How much is Qian Xiaonu's creative cafeteria

2024-05-23 13:11:29 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 0 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

Nowadays, the catering market is developing rapidly. Many catering brands with ideas have appeared in people's lives and are loved by young people.

  • Brand name: Qian Xiaonu Creative Cafeteria
  • Industry: Restaurant > snack
  • Number of stores: 332
  • Investment amount: 10000~50000 yuan

Nowadays, the catering market is developing rapidly. Many catering brands with ideas have appeared in people's lives and are loved by young people. For example, Qian Xiaonu's creative cafeteria is a combination of theme dining mode and self-service consumption mode, bringing an extraordinary dining experience. Then, how much is Qian Xiaonu's creative cafeteria?

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How much is Qian Xiaonu's creative cafeteria

As we all know, choosing different store sizes will bring different franchise fee data, such as operating a store with an area of 150 square meters, and the franchise fee will also vary according to the location of the store, for example, the franchise fee in the first tier cities will cost about 660000 yuan; In second tier cities, it costs about 510000 yuan; In the third tier and below urban areas, at least 360000 yuan is required for reference only.

 Qian Xiaonu's creative cafeteria

Introduction to the brand of Qian Xiaonu's creative cafeteria

Customers can enjoy all kinds of delicious food when they buy a pass at the entrance. The enterprise has also made appropriate improvement and creation in combination with the food preferences and taste habits of people in different regions, bringing about an endless stream of new dishes. The hot business scene has also greatly promoted the brand's thriving development. Now, hundreds of direct stores have been successfully opened in Shanghai, Hangzhou, Jiaxing, Suzhou, Kunshan, Wuxi, Nanjing, Nantong, Changzhou, Taizhou, Yangzhou, Yancheng, Xuzhou, Wuhu and other urban areas, with a very wide coverage.

Food recommendation of Qian Xiaonu's creative cafeteria

The decoration and design of the restaurant present classic and artistic atmosphere. While enjoying delicious food here, the spirit is also baptized. There are many delicious food products in the store, including seafood sashimi, French western food, Japanese and Korean cuisine, Southeast Asian flavor, traditional Huaiyang cuisine, South American barbecue, Shanghai style Cantonese cuisine, and other baptisms. It also brings a popular small hot pot.

How much is Qian Xiaonu's creative cafeteria? In order to create a more comfortable dining environment for consumers, enterprises have higher requirements for the construction of stores, which will affect the standard of franchise fees. Therefore, if you want to successfully join this big family, you need to prepare sufficient funds to meet the needs of normal operations, and also to deal with all kinds of temporary needs.

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