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Miaoyin Vegetarian Restaurant
  • Franchise industry:

    Catering>Chinese food

  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    two hundred and thirty

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Miaoyin Vegetarian Restaurant Introduction to joining
 Joined in Miaoyin Vegetarian Restaurant
Miaoyin Vegetarian Restaurant is located on Madang Road, near Hefei Road. The restaurant is a vegetarian restaurant. The layout of the restaurant is ingenious. The restaurant has a variety of dishes, exquisite cooking and unique taste. In particular, Western style, full of gold and jade, jade makeup, full load of return, with its unique flavor, favored by consumers. The "slightly famous" vegetarian restaurant in Shanghai beach feels "very comfortable" when entering the door. The furnishings are "spacious", without noise and clamour. The air has a faint "sandalwood smell", accompanied by the lingering "sound of ancient zither". The vegetarian dishes produced are "delicate" in appearance and "light" in taste, which means that the quantity is a little small, and you need to order more to be satisfied.
The Vegetarian Technology Research Institute of Miaoyin Vegetarian Restaurant has taken full advantage of the characteristics of western vegetarianism, combined with modern science and technology, boldly reformed and founded, launched a series of machines such as the pneumatic meritorious ham machine, improved production efficiency, reduced labor intensity, and made it easy to make vegetarian food a reality.
The vegetarian series of Miaoyin Vegetarian Restaurant is made of various bean products, flour products, various fungi, konjac and other raw materials. The condiments are various plant spices, which conform to the development direction of modern catering health. The products include: plain ham, plain beef, plain ribs, plain salted fish, plain fish pieces, sparrow head, plain mutton kebabs, red skin plain duck, three silk plain rolls, plain chicken wings, plain snails, etc. The price of vegetarian food in "Miaoyin Vegetarian Restaurant" is medium to low, which is acceptable to the public. The cost of raw materials is low, and the cash register is mainly reflected in the technical content.
Miaoyin Vegetarian Restaurant is committed to the inheritance, research and development, training and promotion of Chinese style specialty catering. The international advanced franchise chain operation system, while constantly improving the industrialization development and standardized management, relies on the operation management system to provide customers with healthy, nutritious pure green food, and provide franchisees with standard and unified operation management, technical training Marketing promotion, product self owned process, etc. The company always takes the end customer as the guide, focuses on product quality, R&D and creation, service specification and other aspects, carries out scientific and systematic mark standardization management, and provides "nanny style" and whole process entrepreneurial support for franchisees!
Miaoyin Vegetarian Restaurant Franchise advantages
 Joined in Miaoyin Vegetarian Restaurant
Advantages in brands and products
With the continuous progress and development in the market, Miaoyin Vegetarian Restaurant has gradually increased its franchise stores in various places, and its team in the market is also growing. It also has a certain popularity and influence in the market, and also has a certain reputation and influence. It has many kinds of products, The taste of the product also has a variety of tastes for consumers to choose, and the choice of ingredients for the product is also managed by professionals, so the choice of ingredients is also very fresh and quality, so the quality of the product is also a qualified and trusted product for consumers. For franchisees, It is also very important to choose a suitable brand, which can not only improve the development of each franchise store in the market, but also bring good cashiers and benefits for each franchise store.
Advantages in management and operation
With the continuous development of the market, Miaoyin Vegetarian Restaurant is also very rich in management and operation concepts, has a very rich experience in operation and management, and will be of great help in the later operation of the franchisees.
Free logistics advantages
Miaoyin Vegetarian Restaurant also has a good cooperative relationship with professional personnel in logistics and some well-known logistics companies in the market, and can quickly deliver the goods needed by the franchisees to each franchise store.
Advantages in service
Miaoyin Vegetarian Restaurant is designed by professionals for the location, decoration and design of franchise stores in the early stage. It still has a certain amount of market research and understanding in the early stage. It also has a certain amount of market analysis and research on the surrounding environment of the store, the rent of the store, the flow of people and other aspects, In addition, it will also give some substantive suggestions and guidance, which will be helpful in some publicity and promotion in the later stage, and will support various services.
Miaoyin Vegetarian Restaurant Franchise conditions
1. At least 18 years old, with the ability to independently bear civil liability and legal personality;
2. Voluntarily apply for joining the chain system of [Miaoyin Vegetarian Restaurant], and have certain economic strength and joining ability;
3. Agree with [Miaoyin Vegetarian Restaurant] business philosophy and product structure, obey the company's unified management and training, and can cooperate with the company's supervision and search work;
4. Provide the site selection of the store and relevant licenses required by the operation, and accept the evaluation of the company;
5. Have qualified business ethics, cooperation concept and "customer first" service concept;
6. Be able to devote oneself wholeheartedly, uniformly use the brand name of [Miaoyin Vegetarian Restaurant], and consciously maintain the brand image;
7. Franchised stores shall comply with the relevant laws and regulations of the catering service industry and shall not engage in activities that violate the law or corrupt social morality.
Miaoyin Vegetarian Restaurant Franchise process
1. Preliminary understanding
Communicate with the headquarters in the form of phone calls and online messages.
2. Market research
Before deciding to join, the franchisee must do a good job in market research, which includes the following aspects: ① investigate whether the local market is saturated with the same type of brand market. ② Investigate whether there are franchise stores of the same brand in the local market.
3. Store opening application
Fill in the store opening application form and confirm the intention to open the store.
4. Sign the franchise contract
After confirming the intention to join in cooperation, provide legal explanation materials, sign the join in contract and pay relevant fees.
5. Select Store
After signing the franchise contract, find a suitable store address in the intended business district and the Sufangzhai headquarters will evaluate it.
6. Shop decoration
Sufangzhai Headquarters provides decoration guidance and design guidance for entrepreneurs.
7. Headquarters training
According to the opening plan, select and send personnel to the headquarters training base in advance to receive the whole store practical training.
8. Opening preparation
Handling business license; Help to design the store image, and assign special personnel to guide the store publicity.

User consultation

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    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Miaoyin Vegetarian Restaurant! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-07 21:54:12 From Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province  60.222.198*
  • If you need a detailed franchise plan, you can send it to QQ or QQ email

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Miaoyin Vegetarian Restaurant! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-07 18:58:43 From Nanjing, Jiangsu Province  49.65.244*
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    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Miaoyin Vegetarian Restaurant! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 08:22:31 From Henan Province  42.229.248*
  • Franchise fee and requirements

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Miaoyin Vegetarian Restaurant! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-31 07:25:18 From Henan Province  42.237.70*
  • Interested in this project, please reply as soon as possible

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Miaoyin Vegetarian Restaurant! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-30 04:35:23 From Xiamen, Fujian  58.23.51*
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