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Langsha Wemall Distributor
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:


  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 200000~500000


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Langsha Wemall Distributor Introduction to joining
 Langsha Wemall distributors join
Langsha WeChat Mall was officially launched in early August 2015 for testing. Because it has accurately grasped the pulse of WeChat marketing market and also complied with the direction of current economic development, it can be said that Langsha WeChat Mall is an e-commerce platform integrating WeChat retail and many suppliers, representing the trend and direction of WeChat business development.
During the test period, it attracted nearly 1000 franchisees every day, attracting 30000 franchisees in just 15 days. As of the time of sending the document, there are 300000 distributors. The characteristics of Langsha WeChat Mall, such as no stocking, no delivery, no investment, rapid fission of three-tier distribution and fast operation, have become the highlights recognized by the franchisees. At the same time, the mall integrates "micro mall+micro distribution", so that participants' own social circles can quickly sell products to every corner of their circle of friends, attract people from their circle of friends to buy and distribute, quickly form a massive distribution store scale, form sales, and rapidly increase users and fans, so that a large number of accurate customers can be accumulated in the short term. At present, the mall has gathered tens of thousands of fans, and is increasing rapidly every day. Many franchisees have realized automatic entrepreneurship.
At present, Langsha WeChat Mall is still in the stage of vigorous promotion. You can enter the WeChat public account by clicking the distribution mall below. Now you can automatically upgrade to a distributor or agent by simply consuming more than 9 yuan and 9 yuan in the mall. In October, the threshold will be raised. You can't afford to pay 9 yuan, and you can't afford to be fooled. But what you grasp is the opportunity of mobile Internet entrepreneurship. Join early.
My friend, when you see this news for the first time, you should act immediately to seize another wave of entrepreneurial opportunities on mobile Internet and never miss the opportunity!
Welcome to join us - Langsha&Hejiahuan team as soon as possible.. It doesn't matter if you don't understand. As long as you put your heart into it, we will teach and teach!
Langsha Wemall Distributor Franchise advantages
 Langsha Wemall distributors join
1. Goods support: regular product updates, continuation of market hot spots, professional logistics system. Uniformly distribute and transfer goods to improve/increase quality and low price supply.
2. The image supports the provision of a unified brand image. After the location of the store is determined, the overall design and packaging of the store will be carried out to attract the attention of consumers with the dazzling and dynamic appeal of high-grade fashion, and move the purchase desire of buyers with clever and flexible display.
3. Brand support: The product combines international culture and culture to create a strong competitive international brand in the market. It has an irresistible brand influence to set off a popular storm and become a gold digger.
4. Operation guidance: standardize management output and continue professional supervision. In the process of business, it is inevitable to encounter problems of one kind or another. Assign full-time personnel to track and coach, solve practical difficulties for you, and further teach experience and skills until the situation is opened up and easy to make profits.
5. Training support: training on opening preparation, management knowledge, commodity selection, commodity display, design concept, store operation, marketing skills, taste knowledge, publicity planning, characteristic production technology and other aspects to ensure the successful opening and scientific operation.
6. Cashier support: high quality, low price, good value for money, provide cashiers with space for partners, low price, not low grade!
7. Market promotion: powerful market promotion momentum, as well as various advertising (television, network, newspapers, magazines, etc.), powerful network platform, to enhance brand influence.
8. Market protection: The numerous advantages of the franchise agent make you not worry about creating wealth all the way, and have the courage to climb the peak of becoming rich! The distributors of Langsha WeChat Mall have strict regional protection, improve/increase the franchise of agents to monopolize the market, and obtain rich franchise operations.
Langsha Wemall Distributor Franchise conditions
Franchise conditions of Langsha WeChat Mall distributors:
1. Legal person, natural person or other organization with legal qualification.
2. Recognize the operation mode and philosophy of the distributors of Langsha WeChat Mall, and the company has no objection to the brand management of the distributors of Langsha WeChat Mall.
3. There are enough funds to support the healthy development of the brand.
4. The store must be located on the local prosperous commercial street, and the store in store must be located in the local well-known shopping mall.
5. Franchisees should recognize the corporate culture, business philosophy and management model of the distributors of Langsha WeChat Mall, maintain the brand image, and develop and progress together with the company.
6. Have qualified business reputation and independently manage the operation and expectations of the team.
7. Franchisees should take the franchise business as their main business, and pay more attention. They should have a certain grasp of the local market, be familiar with the local market development laws, and promote the healthy development of franchise stores.
Langsha Wemall Distributor Franchise process
Franchise process of Langsha WeChat Mall distributors:
1. Franchise consultation
You can leave your information and ask for the basic information of Langsha WeChat Mall distributors.
2. Market preparation
On the basis of understanding the basic situation of the project, the franchisee should also investigate whether the local market is suitable for opening a Langsha Wemall distributor franchise store.
3. Franchise application
If the franchisee has no objection to the brand of the distributor of Langsha WeChat Mall, it can fill in the Franchise Application Form.
4. Sign the contract
Both parties reached a consensus that the franchisee can formally sign a franchise contract with the distributor headquarters of Langsha WeChat Mall, and the franchisee needs to pay some fees to the headquarters.
5. Assist in store building
The headquarters will provide corresponding professional site selection scheme for store site selection to ensure that partners choose the best store site.
6. Shop construction and decoration
Schedule the construction period, construction period flow chart, design plan renderings, construction drawings, renderings, and start construction.
7. Operation training
Before opening, franchisees and relevant personnel need to go to the headquarters for various trainings (including management, skills, operation, etc.).
8. Opening preparation
After the construction of the store is completed, the franchisee needs to prepare for the opening of the store.
9. Official opening
Franchised stores are officially opened, and the company will count and order goods by itself, and deliver them to the stores.

User consultation

  • How to join. We want to investigate

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the distributors of Langsha WeChat Mall! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-27 03:36:06 From Xi'an, Shaanxi  42.90.119*
  • If you are interested in joining and have sufficient funds, please contact us as soon as possible

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the distributors of Langsha WeChat Mall! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-26 20:35:48 From Shandong Province  39.86.21*
  • Because I don't quite understand, please call back to give a detailed introduction and join in with integrity consultation

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the distributors of Langsha WeChat Mall! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-24 07:35:31 From Jiangsu Province  49.90.20*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 300000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the distributors of Langsha WeChat Mall! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-21 14:19:02 From Luoyang City, Henan Province  42.235.129*
  • Interested in joining

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the distributors of Langsha WeChat Mall! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 16:31:47 From Baoding, Hebei [Unicom]  61.134.137*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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