What03 Milk Tea Franchise Fee

2024-06-15 12:03:10 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 0 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

For entrepreneurs, choosing a hot entrepreneurial project is more conducive to realizing their entrepreneurial dreams.

For entrepreneurs, choosing a hot entrepreneurial project is more conducive to realizing their entrepreneurial dreams. Nowadays, the development of the beverage industry is booming, and there are also some famous beverage brands in the market, such as what03 milk tea. Now let's know how much the what03 milk tea franchise fee is?

 What03 milk tea joining

What03 Milk Tea Franchise Fee

The franchise fee of the brand is about 100000 yuan, which is estimated based on the area of 20 to 30 square meters of small stores. If the business area increases, it should be properly raised on this basis, and the specific expenses should be subject to the actual expenses incurred. Of course, entrepreneurs can also provide their actual entrepreneurial needs and economic strength to the company's professionals, who will recommend suitable joining programs for everyone, and give a detailed introduction to the joining fee.

What03 Features of milk tea drinks

The drinks sold by the franchise stores not only have outstanding taste, but also have nothing to say about their appearance. Every simple cup of drink will be decorated with some fashion elements, or white clouds, or cute bears, which will catch the attention of consumers at once. In addition, the decoration and design of the store also highlight the youth, simple and not simple design concept, which is more in line with the aesthetic standards of young people at present, so everyone always likes to go to the major franchise stores to take photos and clock in.

 What03 milk tea

What03 How to select a site for milk tea

The location of new stores needs to follow the principle of people flow, that is, select areas with sufficient customer sources as far as possible. People who like to drink all kinds of drinks are very common in life, so the location of stores is relatively flexible, such as residential areas, schools, stations, parks, squares, city centers, pedestrian streets, shopping malls, supermarkets, cinemas and other areas can be considered, Do not covet the cheap rent, and choose remote areas to build stores.

What03 How much is the joining fee for milk tea? No matter which business model you choose, entrepreneurs should prepare enough funds, because in the process of building a store, there will be various expenses, such as rent, decoration fees, purchase fees, equipment purchase fees, etc., which are essential items. The specific amount should be subject to the results of real-time consultation.

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