What is a good project to join this year? Recommended Dou Fu Wenxiang Tofu Snack

2016-05-16 15:54:24 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 869 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

As a famous snack with Chinese characteristics, fragrant tofu is combined with modern fast food technology and modern fast food business philosophy, so that Doufuwen snack chain can achieve: convenient, fast, take away, fashionable and leisure. Make our products unique and store more attractive.

  • Brand name: Doucanwenxiang Tofu
  • Industry: Restaurant > snack
  • Number of stores: 300
  • Investment amount: below 10000 yuan

Everyone wants to start a business, but because they are short of money, they shelve the business plan. Does it necessarily require a lot of capital to start a business? Actually not, because there are many small franchise projects that are suitable for our entrepreneurs. So what kind of projects should we join this year? How about opening a snack bar? Let's look down!

What is a good project to join this year? How about opening a snack bar? What kind of snack bar will you open to further expand the market? Analysis on joining snacks:

At this stage of economic development, many people are complaining that business is not easy to do. The project is hard to find. But on the contrary, business opportunities are everywhere. It is often small businesses that make great achievements later. It depends on whether you have a pair of insight into business opportunities and can identify business opportunities. Seize the opportunity.

What is a good project to join this year? Snack is a sunrise industry that will never be lonely

Although the snack business seems small, it just contains huge business opportunities. Food is the most important thing for people. It is a huge market with hundreds of billions of sales every year. Accounting for 13% of the total social consumption. 8%。 It is enough to show that the development form of this industry is gratifying.

What is a good project to join this year? How about opening a snack bar? Small alliance, high goal

Compared with other industries, the snack industry has no lower entry threshold than joining the snack industry. Snack franchise stations make different franchise plans according to different regions and consumption levels. It allows you to customize a reasonable joining plan when you are unfamiliar with the industry. Compared with other catering industries, the goal of snack making is much larger. Hotpot, restaurants and general restaurants have achieved the gross goal of about 40%. What is a good project to join this year? The goal of snack industry is generally more than 50%, and some even reach 70%.

No credit in snack industry

What is a good project to join this year? Looking at other industries, there is no cash. The snack industry has no worries about credit.

What is a good project to join this year? What project can you choose to make a fortune? Recommended Dou Fu Wenxiang Tofu Snack

The Doucanwenxiang Tofu franchise store has been developing for three years. There are more than 300 franchise stores around the country. After three years of market tempering, the project has become a mature project after the baptism of the market.

Core technology advantages

The founder of fragrant bean curd: Mr. Liu Xiangyang. After years of painstaking research, the unique self owned processes such as hot sauce, halogen medicine package and fragrant bean curd manufacturing are made with more than 20 spices. It is impossible for other snack bars to follow suit.

Advantages of business philosophy

As a famous snack with Chinese characteristics, fragrant tofu is combined with modern fast food technology and modern fast food business philosophy, so that Doufuwen snack chain can achieve: convenient, fast, take away, fashionable and leisure. Make our products unique and store more attractive.

There is no capital backlog.

Conclusion: What is a good project to join this year? The snack franchise industry only needs several thousand yuan of working capital. What is a good project to join this year? The joining project of fighting against corruption with fragrant tofu will make you realize your dream of being a boss, which can be realized here.

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