How much does it cost to join a domestic tea house chain

2024-07-01 17:30:30 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 0 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

When it comes to tea, big guys are no strangers. Tea has a long history of development in China, with rich tea culture.

  • Brand name: Teahouse
  • Industry: Restaurant > teahouse
  • Number of stores: 500
  • Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan

When it comes to tea, big guys are no strangers. Tea has a long history of development in China, with rich tea culture. From ancient times to the present, many groups, such as literati, literati and businessmen, like drinking tea very much. Tea has a good market consumption foundation. For the majority of entrepreneurs, it is good to join in and open tea houses. It needs funds to start a business and open a teahouse. How much does it cost to join a domestic teahouse chain? Next, let's give a brief answer.

 Domestic teahouse chain

Franchising to open a tea house chain store in China will incur various expenses, which need financial support. First is the joining fee. When joining a teahouse brand, the brand company will charge the entrepreneur a joining fee. Different teahouse chain franchise brands charge different franchise fees. The stronger the comprehensive strength of the brand, the higher the franchise fee may be charged. According to the market situation, from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of yuan. Then there is the preparation cost of the franchise store, which includes rent, decoration, equipment, labor, publicity, etc. The cost of opening a teahouse franchise store varies with the size and grade of the store. The larger the scale and the higher the grade, the higher the cost of opening a store. Take the medium-sized teahouses as an example. In the second and third tier cities with economic development level, it needs about 300000 yuan.

 Domestic tea house chain

When joining a teahouse chain store, entrepreneurs should pay attention to the preparation of various funds. In addition, pay attention to the following points. The first is the market investigation, to investigate whether the teahouse market in the city is saturated. Next is the location of the store, which should comprehensively consider the rent price, passenger flow and other factors. Then comes the operation management, which is constantly optimized to improve the dining experience of consumers. The second is publicity, which uses different ways offline and online to attract customers.

How much does it cost to join a domestic tea house chain? The specific franchise fees shall be subject to the actual franchise opening. Entrepreneurs should prepare enough startup funds in combination with the actual situation. Because it is a teahouse, we should pay special attention to the environment of the teahouse. Only a good experience can retain consumers. We should focus on consumers, operate with integrity, and constantly optimize and improve. On the basis of traditional teahouses, some new elements can be incorporated, such as chess and cards, to make consumers look bright.

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How to join? How many square meters does the store need? How much money?

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