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Matcha Village
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  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Matcha Village Introduction to joining

   Matcha Village -- from nature, give you+"phenol"

   Authentic handmade raw material of matcha Matcha Village Joined

   Taste of Matcha World

Matcha Tun Catering Management (Beijing) Co., Ltd. is a professional catering eiPof8vu3ox management company established by Detong Huifu (Beijing) International Cultural Exchange Co., Ltd. to trace Matcha culture, lead the world to the upgrading of Matcha products and consumption.

The core elite team of the company comes from all major brands of catering. The management personnel have more than 20 years of experience in the catering industry, and have a unique and profound understanding of the operation management and market development of catering brands. The high-quality professional R&D team is committed to the research and development of matcha diet, so that more people can understand and feel the charm of tea culture. The company has the brand of "Matcha Tun" catering eiPof8vu3ox, with Matcha as the core product, covering three categories of desserts, drinks and ice cream, and dozens of main products.

   Devote to the development of Matcha culture, and promote Matcha culture to the world stage

The company is committed to developing Matcha culture, actively exploring the market development trend of Matcha, meeting the market personalized demand to a large extent, and realizing branding, specialization, scale, and eiPof8vu3ox. Matcha Village Catering Management (Beijing) Co., Ltd. not only aims to build a brand of Matcha eiPof8vu3ox, but also to promote Matcha culture to the world stage, realize the export of culture to the world, and revive the greatness of the Chinese nation together!

   Vision: Become the best choice for matcha culture experience

   mission: Let Matcha Culture Export

   Make better products with better matcha

The seven grade organic matcha powder is selected, a variety of healthy raw materials collected from all over the world are fresh, the scientific proportion, and the exquisite combination of Chinese and Western production technology to create a high face value and higher quality matcha product.

   International first-line product development and design team

Gather the wisdom of many award-winning masters in the world, endow the products with various food materials, technologies and cultures from the East and the West, and continue to produce high-quality matcha products.

   Best selling products

   Rose Raspberry Matcha Ice Milk Cover: It is made of matcha, bubble water, roses, raspberries and other auxiliary materials. The first capture is not the taste, but the amazing color and enchanting beauty.

   Madagascar Vanilla Matcha Latte: Madagascar's good herbs are made into fragrant and fragrant vanilla jam, which is combined with selected Grade 7 Matcha powder to create a different taste experience.

   5 kinds of cheeses of origin, mixed in golden proportion; Nuts hidden in cakes and fragrant coffee; Multi layer taste is well integrated; It can withstand all kinds of tastes.

   Matcha Qingteng heavy cheese cake: Selected level 7 organic steamed green superfine ground matcha powder, which is well integrated with French original cream cheese and Thai coconut milk; Low temperature condensation production process, keeping a good touch of oriental green.

   Core products

   Bamboo charcoal dictionary thousand layers: 0.5 mm ultra-thin bamboo charcoal cake crust, each layer of which is meticulously handmade by the matcha craftsman, is matched with even special cheese matcha cream, and the wonderful taste is enough to make the matcha look good and empty.

   Matcha flavor ice cream: Grade 7 organic matcha powder is preferred, which is blended with imported cream to form a rich and slightly bitter ice cream. It tastes delicate and smooth, and melts between lips and teeth.

