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[Liangmi Yiweiyoushi Hotpot] Liangmi Yiweiyoushi Hotpot is invited to join

  • Industry Hot Pot > Special hotpot
  • Total number of stores one hundred and seventy home
  • Investment amount 100000~200000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Hangzhou
  • Date of establishment 2017-01-03
  • management model Distribution
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship
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What are the advantages of Liangmi's one-of-a-kind hot pot franchise

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  • Advantages of Liangmi Yiweiyoushi Small Hot Pot:

    Two people handle the party, standard process operation, and the whole store output and opening
       Save space and rent
    The modern fashion bar desktop layout is adopted in the store, which saves the available space in the store, locks the source of customers, and can be operated for one year.
       Cost saving, 2 people operating
    Reduce the store requirements, which can be large or small, including supermarkets and office buildings, small franchises, labor saving, and two people can handle it.
       Provincial chef, quick learning
    The whole process is standardized, regardless of the chef, there is no foundation, free training to quickly learn how to operate flexibly, and entrepreneurship is fast and ruthless.
       Deliberate, Dipped Material Delivery
    The headquarter team studies the sauce, instead of a single sesame paste, the franchise stores have the same taste, and the headquarter distributes the sauce uniformly.

    Ten fold support, fully in place, I want you to shine in the food industry
      · Brand support
    All VI systems and brand image of the brand can be used during the contract period.
      · Site selection support
    The headquarters will evaluate the store and evaluate the feasibility of site selection.
      · Store design
    Provide actual decoration scheme, store layout scheme and renderings.
      · Training support
    Study product manufacturing, store management, marketing planning and other courses.
      · Equipment distribution
    The headquarters distributes the equipment, guarantees the whole process, installs and debugs the equipment at home, and maintains the equipment regularly.
      · Material package supply
    The headquarters uniformly distributes core material packages to support food safety and health issues.
      · Operational support
    Supervise door-to-door guidance, run the store, and solve problems.
      · Regular guidance
    The professional team will provide operational answers and regular technical guidance at any time.
      · Upgrade support
    The headquarters constantly develops new dishes to ensure the freshness of franchise stores.
      · Planning support
    The headquarters tailors the marketing planning scheme for franchise stores to help them get on track.