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Longjiang Pig Feet Rice
  • Franchise industry:

    Catering>Fast food

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:

  • Business model:

    Free chain

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 10000~50000


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Longjiang Pig Feet Rice Introduction to joining

 Longjiang Pork Feet Rice

  As a well-known chain brand of Guangzhou Weizhixing Catering Management Co., Ltd., Longjiang Pig Feet Rice has long been famous in the industry, and its covered rice, pig's feet, and pig's feet rice have won unanimous praise from consumers. In addition, it is also warmly welcomed by entrepreneurs with its perfect franchise system.

Guangzhou Weizhixing Catering Management Co., Ltd. is a professional organization integrating catering technology development, technical training, technical consultation and entrepreneurship guidance. The headquarters, formerly known as Shenzhen Food and Beverage Promotion Department, was established in 2003, and is one of the earlier training institutions engaged in catering, snacks, roast duck, braised dishes, braised pork, and pastries in Shenzhen. Since its inception, it has been adhering to the business philosophy of "being loyal to people, being honest with quality, doing business with virtue, and winning with quality", and has been practicing internal skills and focusing on quality.

Longjiang Pork Feet Rice is a famous delicacy in Guangdong Province, named after Longjiang Town, Huilai County, Jieyang City, the place of origin. Its delicious taste, tender and glutinous taste, combined with the town's characteristic rice, forms Longjiang pig's feet rice. It is fat but not greasy, and tastes delicious. It is deeply loved by Guangdong people.

In fact, Longjiang Pig Feet Rice is very popular not only because of its unique flavor of bittern and elastic and tender waxy, but also because of its own technology of making health preserving traditional Chinese medicine bittern (the bittern contains: fragrant leaves, anise, cinnamon, tangerine peel and other superior traditional Chinese medicine beneficial to health preservation), Pork feet boiled in the brine of these Chinese medicinal materials are not only delicious but also beneficial to people's health.

Pork Feet Rice originates from Longjiang Town, Huilai County, Guangdong Province. It has a long history, unique flavor, smooth and refreshing, tender but not fat, healthy nutrition, perfect color, fragrance and taste, and is suitable for both men and women, old and young. It is a good choice for many white-collar workers and employees. Dinner is popular from the Pearl River Delta to all parts of the country. Everyone says "cool" after eating it!.

Learn how to cook with pig's feet. It is good to start a business in urban and rural areas. Longjiang pig's feet rice, represented by Laoguangji, is famous far and wide, with authentic brine, broad market, simple operation, a dish of rice and meat, and a taste of food. It is a good project to open a shop, especially suitable for small and medium-sized catering business.

Longjiang Pig Feet Rice Franchise advantages

 Longjiang Pork Feet Rice

1、 Longjiang Zhujiao Rice has a large scale of development. It has established hundreds of branches, accumulated rich market experience, and now has formed a suitable way of operation. The headquarters will also have a professional entrepreneurial team to give advice for everyone's entrepreneurship. Longjiang Pork Feet Rice has a high stability in opening stores, and the headquarters will have the output of the whole store, which can replicate the success to everyone, so that you can easily earn big money.

2、 Longjiang Pork Feet Rice attaches great importance to the needs of customers in the operation. Now it will have regular return visits, can timely understand the operation of the branch, has advanced management experience, and can quickly deal with everyone's business difficulties. Longjiang Pork Feet Rice is a good project with high cost performance. Now the cash register is considerable. As long as we operate well, the monthly net cash register will be at least 29 thousand yuan.

3、 The headquarter of Longjiang Pig Feet Rice has a professional operation team. Its operation in the market is flexible. The headquarter will investigate the local market and develop a suitable business plan according to the actual situation, which can make everyone easy to get started. The headquarters will have pre opening publicity, which can be targeted for promotion, so that the branch can quickly become popular in the market.

4、 Longjiang Pork Feet Rice has a high reputation and great influence. It has achieved a good response and won many honors in its long-term development. Now the goal of opening a store is considerable. The headquarters will have strong policy support to provide brand authorization for branches. Only one store will be opened in a region, leaving enough cash for branches to support everyone.

5、 The market prospect of Longjiang Pork Feet Rice is good. Now, the headquarters will have a year-end incentive policy every year to award generous bonuses to the top 20 agents with turnover, and develop improvement plans for poorly managed stores, which can quickly improve everyone's entrepreneurial enthusiasm. Longjiang Pig Feet Meal also has long-term publicity help, providing publicity programs, etc., which can make it easy for everyone to be a boss.

Longjiang Pig Feet Rice Franchise conditions

1. Love the food industry and agree with the business philosophy of Longjiang Pig Feet Rice brand.

2. Have the corresponding franchise operation and management ability, fully invest in the store management, accept the company manager's idea, prepare the store, rent the store or store in store, or concentrate on taking out.

3. Have certain franchise economic ability and qualified business reputation.

4. Have a certain understanding of the local market, and should have a more comprehensive understanding of the retail business environment of the franchise area applied for.

5. It has the spirit of solidarity and cooperation and can develop together with the headquarters, agrees with the business philosophy and management mode of Longjiang Zhujiafan Headquarters, and obeys the management of chain headquarters.

6. Devote yourself to the operation and management of the franchise.

Longjiang Pig Feet Rice Franchise process

1. Project consultation: Longjiang Zhujiao Rice Franchise Headquarters provides project information, information and franchise consulting services.

2. Project investigation: Franchise partners are sincerely invited to the headquarters to investigate, understand the operation status and products of the chain stores, and communicate opinions.

3. Signing contracts: signing franchise contracts, paying fees, providing brand authorization support, sharing trademarks, trade names, products, proprietary technologies and business models, as well as brand visual identity and application programs.

4. Location of stores: The franchise headquarters selects the location of local stores according to the training requirements and location strategy, and obtains the approval of the headquarters.

5. Operation training: provide free technical training, operation management training and service process training for franchise partners.

6. Opening preparation: provide free guidance on store decoration, opening preparation and other work according to the architectural pattern of the store. Provide professional equipment procurement scheme, and the headquarters will provide some equipment and assist in the procurement of other equipment.

7. Opening of the new store: provide free promotional activities during the opening period, tracking services, regular visits to the franchise store by Longjiang Zhujiafan franchise headquarters, free long-term business coaching and management consulting services, and provide follow-up support and brand management for franchise partners.

User consultation

  • This project is good, please contact me as soon as possible! Send data with the same WeChat number

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Longjiang Pig Feet Rice! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 00:48:27 From China  39.155.98*
  • 30 cars, looking for a platform to join

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Longjiang Pig Feet Rice! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 01:12:27 From Shandong Province  39.71.182*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Not more than 100000. handshake;

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Longjiang Pig Feet Rice! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-07 15:09:03 From Jiangyan, Taizhou, Jiangsu  49.92.167*
  • How much is the franchise fee, company address and requirements for franchisees

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Longjiang Pig Feet Rice! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 16:16:24 From Jiangsu Province  49.90.139*
  • How to collect the franchise fee

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Longjiang Pig Feet Rice! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 16:43:52 From Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province  61.140.114*
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