Matcha Village Franchise advantages
   Four major franchises support, making franchises more supportive
   operation management
   Operation guidance
(1) Assist in material procurement, recruitment and training before the opening of Matchatun Catering Store;
(2) Assist in the post decoration of the catering in Matchatun and organize the pre opening work;
(3) Re investigate the surrounding consumer market and formulate opening strategies and marketing plans for the weekend.
   Marketing training
The headquarters of Matchatun has elite planners, planning trendsetters who can play, and a massive library of marketing plans to meet the needs of various forms and scenes of store activities.
   Stability management
   (1) Stable operation: The headquarters provides support for the continuous marketing program, and provides comprehensive guidance for the daily operation activities of the branch, so as to improve/increase the stability of the branch operation;
   (2) Financial stability: Provide the installation and maintenance of the cashier management system to improve/increase the stability of the financial system;
   (3) Team stability: The headquarters will provide training and career planning guidance to the employees of the branch stores, reduce the turnover rate of employees, and improve/increase team stability. Matcha Village Joined
   Opening support
   engineering design
(1) Domestic better restaurant designer, high-quality user experience design;
(2) Rich experience in catering design accumulated in catering store design;
(3) Combine the new and popular elements of the market to create a high-quality and fashionable exclusive restaurant facade.
   Decoration guidance
(1) Recommended by the decoration company platform, according to the size of the store, the construction will be completed and opened in 30 days;
(2) The engineering consultant reviews the quotation of the decoration company;
(3) Training franchisees to recruit appropriate project supervisors to improve/increase construction quality.
   Material support
(1) The head office of Matchatun carries out batch purchase, and the colleagues who improve/increase product quality have more cost advantages;
(2) National unified after-sales: implement a national unified after-sales system, and do not worry about improving/increasing after-sales.
   Marketing guidance
   Operation guidance
(1) Assist in material procurement, recruitment and training before the opening of Matchatun Catering Store;
(2) Assist in the post decoration of the catering in Matchatun and organize the pre opening work;
(3) Re investigate the surrounding consumer market and formulate opening strategies and marketing plans for the weekend.
   Marketing training
The headquarters of Matchatun has elite planners, planning trendsetters who can play, and a massive library of marketing plans to meet the needs of various forms and scenes of store activities.
   Stability management
   (1) Stable operation: The headquarters provides support for the continuous marketing program, and provides comprehensive guidance for the daily operation activities of the branch, so as to improve/increase the stability of the branch operation;
   (2) Financial stability: Provide the installation and maintenance of the cashier management system to improve/increase the stability of the financial system;
   (3) Team stability: The headquarters will provide training and career planning guidance to the employees of the branch stores, reduce the turnover rate of employees, and improve/increase team stability.
   Market support
   Market competition research
(1) Market competition research: investigate the local economic level to determine whether the local can open matchatun restaurants;
(2) Economic environment analysis, analysis of consumption level, habits, and consumer structure;
(3) Analyze the competitors to determine the competitiveness of Matchatun catering and the main competitive means adopted by the industry;
(4) Provide pricing guidance according to the research results.
   Location selection guidance
(1) Carry out location analysis (business circle scope, construction type, consumption) and determine the business scale;
(2) Material property analysis (confirm whether the property right can be used for catering);
(3) Select the property that conforms to the property structure of catering;
(4) Analyze the cost of property transformation to determine the feasibility of Kaimachaten Catering.
   The three advantages of joining enable you to join qualified and enjoy dividends
   Broad market prospect and flexible alliance mode
   Market prospect: It can cover the first, second and third tier cities, and has a large number of customers of matcha empty matcha powder. The blank area covered by competitive brands almost covers all regional regions.
   Franchise mode: National franchise, from regional cooperation to urban agency to single store franchise, can choose multiple modes.
Less franchise, low cost, large cashier space and sustainable development
   Few franchises: The store types are diverse, ranging from 50 to 150 square meters. The cost of franchise, manpower, management, etc. is low. Fast consumption and production are fast and large. The cashier space is large, with low investment and high operation. It is suitable for long-term franchise and operation.
   Strong store support
   Store opening support: Provide one-stop service mode for franchisees from site selection assessment, store design, opening preparation to operation support.
   Training support: Provide basic training, upgrading training and rectification training of centralized technology and services, and update products, services and informatization with the headquarters.
   Marketing support: According to the regional cities, store types, seasonal changes, festivals and holidays, there are both unified brand marketing and individual customized programs to improve the market share and revenue of stores.
   Information support: ERP system integration services provide the store with system services and data support such as cashier system, member management system, order system, purchase, sales and inventory system, financial management system, etc.
   Big data support: Share brand big data, including national, regional, city and single store, provide big data analysis and store data analysis, feel the pulse for franchisees and provide improvement suggestions.
Matcha Village Franchise conditions
   Franchise store type and franchise mode
   3 store types: Mini stores, fashion stores, luxury stores
   Franchise mode:
   1. Single store joining: It is suitable for franchisees who have certain financial strength and are willing to operate and manage independently.
   2. City agent: It is suitable for franchisees with high financial strength who are willing to engage in industry operation and management.
   3. Regional cooperation: It is suitable for franchisees who have strong financial strength and are willing to jointly build brands.
   4. Maker credit: It is only suitable for college graduates, fresh graduates and former graduates (within two years) who are willing to start their own businesses and carry out social practice.
Matcha Village Franchise process
   Franchise process:
   consultation: Ask Matchatun via website/400 phone/WeChat/QQ/mobile phone client
   Sending materials: Email/WeChat/QQ and other ways to fill in and report to the franchisee to send matcha village franchise information
   Application for joining: Website/WeChat mobile phone client/offline etc. fill in the application form for matchatun franchise
   Evaluation qualification: Matchatun Company evaluates the personal information/credit information/franchise strength provided by the intended franchisees and reviews them
   Intention to sign: Formal signing of intention contract
   Priority payment: Franchisees pay franchise fee/increase/increase/training fee to Matcha Village
   Location determination: Franchisee selects the store location and signs a contract with a third party/Matchatun evaluates the store location
   Franchise budget: Determine the design scheme/determine various franchise items/issue the franchise budget of the franchise store in Matchatun for confirmation by both parties
   Formally sign the contract: Formally sign the franchise contract
   Second payment: Franchisees pay design fees/equipment fees/material fees/equity fees to Matcha Village/excluding decoration and reconstruction
   Design and decoration: Determine decoration scheme/third-party decoration construction and acceptance
   Personnel training: Franchisees independently recruit and send store staff to receive management and product training in Matcha Village
   advertising: Pre opening publicity scheme determination/opening publicity material customization
   Material distribution: Distribution of raw materials/equipment, tools and vessels of franchise stores
   Opening support: Matchatun sends special personnel to the store to support the opening of the franchise store
   Service during franchise period: The brand side appoints special personnel to conduct operation management guidance and quality inspection during the franchise period, and the franchisee irregularly attends training at the brand side

Matcha Village Related questions and answers


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  • Want to join. Please contact as soon as possible

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Matcha Village! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-14 10:35:02 From Harbin, Heilongjiang Province  60.219.161*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 100000 to 150000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Matcha Village! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 12:37:52 From Xinxiang City, Henan Province  61.54.105*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 70 flat.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Matcha Village! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-07 11:06:31 From Wuzhou, Guangxi  61.139.230*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 400 square meters, 500000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Matcha Village! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-31 09:04:00 From Lanzhou, Gansu  42.94.222*
  • Please contact me if I am interested in this project

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Matcha Village! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-31 04:24:02 From Fuqing City, Fujian Province  45.112.46*
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