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Longjiang authentic pig's feet rice
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan


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Longjiang authentic pig's feet rice Introduction to joining
 Longjiang authentic pig's feet rice joined
   Longjiang Pork Feet Rice is a combination of trendy snacks in the market, with a wide range of categories. It has truly realized the integration of ribs, hot and sour noodles, drinks and snacks, and is committed to creating our own People's own snacks. Chaowei Longjiang Pork Feet Rice is popular, with convenient materials and low cost of raw materials major Chef, you can open a shop if you cooperate, saving labor costs. Longjiang Pork Feet Rice combines the ancient technology with the modern concept to eat delicious food, eat healthy food, constantly develop new products, and increase the customer source for franchise stores.
Longjiang Pig Feet Rice has a fast serving speed, an extremely high turnover rate, diversified operation, 24-hour three-dimensional operation, and a combination of store sales+takeout+online sales. There are repeat customers every day. Longjiang Pork Feet Rice requires no experience or chef, major The marketing team and marketing plan enable you to quickly master the skills. Longjiang pig's feet rice is integrated into the medicated diet, supplemented by aged soup, which enables diners to enjoy delicious food while also strengthening their physique. Longjiang Pork Feet Rice has many repeat customers in a very short time, and is very popular.
Pig feet themselves have the effect of strengthening the waist, repairing the knees and whitening the skin. They can be used for waist and knee tenderness caused by kidney deficiency, skin pigmentation, dark skin and other symptoms. They can alleviate the frequent fatigue of limbs, weakness of the whole body, foot cramps, numbness and other symptoms, especially help young people to strengthen their bones and strengthen their bodies. Therefore, pig feet have been very popular since ancient times, The unique understanding and creativity of the people of Longjiang on pig's feet has made pig's feet in Longjiang popular and welcomed by people everywhere. There are roast duck in the north and Longjiang pig feet in the south. Now the authentic Longjiang pig feet rice has become the symbol and symbol of Guangdong.
In fact, Zonglongjiang Pork Feet Rice is popular not only because of its unique flavor of bittern and elastic and tender waxy, but also because of its own technology of health preserving Chinese herbal medicine bittern (the bittern contains: fragrant leaves, anise, cinnamon, tangerine peel and other superior Chinese herbal medicines that are beneficial to health preservation), Pork feet boiled in the brine of these Chinese medicinal materials are not only delicious but also beneficial to people's health.
Longjiang authentic pig's feet rice Franchise advantages
 Longjiang authentic pig's feet rice joined

The fast food market has developed with the development of the catering industry, and several fast food brands have emerged in recent years. However, the business model, food taste and service quality of each fast food restaurant are different. Longjiang authentic pig's feet rice insists on using superior raw materials, adopts unique techniques, and pays attention to flavor modulation. The pig's feet rice launched by Longjiang is welcomed by consumers. At present, there are the following advantages to open a Longjiang authentic pig's feet rice franchise store.

1. The industry reputation is good, and the franchise store has a good business prospect

Longjiang authentic pig's feet rice sticks to the standardized and standardized business model. On the one hand, it standardizes the cooking process and flow, and at the same time, it defines the quality standards of each link. On the other hand, we should strengthen the research on new processes and technologies, especially for the taste needs of modern consumers. The dishes launched are more suitable for their needs. After several years, Longjiang authentic pig feet rice has established an image in the industry, and has also been praised by consumers. Therefore, franchise stores have a good momentum of development after opening.

2. Pay attention to the quality of food, bring different taste experience

In order to let consumers taste delicious pig's feet rice, Longjiang authentic pig's feet rice not only focuses on the supply of raw materials, but also attaches great importance to the management of cooking links. From the proportion of raw materials and ingredients to on-site cooking, the quality sampling inspection has been strengthened to ensure that every meal meets the quality standards. In addition, Longjiang authentic pig feet rice also pays attention to the feedback of consumers, and timely updates the spray paper technology to make the food taste "different".

3. Adhere to complete replication operation, and franchise stores are simple to open

After obtaining the franchise qualification of Longjiang authentic pig's feet rice, the head office will provide the franchise stores with guidance on store location selection and store decoration design according to the requirements of the unified business model. At the same time, technical training is also organized to train one technical backbone for each franchise store, so that they can master the cooking methods and requirements of Longjiang authentic pig's feet rice. In addition, the head office also provides distribution services for the core ingredients of pig's feet rice. And regularly visit franchise stores to coordinate and solve conflicts.

The fast food market has a relatively large consumption power. Longjiang authentic pig's feet rice has attracted much attention in the industry with its technical advantages and brand advantages, and is a franchise brand worth recommending. If you love the fast food market and agree with Longjiang's authentic pig's feet rice brand, you can apply to the headquarters for opening a restaurant.

Longjiang authentic pig's feet rice Franchise conditions
1. Love the food industry and agree with the business philosophy of Longjiang Pig Feet Rice brand.
2. Have the corresponding entrepreneurial management ability, fully invest in store management, accept the concept of the company manager, prepare its own store, rent a store or store in store, or concentrate on taking out.
3. Have certain entrepreneurial economic ability and good business reputation.
4. Have a certain understanding of the local market, and should have a more comprehensive understanding of the retail business environment of the franchise area applied for.
5. It has the spirit of solidarity and cooperation and can develop together with the headquarters, agrees with the business philosophy and management model of Longjiang Zhujiafan Headquarters, and obeys the management of chain headquarters.
6. Devote yourself to the operation and management of the franchise.

Longjiang authentic pig's feet rice Franchise process
1. Project consultation: Longjiang Zhujiao Rice Franchise Headquarters provides project information, information and franchise consulting services.
2. Project investigation: Franchise partners are sincerely invited to the headquarters to investigate, understand the operation status and products of the chain stores, and communicate opinions.
3. Signing contracts: signing franchise contracts, paying fees, providing brand authorization support, sharing trademarks, trade names, products, proprietary technologies and business models, as well as brand visual identity and application programs.
4. Location of stores: the franchise headquarters selects the location of local stores according to the training requirements and location strategy, and obtains the approval of the headquarters.
5. Operation training: provide free technical training, operation management training and service process training for franchise partners.
6. Opening preparation: provide free guidance on store decoration, opening preparation and other work according to the architectural pattern of the store. provide major The headquarters provides some equipment and assists in procurement other Equipment.
7. Opening of the new store: provide free promotional activities during the opening period, tracking services, regular visits to the franchise store by Longjiang Zhujiafan franchise headquarters, free long-term business coaching and management consulting services, and provide follow-up support and brand management for franchise partners.

User consultation

  • If I am interested, please contact me; The budget is 500000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Longjiang authentic pig's feet rice! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-17 15:50:47 From China  42.198.226*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; The store covers more than 40 square meters.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Longjiang authentic pig's feet rice! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 12:22:53 From Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province  59.55.192*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 100000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Longjiang authentic pig's feet rice! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 05:09:02 From Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province  49.81.39*
  • I'm interested, contact me

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Longjiang authentic pig's feet rice! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 17:41:15 From Xiangxi, Hunan  42.48.15*
  • Joined in, Peixian County, Xuzhou

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Longjiang authentic pig's feet rice! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 02:23:50 From Wuwei City, Gansu Province  42.90.192*
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