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McPinkey Chicken Steak Hamburg
  • Franchise expenses 100000~200000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Industry classification Catering Hamburg
  • Entrepreneurs Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies
  • corporate name McPinkey Chicken Steak Hamburg
  • Date of establishment 2004-03-25
  • Number of stores three hundred and thirty-six
  • Company address Chaoyang District of Beijing City
Consultation franchise discount
Good joining prospect
Low joining cost
Headquarters support many
Franchise expenses of McPinkey chicken steak hamburger
Franchise cities first-tier cities second-tier cities the third-class cities
Store area 21㎡ 21㎡ 21㎡
Decoration fee 12600 yuan
10500 yuan
RMB 8800
Operating equipment cost 46000 yuan 34000 yuan 22000 yuan
First batch purchase cost/raw material cost 64000 yuan RMB 40000 35000 yuan
Advertising and opening expenses 10000 yuan 3000 yuan RMB 9000
Store rent 2900.9 yuan/month
2304.6 yuan/month
1747.2 yuan/month
Personnel salary 11400 yuan/month/3 persons
8700 yuan/month/3 persons
7200 yuan/month/3 persons
Water and electricity fees 710 yuan 610 yuan 5.1 million yuan
Current/reserve funds 66000 yuan 68000 yuan 41000 yuan
Total joining expenses of McPinkey chicken steak hamburger 214000 yuan 167000 yuan 125000 yuan

1. The working capital is calculated as (staff salary/month+rent/month) * 3 months, rounded to an integer, and not included in the cost.

2. The above is an estimate of the joining expenses of McPinkey Chicken Steak Hamburg, which may be different from the actual situation, for reference only.

Introduction to McPinkey Chicken Steak Hamburg
 McPinkey Chicken Steak Hamburg Joined
After the successful sale of Hamburg for a period of time, our signature Hamburg "Royal Burger" came out in 1957. After integrating the beef patties with fire roasting aroma and delicious raw materials, "Huangbao" was hot in the market at that time, and set off a wave of Hamburg industry with its diverse tastes and size that needed two hands to take it down.
With a history of more than 60 years, McPinkey Chicken Steak Hamburg is a large chain restaurant in the world. As of the first half of 2015, McPinkey Chicken Steak Hamburg has more than 14000 stores in more than 100 countries and regions in the world, and the number is still expanding. The classic product of McPinkey Chicken Steak Hamburg - Huangbao, with the brand of fire grilling, is full of juice, has 221184 kinds of "I choose my taste", and sells 200 million every year. It has become one of the most popular hamburgers in the world.
In addition to inheriting the success of the brand, McPinkey Chicken Steak Hamburg has upgraded customers' dining experience in restaurants and launched delicious products suitable for consumers' tastes, making it have the characteristics and advantages of "fast restaurants" and "casual restaurants", namely, the speed, convenience and price of fast restaurants for the public, As well as the fashionable and comfortable environment of the leisure restaurant and good delicious food. How much does it cost to join McPinkey Chicken Steak Hamburg? In fact, McPinkey Chicken Steak Hamburg is very competitive in terms of franchise fees.
Since the new capital injection in 2012, McPinkey Chicken Steak Hamburg has greatly accelerated the opening speed of the market and the city layout. At the same time, adhering to the business philosophy of "delicacy is the king" and "customer is the king", McPinkey is committed to providing more customers with more delicious food, better service and more casual and comfortable dining experience every day.
Once the market pattern is established, it is difficult to change. If there is no major mistake, the leader will maintain his leadership for a long time. This is because once an enterprise has established a leading position in the minds of customers, it will become a synonym for a certain category. For example, hamburger restaurant has become synonymous with hamburger fast food. When an enterprise becomes a synonym for a category, customers always give priority to the enterprise when they have a demand for that category. In the United States, when customers want to eat hamburger fast food, they first think of hamburger restaurants.
The enlightenment here is that enterprises should strive for market leadership at all costs. Especially in the early stage of market development, when there is no obvious winner, we should go all out. This is what McPinkey Chicken Steak Hamburg is doing, which is the main reason why it is much more successful than hamburger stores (you should know that McPinkey Chicken Steak Hamburg ranks seventh in the United States, and hamburger stores rank first). McPinkey Chicken Steak Hamburg is the first American fast food chain to enter. For more than ten years, it has been expanding at a faster speed than hamburger stores. By 2004, the number of McPinkey Chicken Steak Hamburg stores was twice that of hamburger stores, and the turnover was nearly twice that of the latter. Now, McPinkey Chicken Steak Hamburg has occupied the leading position, and its leadership advantage will continue to be maintained.
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Franchise projects you may want to know
Tips for investment expenses
  • Franchise fee
    The brand holder grants the intangible assets of the enterprise brand, such as intellectual property rights (including invention, patent, trademark copyright), organizational management assets, market assets and human assets, to the franchisee in the form of Taitong. The franchisee engages in business activities under the unified business model according to the provisions of Taitong, and pays certain fees to the brand holder.
  • bond
    Guarantee fund provided to the seller of technology brand according to relevant regulations. Note: The essential difference between the franchise fee and the security deposit is that all the certificates are agreed to be returned to the investor when they are due, but the franchise fee cannot be repaid. Once joining and paying the joining fee, the fee will no longer belong to the investor.
  • Investment amount
    Investment fund refers to all the funds needed for opening a store. Note: The difference between the investment amount and the franchise fee is that the investment amount includes the franchise fee, which is only a part of the total investment.
  • Brand usage fee
    Brand usage fee, also called trademark usage fee, refers to the licensing fee for intangible assets such as special trademarks, trade names, brands, etc. It may not necessarily be the commodities of franchisees or dealers, but it can be publicized by the brands of merchants.
  • Franchise royalty
    Franchise fees refer to the fees paid by franchise stores to use the trademark of the headquarters and enjoy the goodwill rank. This is a continuous charge. As long as franchise stores continue to use the trademark of the headquarters, they must pay regularly.
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