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Dream Oriental Table Tennis Gymnasium
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred and twenty

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Dream Oriental Table Tennis Gymnasium Introduction to joining
 Dream Oriental Table Tennis Gymnasium Joined
Dream Oriental Table Tennis Gymnasium should be paid attention to. The high-quality Dream Oriental Table Tennis Gymnasium allows teenagers to develop better. In the market, there are different types of Dream Oriental Table Tennis Gymnasium, so you can learn more about them. Based on the market and national conditions, the brand of Dream Oriental Table Tennis Gymnasium has established a high-quality Dream Oriental Table Tennis Gymnasium, which is very popular in the market.
When choosing the brand of Dream Oriental Table Tennis Gymnasium, we should focus on investigating the market and selecting educational brands in all aspects. Beijing Haoke Education is a large comprehensive education service organization. As a practitioner of popular science education for children, it has always been committed to the education platform for children to develop their scientific interest and improve their scientific ability. Years of accumulation in the field of education, including education training, design and processing, publishing, agency, etc.
The brand of Dream Oriental Table Tennis Gymnasium, whose various systems are very mature, can provide better education for every child, and has attracted the attention of parents. The training of Dream Oriental Table Tennis Gymnasium covers children and teenagers. It has 15 major departments, including training school, children's scientific quality education research center, human resources department, logistics and storage department, product design center, Beijing teaching aid processing factory, teaching support training and after-sales department, and national investment operation center. It has Haoke training schools in several regions of Beijing.
Today's education brands have different quality. High quality education will have some managers. The brand of Dream Oriental Table Tennis Gymnasium has an outstanding management team of teachers, as well as a teaching R&D and product design team with core competitiveness. Previously, there were more than 50 kinds of subjects in many fields, such as. Dream Oriental Table Tennis Gymnasium has joined in with many products and markets.
Small class elite teaching
Dream Oriental Table Tennis Gymnasium implements all small class elite teaching, and each student has sufficient exercise volume and exercise time in the course.
The Dream Oriental Table Tennis Gymnasium is open from Tuesday to Sunday and closed on Monday during school.
During winter and summer vacation, classes will be held all day from Monday to Sunday.
There are many coaches from Luneng Team, Jiangsu Team, Hebei Team, Beijing Team, etc. All the coach teams have the level of secondary athletes, and have comprehensive qualities such as table tennis teaching, children's psychological education, etc. They can help students cultivate their personalities while improving the teaching level of table tennis.
The core tenet of Dream Oriental Table Tennis Gymnasium is "using time to achieve training". In order to achieve this goal, Dream Oriental Table Tennis Gymnasium has specially created a "seven level teaching method" to split all the basic movements of table tennis teaching and teach them level by level.
Dream Oriental Table Tennis Gymnasium Franchise advantages
 Dream Oriental Table Tennis Gymnasium Joined
1. Brand advantages:
Dream Oriental Table Tennis Gymnasium has been continuously advertising in various major media, has established its own chain network, has established a high brand image, and has a high reputation and influence in the industry.
2. Market advantages:
The brand of Dream Oriental Table Tennis Gymnasium has developed for many years and the market is stable. It has laid a good foundation for development and market position and won the trust of consumers.
3. Entrepreneurship advantages:
For each store, the staff of Dream Oriental Table Tennis Gymnasium went to the site to conduct the business circle survey, store survey and evaluation, and provided the partners with detailed store and business circle evaluation opinions, so as to greatly improve the survival rate of the new store location.
4. Product advantages:
New and unique products have great advantages in the market and are very competitive.
5. Marketing advantages:
The company plans the opening publicity; Every year, carry out national large-scale promotional activities to enhance brand reputation and expand market share; The promotional materials for the activities will be designed by the company free of charge.
6. Training advantages:
The headquarters has franchise training classrooms and systematic training courses. Including theoretical knowledge, operation management, product production, store practice, graduation assessment, so that the trained store management personnel can fully master business skills.
7. Service advantages:
Perfect service management platform, long-term operation guidance, business condition inspection, business plan improvement and other services.
8. Technical advantages:
We will continue to develop new products and launch new management plans, so as to make entrepreneurship more supportive.
Dream Oriental Table Tennis Gymnasium Franchise conditions
1. The applicant must be at least 18 years old and must have independent capacity for civil liability, legal person or natural person.
2. Credibility requires a good spirit of contract.
3. The franchisees of Dream Oriental Table Tennis Gymnasium have certain alliance strength and entrepreneurial ability;
4. The franchisees of Dream Oriental Table Tennis Gymnasium have certain capital investment and bearing capacity.
5. Own business premises, and the business area meets the requirements of the headquarters of Dream Oriental Table Tennis Gymnasium.
6. Be hardworking and never give up;
7. Recognize and accept the business philosophy and model, and implement and comply with various business management systems formulated by the headquarters.
8. The franchisees of Dream Oriental Table Tennis Gymnasium can abide by the franchise mode of the company brand.
Dream Oriental Table Tennis Gymnasium Franchise process
1. Learn about:
The two parties communicated through the Internet, QQ and telephone to preliminarily understand the project mode, training process, cooperation process, etc.
2. Project investigation:
Brand consultation, visit the brand headquarters.
3. Franchise application:
Fill in the cooperation application form and provide a copy of ID card.
4. Contract signing:
The cooperation contract can be signed by the partner who meets the cooperation qualification of the headquarters.
5. Location selection:
Evaluate the site selection, guide the correct site selection, and assign special personnel for field investigation.
6. Decoration design:
The headquarters of Dream Oriental Table Tennis Gymnasium designed the franchise stores and decorated the franchisees according to the unified design scheme.
7. Franchise training:
The proposed franchisee shall decorate and decorate its business premises according to the requirements of the company, and provide unified dressing and etiquette training for its staff.
8. New store opening:
Handle business license, personnel recruitment and training, design the store decoration scheme, plan the image publicity of opening matters, product layout, and officially open the store.

Dream Oriental Table Tennis Gymnasium Joining dynamics


Dream Oriental Table Tennis Gymnasium Related questions and answers


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  • How do you do it? how much

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Dream Oriental Table Tennis Gymnasium! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 11:51:30 From Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, China  42.185.21*
  • Want to know about this brand

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Dream Oriental Table Tennis Gymnasium! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 07:19:10 From Xinjiang  49.115.227*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Do WeChat business.

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Dream Oriental Table Tennis Gymnasium! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 05:20:02 From Anshan City, Liaoning Province  42.249.184*
  • I want to join in for customization

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Dream Oriental Table Tennis Gymnasium! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 20:15:42 From Suzhou, Jiangsu Province  49.94.41*
  • Find out how to add franchise

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Dream Oriental Table Tennis Gymnasium! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 10:19:34 From Xiamen, Fujian [Telecom]  59.57.169*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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