How much is the franchise beverage store

2022-08-16 13:40:08 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 0 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

Drinks, with rich varieties and various flavors, are popular and sought after by young people. It is undeniable that there is a very strong demand in the beverage market at present. The annual turnover of the industry has increased steadily, and the development prospect is bright.

  • Brand name: beverage
  • Industry: food > instant food
  • Number of stores: 1
  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan

Drinks, with rich varieties and various flavors, are popular and sought after by young people. It is undeniable that there is a very strong demand in the beverage market at present. The annual turnover of the industry has increased steadily, and the development prospect is bright. As a result, many friends who are interested in starting businesses and opening stores are more interested in the beverage store project and ask: How much is the franchise beverage store? Let's take a look at the following, and you will understand.


In case of franchise, franchisees need to pay a certain franchise cooperation fee to the brand investment promotion headquarters. According to my understanding, the franchise cooperation fee for beverage store projects is not high, ranging from 10000 to 50000 yuan. The franchise cooperation level is different for different franchise brands, that is, the specific city where the franchise stores are opened, and the business scale of the franchise stores is different, There will be a certain gap in the franchise fees to be borne by the franchisee, which shall be subject to the official information of the cooperative brand of the beverage store.

When opening a beverage store, the franchisees need to prepare sufficient working capital in advance to bear the construction costs of the franchise store, which mainly include the store rent, store design and decoration costs, equipment costs, shelf costs, purchase costs, publicity costs, opening activities costs, staff salaries, water and electricity taxes, etc. The total franchise costs are about 100000 yuan. Of course, this is only an estimated amount range given by the minor editor, depending on the actual joining scheme.

 Beverage franchise

How much is the franchise beverage store? So far, the answer to this question has ended. I hope the above information will be useful to you. Beverage stores have a large customer base, and the project joining is profitable. The business scale of the stores can be large or small, the starting cost is not high, and the operation and management are not difficult. Everyone can apply for joining and opening stores with ease. To open a chain beverage store, with its great reputation and good products, it can start business in the whole city. The store has good revenue all the year round, a great number of customers and entrepreneurial wealth at your fingertips.

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2024-06-14 10:18:44 Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, China 59.33.91*

If I am interested, please contact me; Ten thousand.

2024-06-14 05:11:36 China 39.170.228*

If I am interested, please contact me; 5 million.

2024-06-04 20:21:20 Changzhi City, Shanxi Province 60.220.198*

If I am interested, please contact me; 400 m3.

2024-06-03 11:49:10 Shandong 39.67.68*

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2024-06-01 01:21:16 Jilin Province 58.21.127*
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