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Braised Shrimp with Rice
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan


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Braised Shrimp with Rice Introduction to joining
 Old braised shrimp rice
Rice is a very familiar food for everyone. As people's demand for food is constantly increasing, ordinary rice can not better meet everyone's dining needs. Some more distinctive rice dishes have also emerged. Laoshaozhi shrimp rice has introduced delicious food that fascinates consumers and has become a food brand in the industry.
As a well-known specialty food, Laoshaozhi shrimp rice belongs to a brand of Hangzhou Xiaxiaoge Catering Management Co., Ltd. Since its establishment, it has used its own specialty food to conquer the taste buds of the majority of foodies. With specialty food, the brand has also constantly developed various new products, rich and diverse food, allowing consumers to choose freely, Have a new taste bud experience.
Consumers will not only have different taste buds but also have a pleasant dining experience when they choose the old braised shrimp rice. Therefore, consumers will come to the store again to taste delicious food, and will share the brands one by one to promote the rapid development of the brand.
Laoshaozhi shrimp rice has launched a variety of attractive delicacies. At the same time, it also has a flexible business mode. Consumers can taste delicious food in the store, and can also order a variety of takeout food. It is so convenient to eat that they naturally choose one after another. Consumers give great support, and entrepreneurs can also have good business after joining.
How about joining the old braised shrimp rice club
Moreover, Laoshaozhi shrimp rice has a strong strength and a food research and development team. It has been constantly improving research and development. According to the change of seasons, it has launched a variety of delicacies that can meet the needs of different consumers' picky taste buds. The market sales are very good. With sales volume, market and development, the brand can become a good brand in the food industry, and its future development will be great.
Braised Shrimp with Rice Franchise advantages
 Old braised shrimp rice
The development of the food industry can be said to be very broad, so more and more entrepreneurs want to develop in this industry. Laoshao shrimp rice has great strength and many advantages, which can be better recognized by consumers. Therefore, it is popular in the market, a food brand worth choosing, and also a strong project that entrepreneurs want to join.
Unique production method
In terms of food production, Laoshaozhi shrimp rice has adopted its own unique method, using the simmering process, using home-made black pot, and putting it into carefully selected food and sauce bags, so it has produced the green health food that everyone wants, and the affordable price has also made consumers praise.
Strong innovation promotion ability
There has never been a shortage of food in the food industry, and only the brands that are concerned and loved by the public can have a better foothold in the market. Laoshao shrimp rice also knows the hard truth of this development, so it has been constantly updated since its establishment. According to the different taste buds of consumers, and according to the changes of seasons, it constantly introduces special delicacies to attract consumers.
Advantages in operation
With the support of consumers, entrepreneurs will be much less worried about opening stores. In addition, we should also have our own advantages in business. Old braised shrimp rice has been established for many years, and has accumulated many successful business methods, which can be shared with entrepreneurs one by one. New entrepreneurs can also easily operate and achieve good results after joining this good project.
Very comprehensive support
Old braised shrimp rice is a popular project at the moment. The headquarters can provide a good development platform for entrepreneurs, as well as various corresponding help for entrepreneurs. For example, site selection, technical training, human resources support, regional protection, etc., so that entrepreneurs can operate without pressure after joining the brand, work hard, and reap a bright future.
Braised Shrimp with Rice Franchise conditions
1. At least 18 years old, with enough entrepreneurial enthusiasm and strong support from family.
2. Recognize the brand and corporate culture, and be willing to take the "old braised shrimp rice" as a business and operate with care.
3. It has certain financial strength, legal capital and qualified capital credit.
4. It has a fixed store leased or purchased by itself, and the store can meet the franchise requirements.
5. Willing to accept training and guidance from the headquarters and implement the unified price of the headquarters.
6. Have qualified business reputation and independently manage the operation and expectations of the team.
7. The franchised agent of Laoshao shrimp rice should have brand awareness, long-term development vision, and be familiar with and understand the development status of the industry.
Braised Shrimp with Rice Franchise process
1. Franchise consultation
Franchisees can inquire about the details of Laoshao shrimp rice franchise by phone, email, website, etc.
2. Field visit
We will send staff to introduce you to the market overview of the project, project costs, including your site selection, etc.
3. Franchise application
To have a preliminary understanding of the project, the franchisee can apply for joining and the headquarters will review it. Confirm cooperation qualification.
4. Sign the contract
Formal signing.
5. Store location
Franchisee shall select a suitable store address locally, and evaluate the site selection of Laoshao shrimp rice. If necessary, special personnel can be sent to the location for field investigation.
6. Decoration construction
The headquarters shall provide unified decoration design guidance, and franchise stores shall actively organize decoration construction within the specified time in strict accordance with the functional construction drawings provided by the headquarters.
7. Headquarters training
The head office of Laoshao shrimp rice arranges technical training for franchisees, mainly including corporate culture, business guidance methods and marketing skills.
8. Opening preparation
The decoration inspection, raw material preparation, equipment commissioning, store environment layout and opening advertisement are completed.
9. Opening
At the opening ceremony of the store, the person in charge of sales regularly guides the business in the store.

Braised Shrimp with Rice Joining dynamics


Braised Shrimp with Rice Related questions and answers


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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the old braised shrimp rice! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-25 13:54:48 From Xinjiang  49.119.218*
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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the old braised shrimp rice! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-24 14:28:29 From Jiangsu Province  49.69.39*
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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the old braised shrimp rice! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-24 08:20:19 From Suihua City, Heilongjiang Province  60.15.131*
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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the old braised shrimp rice! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-23 02:57:39 From Yongcheng, Henan  49.94.64*
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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the old braised shrimp rice! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-15 19:48:12 From Gansu Province  42.88.108*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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