What brands do franchise beverage stores have

2021-09-29 21:10:37 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 0 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

When shopping in supermarkets, you can't get around all kinds of drinks. A bottle of delicious drinks can sometimes relieve people's pressure to a large extent. More and more people have this kind of awareness, so some entrepreneurs put forward the idea of joining a beverage store. From the perspective of market prospect, there is no problem with this idea, but the key is whether the selected franchise brand is valuable enough. Through comparison, we found that the future of these brands is promising. What brands do franchise beverage stores have?

  • Brand name: beverage
  • Industry: food > instant food
  • Number of stores: 1
  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan

When shopping in supermarkets, you can't get around all kinds of drinks. A bottle of delicious drinks can sometimes relieve people's pressure to a large extent. More and more people have this kind of awareness, so some entrepreneurs put forward the idea of joining a beverage store. From the perspective of market prospect, there is no problem with this idea, but the key is whether the selected franchise brand is valuable enough. adopt By comparison, we found that the future of these brands is promising. What brands do franchise beverage stores have? There are these brands.

one , natural predestined vegetable beverage

Xiamen Huli District Natural Yuansu Food Business Department Its brands sell drinks Natural margin black sugar malt cake, natural margin nougat sugar malt cake, black garlic cake, Taihe bamboo charcoal peanut, dried mango, dried guava, Yizhixiang angel pancake, Jinmen sorghum wine, Jinlan soy sauce, canned Weiquan, plain hand lollipop With delicious products and healthy quality Best selling consumer market, enjoying a high position among consumers at present The company has established long-term and stable cooperative relationship with many retailers and agents This brand can be considered for franchise cooperation.

two 、 Zishan Farm Beverage

Zishan Farm Xinjiaheng Co., Ltd The brand managed and operated by the enterprise Yes country Approved for registration by the industry and commerce department major A joint-stock company that operates fruit juice and miscellaneous grain health drinks. Cooperative operation with Zishan Group Zishan Farm Yuanjiang series drinks are the investment promotion agency in various provinces, cities and counties across the country, and will be built into a national brand in the Yuanjiang juice industry.

The products include purple potato pulp, pumpkin pulp, corn pulp, walnut black rice pulp, mango pulp, dark plum papaya pulp, longan jujube pulp, etc.

three , Zitemei Beverage

from Jingzhou Heyue Food and Beverage Co., Ltd. was founded in one thousand nine hundred and ninety In, it is a scientific and technological entity integrating scientific research, production and sales.

The company's existing fully closed modern aseptic beverage filling line seven Article. Its main products include more than 50 varieties of flavor drinks, fruit juice drinks, rice wine, orange slices, milk tea, etc. The company is one of the relatively large beverage production bases on the border of Hunan and Hubei in terms of equipment, production and sales.

What brands do franchise beverage stores have The brand recommendation of the franchise beverage store is as above. If you want to know more, just leave a message.

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