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Liu Pangsan Kang Goose
  • Franchise industry:

    Catering>Chinese food

  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan


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Liu Pangsan Kang Goose Introduction to joining
 Liu Pangsan joined us
Liu Pangsan Kang goose, the old goose is the root. The shop keeper who manages the old goose soup keeps the geese born one or two years in the goose pen or the nearby pond for slaughter. Guests order geese in person, slaughter them and make them to improve the original taste of the delicious goose soup. The old goose soup master is skilled in killing geese. He is almost skilled in killing geese. He can kill them quickly, wash them clean, and divide the parts clearly. One of the characteristics of Dongguan Old Goose Soup is to taste the whole goose, that is, a pot of soup is made of a whole goose. The goose meat, goose blood, goose head, web and viscera are cut into blocks. The soup is red and clear, the meat is rotten but not broken, the oil is not greasy, and the taste is delicious and unforgettable.
"Liu Pang San Kang Goose", with precious Chinese herbal medicine, cut the goose into blocks and put them into water, and stew them in the blast furnace. The soup is clear but not muddy, the meat is not broken, the soup is not greasy, and the taste is extremely delicious. The nutritional value is very high, with the result of nourishing yin and kidney, nourishing face and improving eyesight. According to Compendium of Materia Medica, "goose meat tastes sweet and enters the lungs, and the kidney has two channels. It has the result of nourishing yin and kidney, supplementing qi, and promoting stomach fluid to quench thirst".
In the process of operation and development, Liu Pangsan Kang Goose has constantly broken the traditional way, integrating fresh goose meat with the characteristic cooking process, bringing taste buds to consumers, and has been loved by countless consumers. It adopts the method of slow fire cooking, adding more than ten rare herbs to increase the nutrition and taste of the soup bottom. All the essences are gathered in the soup bottom, which has a good therapeutic effect.
Liu Pangsan Kang Goose is a nourishing soup that can be eaten by ordinary people. It is especially suitable for people with insufficient blood, malnutrition and weakness. It can prevent many physical problems. Its nutritional value is very high and it is popular in the market. Liu Pangsan Kang goose is edible all year round, suitable for both men and women, old and young. Each store has a good business, which also provides development opportunities for many entrepreneurs.
Liu Pangsan Kang Goose Franchise advantages
 Liu Pangsan joined us
1. Brand advantages
Liu Pangsankang Goose often cooperates with major portal websites, and its products are good in quality and cheap, which are popular with consumers.
2. Technical advantages
Liu Pangsankang Goose owns a powerful R&D team, which can provide franchise stores with new consumption hotspots from time to time.
3. Training advantages
The company has established a sound training system. From various aspects, internal and external technology and marketing regularly hold follow-up training and practical drills, so that partners can skillfully master management, shopping guide and other knowledge and help expand the terminal market.
4. Service advantages
According to the actual situation of the regional market, Liu Pangsankang Goose Investment Promotion Headquarters strictly follows the idea of brand development to develop business stores, develops franchisees within the region in a limited amount, and strictly protects the business circle of Jiaming stores.
5. Franchise advantages
Liu Pangsankang Goose has designed a demand management model covering different consumer groups according to different franchise capabilities and regions.
6. Market supervision service
The market supervisor of the headquarters will regularly conduct market research in the franchise area, give reasonable operation suggestions to the franchisee in time according to the changes of the market and competitors, and help the franchisee to carry out operation and maintenance.
Liu Pangsan Kang Goose Franchise conditions
1. It is required to be a natural person with full civil capacity, an entrepreneur with legal business qualifications, and eager to succeed.
2. Fully understand and agree with the company's business philosophy, accept the company's management system, and are willing to jointly explore the market with the company.
3. The economic strength of the franchisee cannot be lower than the specific franchise plan of "Liu Pang San Kang Goose" single store franchise.
4. The location of the business site is good, and the passenger flow is large, which can be evaluated by the headquarters on the spot.
5. Accept the unified management of the company and strictly abide by the normative conditions of the company such as the franchise contract and marketing plan.
Liu Pangsan Kang Goose Franchise process
1. Request information
Leave a message on the website and wait for the investment manager to return to learn about the specific information of the franchisee, and send relevant franchise materials for different problems and regions.
2. Submit joining requirements
Fill in the "Application Form for Joining Liu Pangsankang Goose", and the headquarters will evaluate the franchise qualification;
3. Field visit
After passing the assessment, the franchisee will conduct a field visit and sign a letter of intent after in-depth understanding of the project;
4. Sign franchise contract
After determining the final cooperation intention and communicating with the headquarters without dispute, the franchisee formally signs the franchise contract and formulates the opening schedule.
5. Store location
The headquarters cooperates with the franchisee to select the location of stores according to the local market situation of the franchisee.
6. Shop decoration
Design, start the project, determine all dimensions, make store plans, renderings and construction drawings and implement them.
7. Personnel training
The franchisee will send relevant personnel to the headquarters for training according to the actual situation of the store, and the franchise store will operate smoothly in the later period.
8. Opening preparation
At the same time, the decoration starts to handle the business license and other opening related procedures, and the company formulates the publicity plan for opening activities and assists franchise stores in formulating the opening promotion plan.

Liu Pangsan Kang Goose Joining dynamics


Liu Pangsan Kang Goose Related questions and answers


User consultation

  • If I am interested, please contact me; About ten thousand yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Liu Pangsan Kang Goose! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 17:26:21 From Urumqi, Xinjiang  49.118.179*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; The first floor of the mall is 60 square meters.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Liu Pangsan Kang Goose! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 15:41:23 From Jiangsu Province  49.94.70*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; At present, it is 500000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Liu Pangsan Kang Goose! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 08:23:11 From Wuhan, Hubei  43.227.139*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; The store has 200 square meters.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Liu Pangsan Kang Goose! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-29 22:12:10 From Henan Province  42.229.94*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 200000 to 300000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Liu Pangsan Kang Goose! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-29 06:20:35 From Tianshui City, Gansu Province  42.92.16*
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