How much is it to join Chunli and Jingang tavern

2024-06-13 09:44:35 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 0 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

In the process of opening stores, entrepreneurs prefer to operate by joining brands, which can easily attract consumers' attention by virtue of the brand's influence in the market.

  • Brand name: Chunli and Jingang Bistro
  • Industry: entertainment > bar
  • Number of stores: 30
  • Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan

In the process of opening stores, entrepreneurs prefer to operate by joining brands, which can easily attract consumers' attention by virtue of the brand's influence in the market. Chunli and Jingang Bistro is an influential brand, which has accumulated rich operating experience and market reputation over many years of operation, and has become the brand that franchisees pay attention to. How much does it cost to join Chunli and Jingang tavern?

 Joined Chunli and Jingang tavern

How much does it cost to join Chunli and Jingang tavern?

The cost of opening stores caused by brand franchise is about 100000 to 200000 yuan. The main funds for opening stores are as follows:

1、 Advertising expenses

In order to quickly attract the attention of consumers and improve the reputation of stores in the market, franchisees need to carry out relevant advertising, which costs about 10000 yuan.

2、 Operating equipment cost

The business equipment needed in the store mainly covers sofa, stereo, air conditioner, kitchen equipment, etc. The purchase cost of these equipment is about 50000 yuan.

3、 Store rent

Store rent is an important part of the total cost of opening a store. If a franchisee chooses to open a 100 square meter store, the monthly rent is about 10000 yuan.

In addition to these expenses, there are also expenses for labor costs, raw material procurement and daily working capital.

 Chunli and Jingang Bistro

How to select the location for Chunli and Jingang tavern?

1、 Select the section with large pedestrian flow

Before opening a store, entrepreneurs should make a detailed survey of the market and determine that the selected location for opening a store has target customer groups, usually near commercial streets and office buildings with large traffic, which can bring more customer resources to the store.

2、 Choose a store with unobstructed roads

Consumers like to drive when they go out, so the location chosen by entrepreneurs and the surrounding traffic environment should be convenient, so customers can drive to spend.

How much does it cost to join Chunli and Jingang tavern? Compared with other start-ups, it is an industry with low startup costs. Chunli and Jingang taverns have been expanding their business scope in the market. So far, they have established more than 400 chain stores nationwide, accumulated a large number of loyal customer groups, and entrepreneurs can easily open stores.

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