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Masuma Auto Parts
  • Franchise industry:

    Automotive Services>Automotive Supplies

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Agency licensing

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    two hundred

  • Investment amount: 200000~500000


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Masuma Auto Parts Introduction to joining
   Ma Su Ma wearing parts, understand the car, love the car, and live fast!
   Join Masuma, open the door of wealth, and enjoy the golden 20 years of automotive aftermarket! Masuma auto parts franchise
The Masuma brand originated in Japan, where the automobile industry is highly developed. It has a long history. It is an enterprise engaged in the research, development, production, sales and operation of automobile parts at home and abroad. It has production bases in Japan, South Korea and other countries. Its products are exported to more than 100 countries and regions around the world.
Guangzhou Masuma Auto Parts Co., Ltd., founded in 2011, is located in the Auto City, Huadu District, Guangzhou, covering an area of about 20 mu, with 500 employees. It is affiliated to Masuma Auto Parts Co., Ltd., Japan, and its group headquarters is located in Toshima, Tokyo, Japan. We focus on the design, development, production, sales and service of vulnerable parts of Masuma brand Japanese, German, American and Korean cars. At present, our products cover more than 20 series and more than 10000 products, including brake pads, brake discs, filters, cages, ball heads, brake pipes, arm bushings, belts, wipers, lubricants, etc.
Masuma takes promoting the development and technology creation of the global auto parts industry as its own responsibility, taking improving the interests of users and consumer experience as its mission, and comprehensively implements the strategic layout of specialization, scientificity, industrialization and globalization. We always adhere to the business philosophy of independent creation, excellence, tenacious struggle and continuous transcendence, aiming to achieve the rise and take-off of the brand and the leap forward development of the enterprise.
In the future, we will work together to forge ahead and create brilliance!
Masuma Auto Parts Franchise advantages
   Eight joining advantages of Masuma Masuma auto parts franchise
   1. Brand advantages
The Masuma brand originated in Japan, where the automobile industry is highly developed. It has a long history. It is an enterprise engaged in the research, development, production, sales and operation of automobile parts at home and abroad. It has production bases in Japan, South Korea and other countries. Its products are exported to more than 100 countries and regions around the world.
   2. Strong technical advantages
Masuma production base is equipped with advanced production equipment and high-quality professional and technical personnel, and has strong product design, research and development and manufacturing capabilities. Product creation and production process are always advanced in the industry.
   3. Raw materials and quality advantages
Masuma series products are all produced with imported raw materials, and the quality is better. At the same time, the company has established a strict quality control system, and the quality standard is far higher than that of peer products, so as to strive for more customer resources for dealers and a stable cashier space.
   4. Advantages of product line
The company has highly integrated more than 20 major categories in the series of automobile wearing parts, with a long product line and complete models, covering all models of conventional wearing parts of Japanese, German, American, Korean and domestic vehicles in the market. Masuma's multi category products have formed an intensive brand development model, creating more growth points and space for dealers, and meeting the multi-level consumption needs of users.
   5. Advantages of multi platform publicity
The company will actively promote and promote the Masuma brand by using other Internet media such as the Internet, WeChat, Weibo, Baidu, Sogou, and other platforms, as well as exhibitions. It will also launch targeted outdoor advertisements in the core auto parts business circles of some first tier and second tier cities to boost the brand's awareness and influence.
   6. Professional team advantages
The company has its own R&D, production, marketing and after-sales service teams, which provide strong support for the creation and upgrading of products, quality and delivery speed. The marketing team can provide professional guidance for dealers' operation, and can solve different problems in the sales process. The after-sales technical service team can provide professional technical training and support for dealers.
   7. Brand operation advantages
Among the vulnerable parts manufacturers in the auto parts industry, Masuma is the only one that scientifically designs, packages, plans, shapes and operates the brand, which can produce a strong sense of shock and admiration in the market, and the company will maintain a large and long-term market investment.
   8. Big data sharing advantages
The company has established a big data resource sharing platform for products from factories, dealers, maintenance points and car owners to realize the reverse diversion and injection of the purchase demand of users and maintenance points, so as to create more sales orders and cashier growth points for dealers, maintain close interaction with market customers, and steadily improve the brand's market share and channel radiation ability.
   Support policies
Regional market protection, decoration materials support, strive for further market expansion, support market development, support publicity materials, support promotion, support training, support advertising, support sales planning, support brand introduction, support brand image management, support technology and service support
   Sales and mode

The traditional modes of auto parts products are mainly divided into two categories: first, the wholesale remote radiation accumulation mode of agents with a small number of models, whole car parts and some major types of accessories as the leading products, which is characterized by large sales volume, scattered customers, different levels of cash registers, many intermediate links, and easy loss of customers. 2、 The mode of close distribution, distribution, accumulation and increment of dealers with large accessories, multi series and full model products is characterized by close service to customers, stable cashier, difficult customer turnover and strong market control ability. As shown in the figure below:

 Masuma auto parts franchise

The mode of Masuma wearing parts is based on big data platform sharing, reducing dealers in the middle of the channel, using dealers' distribution channels and distribution service capabilities to achieve mass sales of series products, as well as the big data resource sharing platform for factories, dealers, repair points and owners, Realize the reverse diversion and injection of purchase demand of users and maintenance points, so as to help dealers win more sales orders and cashier growth points, maintain close interaction with market customers, and steadily improve the brand's market share and channel radiation ability. See the following figure for details:

 Masuma auto parts franchise

Masuma Auto Parts Franchise conditions
 Masuma auto parts franchise    Franchise conditions:
1. Legal persons and natural persons with independent civil liability capacity, as well as qualified business reputation and business ethics, are visionaries who aspire to long-term development in the auto parts industry and the auto aftermarket.
2. Have certain financial strength, and be able to improve/increase the normal promotion of Masuma brand and orderly launch of market development, depending on the city level.
3. I agree with the company's business philosophy, have a strong brand awareness, have a clear positioning for my own business, have a relatively clear and reasonable plan for market operation, and be able to assume the responsibility for the market promotion, product sales, technical support, after-sales service, etc. of Masuma products in the region.
4. The dealer must have a sales team of more than 5 people, and have certain overall planning and management ability.
5. If there are stores with good locations in the main local auto parts wholesale markets or auto parts business circles, the municipalities directly under the Central Government and provincial capital cities must establish Masuma brand standard stores with a planned area of no less than 50 square meters; The prefecture level city should at least establish a sales area with a planned area of no less than 30 square meters; The county town should at least establish a Masuma brand sales counter, with a planned area of no less than 15 square meters.
6. The budget for the operation input of the municipality directly under the Central Government shall not be less than 1.3 million yuan, the budget for the operation input of the provincial capital city shall not be less than 800000 yuan, the budget for the operation input of the prefecture level city shall not be less than 500000 yuan, and the budget for the operation input of the county town shall not be less than 300000 yuan.
Masuma Auto Parts Franchise process
 Masuma auto parts franchise

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Masuma auto parts! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-15 22:20:03 From Wuhan, Hubei Province, China  59.173.219*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Twenty thousand.

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Masuma auto parts! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-15 18:42:58 From China  39.181.193*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; A small supermarket with an area of 50 square meters.

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Masuma auto parts! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 02:01:39 From China  39.182.149*
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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Masuma auto parts! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 21:31:35 From Tianjin  60.26.191*
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    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Masuma auto parts! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 15:29:24 From Lixian County, Gansu Province  60.26.220*
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