[Mu Rou Joins] Don't touch these minefields when you open an underwear store!

2018-06-20 17:24:14 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 1442 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

In order to obtain an ideal appearance, entrepreneurs must position their expectations.

   Try not to open community stores

In order to obtain an ideal appearance, entrepreneurs must position their expectations.

"Lock in the consumer groups you want to sell, understand their consumption habits, consumption capacity, consumption level and consumption mentality, and what is important is their requirements and preferences for shopping areas and regions." Try not to open community stores.

Although it is necessary to increase/increase the flow of people, generally supermarkets or malls around mature communities will have underwear counters, and customers will have a preconceived idea that "it is not easy to survive if you want to compete with supermarkets".

Entrepreneurs want to open an underwear shop alone. It is suggested that they open it near the pedestrian street or beauty salon where women often come and go.

In addition, at the beginning of opening a store, entrepreneurs still need to do a survey of competitors. "The price of the products, the number of years the competitors have settled in, the style of decoration, and the observation in this regard, make their stores conduct differentiated business with them in decoration and products, which is also the key factor for success."

   Select brands with quality support

"What kind of brand to choose depends on your local economic level." For new entrepreneurs, if they do not rely on joining, they can choose goods according to their own economic conditions.

No matter how the product is selected, the key is to improve/increase the quality. Said: "Underwear is a close fitting item, and product quality is crucial. If customers complain about quality problems, it is a very troublesome matter for new stores."

In addition, entrepreneurs must choose more products with a higher degree of tranquility when purchasing. Not only that, entrepreneurs should also control the color and size of women's underwear. "For example, women in the north have plump breasts, so they should choose a larger size. The color should be dark in winter and light in summer. Red must be a popular color during the Spring Festival."

   The decoration of the underwear store should be warm

A qualified store environment helps customers remember you.

First of all, the store must have a good name, which must be easy to read and remember, with fresh and distinctive meanings. "The door head can be made of high-grade crystal characters, or painted with bright colors."

Moreover, the overall decoration of the store should be clearly different from the adjacent stores in color and decoration. Many customers will consider whether to enter a store because of its exquisite decoration.

The decoration of the underwear store should focus on warm colors, and the overall style should be warm. "Because women are emotional animals, the beautiful shopping environment will stimulate their desire to buy."

For the whole store, the fitting room must be well prepared. "To feel the new store, it is necessary to try on its products. The time spent in the fitting room will be the key for customers to make decisions."

The small editor suggested that the fitting room must have good ventilation and fresh air. There should also be a place to hang clothes, combs, paper towels and other supplies. The wall should also be hung with a "guide map" for underwear wearing. "No matter what you do, let your female customers feel warm, just like in their own room."

   Products should be moved frequently

Good sales performance can only be achieved with good commodity display. No matter the size of the underwear store or the grade, the products must be neatly displayed. In addition, it shall be changed according to the change of tide.

If there is no major change in the goods, the changes in display, decoration and decoration can make the store take on a new look to attract customers.

Underwear is a close fitting object, which is easier to cultivate feelings with customers in wearing. Generally, female customers of brand underwear will buy two or three brands of products.

It is suggested that entrepreneurs can often provide some unique services for regular customers, such as giving promotional gifts, sending a greeting card or text message to greet them on their birthdays and festivals, timely informing them of promotional information, regularly organizing some fashion salons for regular customers and other activities, so as to stabilize the customer base.

   Timely handle inventory

Business is bound to encounter inventory problems. In dealing with unsalable styles, we must be firm, and we must deal with them when we deal with them, because the accumulation will only lead to the depreciation of products, but also will bring greater capital pressure, leading to the cash can not be normal activities.

Inventory products can be discounted or used as gifts for new product promotion.

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