms of joining, the amount invested in joining milk tea at the intersection is about 200000~300000 yuan.

Tea crabapple milk tea is a brand that everyone is familiar with. It has developed well in the domestic tea market and is a tea project with brand characteristics. Tea crabapple has always adhered to the production of national style tea drinks. It faces the market in the form of combination of traditional tea drinks and modern trendy tea drinks. Its products include milk tea, fruit tea, specialty drinks and many other series. In terms of joining, the amount invested in joining Chahaitang milk tea is about 100000~300000 yuan.

 Milk tea chain store

Touring tea drinks has a huge scale of development in the domestic tea market. Today, more than 100 brand stores have been established, covering many cities and regions in China. With rich experience in franchise, chain and other aspects, it has developed together with many cooperative customers. In terms of joining, the amount invested in joining tea tour drinks is about 200000~300000 yuan.

Then, what is the joining price of milk tea chain stores? Milk tea chain stores have many types of franchise options and diversified positioning. Franchisees can conduct project selection analysis according to their preferences, budget, local market and many other situations, and select a franchise brand suitable for their own operation, but they should consider the actual situation in many aspects.

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