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Magic Fire Kitchen Charcoal Dry Pot
  • Franchise industry:

    Catering>Special Hot Pot

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Free chain

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Magic Fire Kitchen Charcoal Dry Pot Introduction to joining

 Mohuo Kitchen Charcoal Dry Pot Franchise

Magic Fire Kitchen - the founder of Charcoal Dry Hot Pot, and the founder of fire banquet catering!

The magic fire kitchen charcoal fire dry pot takes the magic flavor manufacturing base oil and base material as the technical core, and the magic flavor purple perilla dry pot crispy bullfrog, magic flavor grilled fish, magic flavor ribs shrimp, magic flavor squid shrimp, magic flavor combination pot and other popular products, together with dozens of exquisite meat and vegetable combinations of instant boiled dishes, combined with multiple cooking methods such as frying, instant boiled and roasted, can be eaten first and then instant boiled, It can also be boiled while eating. It is spicy, delicious and full of flavors.

   About the product: bullfrog grilled fish ribs shrimp, dry pot three wonders go all over the world!

   Features of three products of Magic Fire Kitchen

   1. One product with three pots, three pots in one, combines three advantages of hot pot, fragrant pot and dry pot.

The magic fire kitchen charcoal fire dry pot combines multiple cooking methods, such as frying, stewing, rinsing and roasting. It not only has the spicy and delicious flavor of fragrant pot, but also has the mellow and original aftertaste of traditional dry pot. All of them have hot pot dishes, which make people become addicted to everything.

   2. Don't worry about winter and summer, four seasons. It is not only popular in summer, but also advanced in winter.

In the catering industry, a new category of "dry hot pot" was created. The traditional dry pot is not sullen all the year round, and the traditional hot pot is not popular in the summer. Let operators operate well all the year round. One store earns three cashiers.

   3. With fire as the feast, the fire is evil. The charcoal fire burns under the pot, and the magic fire blooms on the dishes.

Magic Fire Kitchen Charcoal Dry Pot, in the catering industry, introduces magic fire characteristic catering. When the Charcoal Dry Pot is served, there are two selling points of "fire brand". One is the charcoal in the pot, which keeps the whole fashionable pot warm and warm. Instead, when each pot product is served, the dishes are full of fire and cheerfulness, which makes people surprised and cheered, and people take photos and transmit them.

   Five classic dishes of magic fire kitchen

1. Magic Perilla Crispy Bullfrog Dry Pot 2. Devil flavor pickled pepper flavor leapfrog bubble pot 3. Mowei Brand Crispy Roasted Fish 4. Stewed Spare Ribs and Shrimps/Squid Shrimps 5. Devil Flavor Pot

   Four major founding advantages to capture the world's "food and wealth"

   1. National Charcoal Dry Hot Pot and Magic Fire Catering New Category

Magic fire kitchen, a fashionable brand of charcoal fire dry pot, the founder of charcoal fire dry hot pot, and the founder of magic fire catering, has launched a new catering industry with arrogance.

Trademark Registration No. of the General Administration of Trademark: HC-15-S 00001802 Membership Card No. of Chain Store Association: 0964

   2. Establish a standardized kitchen and distribution center for dry hot pot manufacturing primer nationwide

A 3000 square meter kitchen and distribution center, a 2000 square meter operation base, a 500 square meter internship base for direct stores, and a team of 100 people. Strong first, strength speak.

   3. The whole store output mode of "fool type standardization" in the whole industry nationwide

Top secret self owned technology, easy to master. The spicy cooking primer distributed by the headquarters factory of the franchisee can easily master the kitchen, saving 30% of the kitchen cost, and changing the pain point of the industry where chefs are hard to manage, hard to recruit and hard to stay.

   4. The "M+mode" is the first in the country, and ten million red packets will be given immediately after joining

The industry first launched the "M+model", and the first 200 partners, who joined in, gave free packages worth 50000 yuan, that is, free to learn Taiwan stew pot technology worth 29800 yuan, free to learn Hong Kong style dessert drinks worth 19800 yuan, Taiwan milk tea sponge ice and other technologies. The magic fire kitchen has made a strong debut, releasing water to raise fish, so that franchisees can rely on big trees.

   About the company: let the world have no difficult business, support dozens of partners every year, and become a millionaire in the catering industry!

Since its establishment ten years ago, the company has been committed to brand, chain, factory, industrialization, and whole industry chain services of featured catering, with the enterprise mission of "making the world have no difficult catering". The company has 43 mu of land in the Changsha () High tech Zone, and thousands of square meters of kitchen factory and condiment factory in the Changsha Biotechnology Park.

   About the brand founder

Lu Xinshi, whose pen name is Nan Kezi, is a young poet, a young angel franchisee, a brand planner and professional inventor, and a practitioner of environmental protection and public welfare. Magic Fire Kitchen is a good brand strategy officer and angel franchisee.

Job title: Chairman of Popular World Brand Industry Incubation Base, Chairman of (Hunan) Junyuan Dingli Private Equity Venture Capital Fund, Chairman of (Hunan) Shanling Technology Accelerator Industrial Park.

Social duties: member of the Invention Association, member of the Alashan Ecological Association and vice chairman of Hunan Center, deputy secretary-general of Hunan Poetry Society, college student entrepreneurship tutor of Changsha Municipal Government, executive member of Changsha Federation of Industry and Commerce.

