How much is the franchise fee of Bazi Food

2024-04-28 09:53:55 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 0 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

When choosing to join Bazi Food, the franchisee will receive various service support provided by the enterprise, including store location, staff training, decoration design, event planning and operation guidance. The headquarters will also help solve any problems encountered in the operation, greatly reduce the entrepreneurial losses, and support the interests of franchisees. Joining of Bazi Food

  • Brand name: Bazi Food
  • Industry: food > Snacks
  • Number of stores: 155
  • Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan

When choosing to join Bazi Food, the franchisee will receive various service support provided by the enterprise, including store location, staff training, decoration design, event planning and operation guidance. The headquarters will also help solve any problems encountered in the operation, greatly reduce the entrepreneurial losses, and support the interests of franchisees.

The franchise cost of Bazi Food is relatively friendly, and the total franchise amount is between 30000 yuan and 200000 yuan. The specific expenses include franchise fees, guarantee money, shelf and first batch purchase fees and other expenses. The rent and decoration costs vary according to the city and area.

Bazi Food has a unique process in removing fishy smell from meat products. It insists on not adding any chemical flavorings and additives, so as to ensure that food is free of peculiar smell whether hot or cold. The series of pickled dishes adopts the century old palace secret recipe, combined with a variety of Chinese herbs. After special treatment, it has no peculiar smell of herbs, and it is helpful to alleviate the problem of nourishing the body.

Bazi food not only allows consumers to taste the palace delicacies of the past, but also provides entrepreneurs with opportunities to become rich. At present, the product line of Bazi Food has covered chicken, duck, pig, beef and other meat series, as well as spicy series, Jiuding flavor cold dishes, cold skin series, etc., which are rich in variety to meet the needs of different consumers.

The Bazi Food Franchise Project provides a low loss and high goal realization entrepreneurial platform for franchisees. If you are interested in joining Bazi Food, you can leave a message to tell you the expected city and area of the store, and we will provide you with a detailed plan and quotation for joining Bazi Food. Join Bazi Food to create a better future together.

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2024-06-12 22:01:10 China 49.211.152*

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2024-06-11 06:25:07 Liaoning Province 42.180.14*

If I am interested, please contact me; Hundreds of thousands of yuan.

2024-06-10 10:27:52 Jiangsu Yancheng [Telecom] 49.83.62*

If I am interested, please contact me; 10000 or less. 10000 or less.

2024-06-09 07:56:54 Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province 49.83.232*

If I am interested, please contact me; 10000 to 30000.

2024-06-01 05:35:40 Jiangsu Province 49.80.235*
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