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Muuteapresso drink
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    four hundred

  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan


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Muuteapresso drink Introduction to joining
 Join the team of mumuteapresso drinks
Kaifeng is a fashionable and healthy tea brand. The headquarters of the company has a strong research and development team and a mature management system. The head office was founded in 2011. The headquarters is in Hangzhou. The store mainly deals with the business model of various tea, drinks, coffee and fresh fruit juice companies. There are regional agents and free agent dealers. If you want to join the venture, Then you can apply to the head office for joining. After years of development, the company has established more than 100 chain stores. It has won the favor of consumers in the market.
The decoration styles of mumuteapresso beverage stores are different. The company also continues to research and develop new flavor drinks to improve the competitiveness of the brand and meet the needs of consumers' taste buds. The company headquarters combines the long tea culture in the East with the advanced technology in the West, which is a combination of tea and coffee, and has become a very distinctive tea culture. The headquarters of the company pays attention to the quality of products and honest operation, selects high-quality milk tea raw materials, and pays attention to the details of products and packaging. Everything is based on the principle of starting from customers, which has been highly praised.
If you want to join the brand, you need to have sufficient entrepreneurial funds first. The company charges a low fee of about 30000 yuan for joining. If you want to succeed, you need between 150000 yuan and 250000 yuan to open a store. Franchisees need to abide by the company's business philosophy and go through legal business procedures. Franchisees need a store location with a high flow of people, and meet the area standard of the store. Franchisees also need to comply with the company's operation and management system. If you want to join the project, you need to consult in detail. The franchisee can also go to the physical store for consultation, or go to the head office to investigate the project, submit the franchise application, and accept the company's review.
Mumuteapresso drinks focus on the selection of materials for products. The company selects high-quality raw materials with low fat and sugar, which are made by hand. Milk tea has no additives, and the product tastes mellow. Open drinks have strong economic strength. The company selects plant raw materials, which are authentic. The company headquarters has opened many franchise stores in the market by virtue of good product quality, which has won the favor of consumers.

Muuteapresso drink Franchise advantages
 Join the team of mumuteapresso drinks
A wide range of products to meet the needs of all kinds of people
There are abundant drinks, coffee and fresh fruit juice in the muuteapresso beverage store. The store also continues to develop new product flavors, which improves the competitiveness of the brand and brings strong brand effects. There are many kinds of products in the shop, including red bean milk tea, yogurt ice cream and cappuccino drinks that children like. The taste of the product is rich and diverse, which can meet the needs of various consumers. Fast product update and large market demand
The company headquarters has also developed that green tea, milk tea with fresh milk atmosphere, taste and ingredients, and milk tea drinks have the function of improving sleepiness first, and can supplement energy to alleviate physical fatigue. If the company joins, it will continue to update new products on the market. The products are updated quickly and have high vitality.
Combination of online and offline sales
Mumuteapresso drinks not only carry out in store food sales, but also have online marketing methods. The company also cooperates with takeout, hungry food and other platforms to increase in store turnover and bring higher business gains.
The support policy of the head office is good
If the company joining the project has a standardized production mode, the head office will still implement a full time operation mode, which can increase the turnover in the store and also harvest more orders. The company can also provide cloud intelligent management system, which can greatly save operation management efficiency.
Muuteapresso drink Franchise conditions
1. Natural person with independent legal personality or strong economic strength.
2. Recognize the business philosophy and corporate culture of mumuteapresso beverage store, and jointly maintain the brand image of mumuteapresso beverage store.
3. It has certain financial strength, legal capital and financial credit.
4. Own business premises required for operation.
5. Implement and comply with the operation and management systems of "mumuteapresso beverage store".
6. Must be practical, hardworking, entrepreneurial and social.
7. Have a strong desire to succeed and a learning spirit.

Muuteapresso drink Franchise process
1. Preliminary negotiation
Leave a message on the website to obtain first-hand joining information, and the consultant will help you solve the difficulties in joining in a timely manner.
2. Site visit
For customers who are interested in joining and investigating the company's brand on the spot, the company headquarters will send professionals to pick them up.
3. Determine intention
Fully understand and agree with the operation and management mode of mumuteapresso beverage store, determine the intention to join, and apply to the headquarters for joining.
4. Sign the contract
Formal signing.
5. Assist in site selection
The company appoints professionals to conduct field visits and assist franchise partners in selecting suitable store locations.
6. Shop decoration
According to the location of the store, tailor the decoration drawing of the franchise store, and carry out the whole process support such as store construction and decoration monitoring.
7. Personnel training
The headquarters will provide corresponding training for franchise stores, including product training, management training, business skills training, etc.
8. Opening preparation
Before opening, the headquarters will handle certificates with the franchisee, recruit relevant staff and train them in skills.
9. Grand opening
Ensure that all opening preparations are ready before grand opening. After the official opening, the headquarters will follow up and guide the operation of the franchise stores in the whole process, and provide long-term operational support such as product upgrading, management optimization and technical training.

Muuteapresso drink Joining dynamics


Muuteapresso drink Related questions and answers


User consultation

  • Want to start a business with resources

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to mumateapresso drinks! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 02:11:15 From Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province  60.181.95*
  • I am very interested in this project

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to mumateapresso drinks! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 09:00:23 From Jiangsu Province  49.94.171*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Contact after 9 p.m.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to mumateapresso drinks! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 07:30:31 From Zhoukou City, Henan Province  42.87.35*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; With decoration within 300000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to mumateapresso drinks! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 13:25:31 From Yanshi City, Luoyang City, Henan Province  42.224.200*
  • Could you tell me the approximate cost of opening a store

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to mumateapresso drinks! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 12:57:09 From Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province  59.37.29*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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