   Public welfare action:

A. [Lu Xinshi, a top entrepreneur environmental protection organization donated by 1 million yuan in ten years, Alxa SEE Ecological Association]

B. [Joined with Wu Xiaobo, a priority financial writer, to launch the establishment of Wu Xiaobo Liao Factory Director Youth Entrepreneurship Public Welfare Fund]

C. [Became a Japanese run student in Sainta Inamori and the husband district, and served as the initiator and executive chairman of the non-profit entrepreneur learning organization Seimori and the Hunan Seimori]

Magic Fire Kitchen Charcoal Dry Pot Franchise advantages

 Mohuo Kitchen Charcoal Dry Pot Franchise

   About the characteristics and advantages of the project: fill the market demand and lead the fashion trend!

   Creation of three magic fire kitchen industries

   1. Category model creation: One product makes three pots, and one shop makes six stores

One shop, earn all the cashiers of fragrant pot shop, dry pot shop, hot pot shop, grilled fish shop, Tiaotiao Frog shop and ice food shop.

   2. Establishment of operation mode: Whole store output and on-site training

The headquarters provides all services before, during and after the opening, and the chain is the king, saving worry and effort.

   3. Establishment of business model: Super labor saving, super high cashier

Design the money saving and cashier mode of "simple service, less labor, no chef, refined products".

   Three creative features of magic fire kitchen

   1. Features of utensils

The simple and thick iron pot is shocking and has the characteristics of product differentiation and post-modern industry.

   2. Cooking Features

First stir fry, then fry, and then rinse. The bottom of the pan is carbonized, and the flame on the pan is flaming. It has the characteristics of healing and dining.

   3. Decoration features

With iron sheet and iron art, wall painting and logs as decoration elements, it has the popular LOFO post-modern industrial characteristics.

   Three advantages of Magic Fire Kitchen

   1. New category, no competition

A special category that is about to become popular. More than 90% of cities and towns are in market demand

   2. Small investment, easy to start

Express stores, standard stores and flagship stores are the three standards for opening stores, and small stores can make a lot of money.

   3. Multiple tourist sources, easy site selection

Popular catering+special catering+fashionable catering, business circle, community, campus, food street, night snack street, can open stores everywhere.

   Magic Fire Kitchen Solves the Four Pain Points of the Industry

   1. Solved the catering industry It's hard for chefs to handle the pain point of high kitchen costs. [From then on, the labor force can be reduced by 30%, and the cashier can be increased by 50%].

   2. Solved the catering industry The pain point of the different tastes between the north and the south [from now on, one store can be opened all over the country, and the north and the south can eat all].

   3. Solved the catering industry In peak season and off-season, the four seasons are clear, and the pain points in off-season are painful [since then, off-season is not light, four seasons].

   4. Solved the catering industry Pain points that cannot be taken into account during the three lunch dinners and night snacks [Since then, the lunch dinners and night snacks have been good, and the store's opening hours have been extended to 2:00 in the morning].

   About the brand support system: we are facing the partners of cities all over the country, escorting and traveling together!

   Two brand services of Magic Fire Kitchen

   1. Standard production, bottom material distribution

The kitchen factory of the headquarters distributes and manufactures the bottom materials, so that the partners can easily master the kitchen, and the small workers and sister-in-law can become chefs, so the cost can be reduced directly and the cashier can be increased directly.

   2. Whole store output and on-site training

Whether there is on-site training and whether there are direct stores is a powerful standard to identify formal units or hype units. On site training and strength support.

   Nine brands of Magic Fire Kitchen

   1. Site selection guidance

It is suggested that choosing the right business district is half the battle.

   2. Unification of image

Provide all modules from store decoration to brand image VI design.

   3. Operation coaching

Provide all operation management modules and tools before and after opening the store.

   4. Operation training

Direct store training is combined with on-site training, and tastes are adjusted according to local customers.

   5. Technical support

Subsequent technical upgrades are free for a long time. Technical emergency plan, response at any time.

   6. On site shopping

In store training of professional brand trainers, one-stop output of successful experience.

   7. Marketing planning

Apply cutting-edge tools such as market segmentation, mobile mobile network, o2o, community alliance, and plan for you with the times.

   8. Headquarters distribution

The factory uniformly distributes and manufactures the bottom materials, eliminating the complicated kitchen work, and easily handles all dishes.

   9. Regional protection

Enjoy the market demand in the region exclusively, and be a wise person in regional operation.

Magic Fire Kitchen Charcoal Dry Pot Franchise conditions
Magic Fire Kitchen Charcoal Dry Pot Franchise process
Cooperation process: field investigation - signing a contract - paying fees - systematic training - selecting a store - decoration guidance - preparing for opening - opening a store for profit

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the magic fire kitchen charcoal fire dry pot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-12 23:11:43 From Jiaojiang District, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province  39.181.139*
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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the magic fire kitchen charcoal fire dry pot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-12 01:22:05 From Nanchang, Jiangxi  59.53.226*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Not more than 30000.

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the magic fire kitchen charcoal fire dry pot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 14:30:47 From Jiangsu Province  49.65.155*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 120000 to 130000.

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the magic fire kitchen charcoal fire dry pot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 08:36:37 From Jinshui District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province  61.53.237*
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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the magic fire kitchen charcoal fire dry pot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 22:54:30 From Lanzhou, Gansu  61.178.69*
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